Add Elements to a QTT Worksheet

The most important task when working with "Questions – Themes – Theories" (QTT) is, of course, to compile the results and findings of the analysis and to insert them into a worksheet. In QTT, you can then comment on individual elements, draw conclusions, and develop hypotheses and theories.

In order to insert elements into a worksheet, sections must be created beforehand. The following image shows all sections that are automatically added when a new worksheet is created:

Different sections of a worksheet in QTT

In the following, we will explain how to add elements for each section.

Please Note: In QTT, a copy of the element is saved at the time of insertion. You can no longer change elements in QTT, only comment on them. For example, if you insert a memo into a worksheet, the memo text is saved in QTT and can be viewed there. If you change the memo in the MAXQDA project, the changes are not transferred to the QTT worksheet.

Related codes & themes

  1. Click the Add Element(s) button to get a selection dialog with the current code system.
  2. Select individual codes or click Activated Codes to insert the currently activated codes.
  3. After clicking OK, the selected codes will be inserted into the worksheet:
Select codes to be inserted into QTT
Codes inserted in QTT

In QTT, each code is displayed in an interactive tile:

  • Hold the mouse over the code memo icon to preview the memo text. Double-click the icon to display the memo (the memo cannot be modified in QTT).
  • Click Coded Segments to access a compilation of all segments coded with the code. This compilation always refers to the current state of the project, not to the time when the code was inserted into the QTT.
  • Drag-and-drop a tile with the mouse to adjust the order of the codes.
  • Right-click the tile to remove the code from the worksheet.

Below the codes you can record your insights in the text box.

Important segments

There are several ways to insert one coded segment (or several at once) into the QTT.

"Document Browser" and "Retrieved Segments" window

If you want to insert a relevant coded segment directly from the "Document Browser", right-click on the associated coding stripe (the "coding bracket") next to the document, select the option Send to QTT Worksheet and then the desired worksheet:

Send coded segment from “Document Browser” to QTT

Alternatively, drag the coding stripe directly into the QTT window with the mouse.

The context menu and drag-and-drop feature are also available for the coding stripe in the "Retrieved Segments" window.

Tabular overview "Coded Segments”

In the tabular listing of coded segments, click the small Send to QTT Worksheet icon in the upper right corner and select the desired sheet:

Send coded segment from the Coded segments tabular overview to QTT

Alternatively, a selected segment (or multiple segments) can be dragged directly into QTT with the mouse.

Display of the coded segments

Coded segments inserted in QTT

In QTT, each coded segment is displayed on an interactive tile:

  • Click and drag a tile to adjust the order.
  • Right-click the tile to copy the contents of the coded segment to the clipboard or to remove the segment from the worksheet.

Below the segments you can record your insights in the text box.

Summary tables

  • Click the Add Element(s) button to get a listing of all summary tables in the project.
  • Select a table and click OK.
Select summary table to be inserted into QTT
Summary table inserted in QTT

Below each summary table you can record your insights.

Right-click on a table to copy it to the clipboard or remove it from the worksheet.

Related memos

  1. Click the Add element(s) button to get a listing of all memos in the project.
  2. Select memos and click OK to insert them into the worksheet:
Select memos to be inserted into QTT
Memos inserted in QTT

Each memo is presented on an interactive tile:

  • Double-click the tile of a memo to display all of its content.
  • Drag-and-drop the tile to adjust the order.
  • Right-click the tile to remove the memo from the worksheet.

Below the memo tiles you can record your insights in the text box.

Tip: You can also directly send memos to QTT from the Memo Editor or the Memo Manager by clicking on the small icon Send to QTT Worksheet.


To insert a visualization created with MAXQDA into QTT, click on the small Send to QTT Worksheet icon in the top right corner of the visualization and select the desired sheet:

Send visualization to QTT
Visualization inserted in QTT

All visualizations that you create via the Visual Tools menu of MAXQDA can be transferred to QTT using the Send to QTT Worksheet icon. Concept maps from MAXMaps are inserted into their own section in QTT (see below).

Below each visualization you can record your insights in the text box.

Concept maps from MAXMaps

  1. In QTT, click the Add element(s) button in the Concept Maps section to get a listing of all maps in the project.
  2. Select a map and click OK.
Select concept maps to be inserted into QTT
Concept map inserted in QTT

Below each concept map you can record your insights in the text box.

It is also possible to insert a concept map by clicking on the corresponding icon directly in the "MAXMaps" window.

Tables and Diagrams

To send tables and diagrams to the QTT workspace, click on the small icon Send to QTT Worksheet.

Send Table to QTT
Send Diagram to QTT


The "Integration" section is a special section in the QTT workspace. This is the place where it all comes together: View all your insights and integrate them into overall conclusions, develop hypotheses and theories.

  • To focus on insights of one particular section simply hide all others by using the context-menu.
  • To return to the default display of all insights just click the button on top Show all Insights, or you might as well use the context-menu again.

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