10 Reasons Why MAXQDA is the Best QDA Software


Are you just starting to learn MAXQDA? We will take you by the hand.

Getting Started Guide

The Getting Started Guides offer step-by-step instructions on setting up your software and creating your first project with your brand new QDA software.

English German Turkish Portuguese (Brasil) Spanish Japanese French

Literature Review Guide

The Literature Review Guide is a short introduction to working with literature data and creating literature reviews with MAXQDA.

English German


Learn more about MAXQDA working techniques and the methodical embedding of your analysis

Analyzing Qualitative Data with MAXQDA: Text, Audio, and Video

How to analyze qualitative and mixed method data with MAXQDA

This book presents strategies for analyzing qualitative and mixed methods data with MAXQDA software, and provides guidance on implementing a variety of research methods and approaches, e.g. grounded theory, discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis, using the software. In addition, it explains specific topics, such as transcription, building a coding frame, visualization, analysis of videos, concept maps, group comparisons and the creation of literature reviews. The book is intended for masters and PhD students as well as researchers and practitioners dealing with qualitative data in various disciplines, including the educational and social sciences, psychology, public health, business or economics.


  • Introduction: Analyzing Qualitative Data with Software
  • Getting to know the Interface of MAXQDA
  • Setting up a Project and Importing Data
  • Transcribing Audi and Video Recordings
  • Exploring the Data
  • Coding Text and PDF Files
  • Coding Video Data, Audio Data, and Images
  • Building a Coding Frame
  • Working with Coded Segments and Memos
  • Adding Variables and Quantifying Codes
  • Working with Paraphrases and Summaries, Creating Case Overviews
  • Comparing Cases and Groups, Discovering Interrelations, Using Visualizations
  • Analyzing Mixed Methods Data
  • Working with Bibliographic Information and Creating Literature Reviews
  • Analyzing Focus Group Data
  • Analyzing (Online) Survey Data with Closed and Open-Ended Questions
  • MAXMaps: Creating Infographics and Concept Maps
  • Collaborating in Teams
  • Analyzing Intercoder Agreement
  • Documenting and Archiving the Research Process

Prof. Udo Kuckartz / Dr. Stefan Rädiker

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Qualitative Text Analysis: A Guide to Methods, Practice and Using Software

How can you analyse narratives, interviews, field notes, or focus group data?

Qualitative text analysis is ideal for these types of data and this textbook provides a hands-on introduction to the method and its theoretical underpinnings. It offers step-by-step instructions for implementing the three principal types of qualitative text analysis: thematic, evaluative, and type-building. Special attention is paid to how to present your results and use qualitative data analysis software packages, which are highly recommended for use in combination with qualitative text analysis since they allow for fast, reliable, and more accurate analysis. The book shows in detail how to use software, from transcribing the verbal data to presenting and visualizing the results.


  • Analyzing Qualitative Data – But How?
  • The Building Blocks of Systematic Qualitative Text Analysis
  • Basic Concepts and Process of Qualitative Text Analysis
  • Three Basic Methods of Qualitative Text Analysis
  • Qualitative Text Analysis Using Computer Assistance
  • Quality Standards, Research Report and Documentation

Udo Kuckartz

Details Order from Sage

Qualitative Text Analysis: A Guide to Methods, Practice and Using Software

This book provides both an in-depth description of how MAXQDA works and comprehensive instruction in the five steps of the Five-Level QDA method. These steps are illustrated with examples from a variety of research projects. It also contains real-world qualitative research projects to illustrate the use of MAXQDA within the Five-Level QDA method. The book is accompanied by three sets of video demonstrations on the companion website.

Nicholas H. Woolf / Christina Silver

Order at Routledge

Articles and publications by MAXQDA practitioners

  • Adelhardt T. / Heckel M. / Stiel S. / Ostgathe C. / Schöffski O.: MRE-Kolonisation oder -Infektion in der Versorgung von Menschen am Lebensende (End-of-Life-Care): Handlungsanweisungen und Informationsmaterialien in zwei deutschen Krankenhäusern—Eine Dokumentenanalyse. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 17: 30–37, 2016.
  • Aguilar B. L. C. / Navarro, R. E.: The Combined Learning in Higher Education. An Experience Through the PBL. In: International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) ISSN: 2454-4116, 4(2) (pp.12-21), 2018.
  • Ahn, H. / Höfer, Y. / Kunz, L.: Die Ermittlung von Lehrkonzeptionsprofilen zur Unterstützung von Berufungsverfahren. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 6(3), S. 135-152, 2011.
    Kontakt: Yvonne Höfer-Diehl unter y.hoefer@tu-bs.de
  • Alejandria-Gonzalez, M.C. / Ghosh, S. / Sacco, N.: Aging in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunities. MD, Lexington Books, 2018.
  • Allemann, L.: Die Samen der Kola-Halbinsel: Über das Leben einer ethnischen Minderheit in der Sowjetunion. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Lang. Reihe: Menschen und Strukturen. Historisch-sozialwissenschaftliche Studien, Vol. 18, ed. by Heiko Haumann, 2010.
  • Alves, E. J. / Cavalcanti, W. M.: Interveniências Sobre a Temática Físico-Cibernética em Tempos de Indústria 4.0. In: Anais do VI Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção – SIMEP 2018. Salvador, Brasil, 2018.
  • Alves, E. J. / Gonçalves, C. A.: Project Portfolio Prioritization Framework-Case Study Applied at a Brazilian Semiconductor Subsidiary. In: Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management 9(1) (pp.55–77), 2018.
  • Alves, E. J. / Gonçalves, C. A.: Qualitative Comparative Analysis as Research Method in Business Administration: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Métodos e Pesquisa Em Administração 2(2) (pp.4–18), 2017.
  • Alves, E. J. / Gonçalves, C. A. / Bax, M.: Agile Methods from the Viewpoint of Information. In: Informação & Informação 22(3) (p.178), 2017.
  • Alves, E. J.: Inovação em organizações produtoras de software. Saarbrücken: Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2015.
  • Alves, E. J./ Gonçalves, C. A. / Martins, H. C.: Eficiência em inovação de organizações associadas à fundação mineira de software. In: Revista de Administração e Inovação 11(2) (pp.220–240), 2014.
  • Alves, E. J. / Lopes, A. L. M.: Eficiência Relativa de Organizações de Tecnologia da Informação em Minas Gerais: Considerações Acerca da Gestão da Inovação e Indicadores Financeiros. In: XXXV EnANPAD (pp. 1–12), Rio de Janeiro, 2011.
  • Amini-Rarani, M. / Zadeh, N. S. / Mohammadi, F. / Javadi, M. / Mohammadzade, M. / Yazdi-Feyzabadi, V.: How the service delivery works in the Iranian specialised burns hospitals? A qualitative approach. In: PloS one, 14(5), 2019.
  • Amini-Rarani, M. / Vahidibenehkohal, J. / Takian, A. / Moeeni, M.: PMU72 attributes of dissatisfaction of health insurance coverage in patients visited public and private dental healthcare centers. In: Value in Health, 22, S720, 2019.
  • Amini-Rarani, M. / Keyvanara M. / Nosratabadi M.: Content analysis of official curriculum of medical sciences from the perspective of early childhood development. In: Iranian Journal of Medical Education. 19(0):506-18, 2019.
  • Baums-Stammberger, B. / Hafeneger, B. / Morgenstern-Einenkel, A.: „Uns wurde die Würde genommen“. Gewalt in den Heimen der evangelischen Brüdergemeinde Korntal in den 1950er bis 1980er Jahren – Aufklärungsbericht, Korntal/Stuttgart, 2018.
  • Beheshti, S.: Qualitative Data Analysis With MAXQDA. In: Ravesh shenasan. Tehran, 2016.
  • Beniston, M. / Stoffel, M. / Hill, M.: Impacts of climatic change on water and natural hazards in the Alps: Can current water governance cope with future challenges? Examples from the European “ACQWA” project. In: Environmental Science and Policy. In Press, 2010.
  • Berendt J. / Oechsle K. / Thomas M. / et al.: Integration der Palliativmedizin in die von der Deutschen Krebshilfe e.V. geförderten onkologischen Spitzenzentren. In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 141(2) (pp.e16–23), 2016.
  • Beusterien, K. / Tsay, S / Gholizadeh S. / Su, Y.: Real-world experience with colorectal cancer chemotherapies: patient web forum analysis. In: Ecancermedicalscience 7 (pp.361-371), 2013.
  • Bolander, B. / Locher, M.A.: Doing sociolinguistic research on computer-mediated data: A review of four methodological issues. In: Discourse, Context & Media 3 (pp.14-26), 2014.
  • Booth C.L.: Experiences and wisdom behind the numbers: qualitative analysis of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Research Prioritization Task Force stakeholder survey. In: American Journal of Preventive Medicine 47(3S2) (pp.106-114), 2014.
  • Braakmann, D. / Enzenhofer, E.: Erleben von Angst und Bedrohung durch Fremdenfeindlichkeit. Einflussfaktoren und Bewältigungsstrategien. In: SWS-Rundschau, Wien (pp. 83-104), 2010. Kontakt: diana.braakmann@sfu.ac.at
  • Brandl-Leeb, C.: Meditation wirkt? Was verändert sich für PädagogInnen bzw. TrainerInnen, die meditieren und welche Möglichkeiten ergeben sich daraus?, 2015. (Bachelorarbeit)
  • Branney, J. / Priego-Hernández, J.: A mixed methods evaluation of team-based learning for applied pathophysiology in undergraduate nursing education. In: Nurse Education Today, 2017.
  • Cansız, M. / Kurnaz, Z. / Yavan, N.: Girişimcilik ekosisteminde Türkiye için yeni bir araç: yenilik merkezleri/ağları. In: Verimlilik Dergisi (4) (pp.7-69), 2018.
  • Carpenter , D.M. / Geryk, L.L. / Sage, A. et al.: Exploring the theoretical pathways through which asthma app features can promote adolescent self-management. In: Translational Behavioral Medicine (pp 1-10), 2016.
  • Cayuela Sánchez, S.: Governing Goods, Bodies and Minds. The biopolitics of Spain during Francoism (1939-1959). In: Foucault Studies, nº 26, (pp.21-41), 2019.
  • Çınarbaş, H. İ.: Experiences of Students with Disabilities in an English Language Teacher Education Program: A Case Study on Preservice Teachers with Visual Impairment. Master’s thesis. Ankara: Middle East Technical University, 2016.
  • Cisneros, C. / Jara, V / Ballesteros, B.: Produciendo datos en Twitter: posibilidades y límites del análisis con software de computación cualitativa. Un ejemplo a partir del caso de “La Manada”. In: Santoveña, S. (coord) Enredados en el mundo digital. Sociedad y redes sociales. Madrid: UNED (pp 87-116), 2018.
  • Colorado, B. / Edel, R.: The Combined Learning in Higher Education. An Experience Through the PBL.In: International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) 4(2) (pp.12-21), 2018. Retrieved https://goo.gl/Zh9RjH
  • Colorado, B. / Edel, R.: Usabilidad pedagógica de las TIC: Perspectiva y reflexión desde la práctica educativa. 2014.
  • Coryn, C.L.S. / Schröter, D.C. / McCowen, R.H.: A Mixed Methods Study of Some of the Factors Associated with Successful School Strategies for Native Hawaiian Students in the State of Hawaii. In: Journal of Mixed Methods Research 8(4) (pp.377-395), 2014.
  • D’Andrea, L. M. / Waters, C. / Rudd, R.: Using computer assisted qualitative software (CAQDAS) to evaluate a novel teaching method for introductory statistics. In: International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 7(1) (pp. 48-60), 2011.
  • De Gregorio, E. / Tagliafico, I. / Verde, A.: A comparison of qualitatively and quantitatively driven analytic procedures of psychotherapeutic group sessions with deviant adolescents. 2017.
  • De Gregorio, E. / Gallon M. / Verde, A.: Troubled groups in situation: qualitative analysis of psychotherapeutic sessions with deviant adolescents. In: Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology (pp. 1-12), 2013.
  • De Lima, L. M.: Analyzing and Mapping Word Frequencies in Interviews using MAXQDA 2018. MAXQDA Research Blog, 2019.
  • De Lima, L. M.: ‘Plants are cooking under the soil’: food production, models of nature and perceptions of climate change among indigenous peasants in Amazonia, Brazil. In: Bennardo, G. (Ed.). Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. New York: Routledge, 2019.
  • Dittrich, E. / Schrader, H. (Eds.): “When Salary is not Enough…” Private Households in Central Asia, Wien, 2015.
  • Dittz, E. S. / Alves, C. R. L. / Duarte, E. D. / Magalhães, L. C.: Contribution of the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) for the maternal care of preterm neonates. In: Journal of Human Growth and Development 27(3) (pp.262-271), 2017.
  • Dresing, T. / Pehl, T.: Transkription. In: Mey, G. / Mruck, K. (Hg.): Handbuch Qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie. VS Verlag, 2010.
  • Duineveld L. AM / Wieldraaijer T. / Wind J. et al.: Primary care-led survivorship care for patients with colon cancer and the use of eHealth: a qualitative study on perspectives of general practitioners. In: BMJ Open (pp.1-10), 2016.
  • Epp, A.: Überlegungen zur Triangulation von biographisch-narrativem Interview und Expert*inneninterview – Methodische Modifikationen und Erweiterungen zur Erfassung von Relationen zwischen Biographie und Subjektiver Theorie. In Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung (ZQF), 20, 1, 191-206, 2019.
  • Epp, A.: The Mosh-Pit – An Area for Excess or a Place of Learning? In Metal Music Studies, 5, 1, 107-114, 2019.
  • Epp, A.: Bildung(sprozesse) inkognito? – Ästhetische Praktiken als Wechselwirkung zwischen Ich und Heavy Metal. In C. Bach (Hg.), Pädagogik im Verborgenen. Bildung und Erziehung in der ästhetischen Gegenwart (S. 259-279). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019.
  • Epp, A.: Subjektive Theorien und ihre biografische Formung – Biografisch aufgeschichtete Deutungsbestände und ihr Einfluss auf die (professionelle) Praxis. In T. Sander & J. Weckwerth (Hg.), Das Personal der Profession (S. 215-235). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 2019.
  • Epp, A.: Verdinglichende Denkweisen von Lehrkräften als Hinweise der Deprofessionalisierung? – Zur Auswirkung ökonomischer Rationalisierungsprozesse im Bildungssystem. In Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik, 94, 4, 596-614, 2018.
  • Epp, A.: (Un-)Möglichkeit computergestützter Narrationsanalyse. Zur Anwendung von QDA-Software in der Biographieforschung. In Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen (BIOS), 30, 1+2, 30-43, 2017.
  • Ernst, S.: Prozessorientierte Methoden in der Arbeits- und Organisationsforschung. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2010. Kontakt: stefanie.ernst@wiso.uni-hamburg.de
  • Fayaz, E. / Nercisyans, E. / Naderi, N. / Babasafari, N. (Corresponding Author): Qualitative Analysis of the Identity Resources Between the Hawrami people. published Journal of Iran Cultural Research, Volume:12 Issue:2, PP 153 -181, 2019.
  • Feuerstein, Th.J.: Computerunterstützte Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerkarbeit. In: Bock, K. / Miethe, I. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Qualitative Methoden in der Sozialen Arbeit (pp. 446-452), Opladen, 2010. Kontakt: thomas.j.feuerstein@hs-rm.de
  • Feld, T.C. / Lauber-Pohle, S. (Hrsg.): Organisation und Profession. Felder erwachsenenpädagogischer Forschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018.
  • Fleming, P. J. / Andes K. L. / DiClemente, R. J.: ‘But I’m not like that’: young men’s navigation of normative masculinities in a marginalised urban community. In: Culture, Health & Sexuality – An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, Paraguay 2013. DOI:10.1080/13691058.2013.779027. Contact Paul Fleming (pjflemin@live.unc.edu) or Karen Andes (kandes@emory.edu).
  • Fournis, Y. / Dumarcher, A.: Le territoire du CRDT. La construction d’un espace intellectuel, entre science et territoire. Rimouski (QC): Éditions GRIDEQ-CRDT, 2017.
  • Fuerst, S.: Entrepreneurial internationalization: A process perspective. Doctoral dissertation, University of Turku, 2017.
  • Galán-Díaz, C. / Edwards, P. / Nelson, J. D.: Digital innovation through partnership between nature conservation organisations and academia: A qualitative impact assessment. In: Ambio 44(4) (pp. 538-549), 2015.
  • Gasteiger, L. / Schneider, W.: Die Modernisierung der Hochschule im Spannungsfeld von politischer Steuerung und Autonomie. Interpretativ-rekonstruktive Diskursforschung und Grounded Theory Methodologie. In: Angermuller, J. / Nonhoff, M. / Herschinger, E. , et al. (Hg.): Diskursforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, 2 Bde., (pp.140-164). Transcript, Bielefeld, 2014.
  • Gata, Ma.L.L.P.: Abeyance Structures for an Environmental Social Movement: The Case of the US Bases Cleanup Campaign in the Philippines. In: Asia Life Sciences: The Asian International Journal of Life Sciences, 25(2) (pp.649-661), 2016.
  • Gata, Ma.L.L.P.: Environmental Inequalities among Indigenous People in the Philippines: The Case of the Tagbanua in Tara Islands, Philippines. In: Journal of Environment and Development, 5(1) (pp.31-38), 2014.
  • Gata, Ma.L.L.P.: A Filipino Transnational Advocacy Network: A Case Study of the US Bases Clean-Up campaign in the Philippines and the United States of America. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida, 2011.
  • Gibbs, G.R.: CAQDAS teaching in the UK. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival, July 8-10 , 2014, Oxford. Electronic document: http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/22746/2/GibbsCaq.pdf [09.04.2015]
  • Gibbs, G.R.: 2013 project report: Count: Developing STEM skills in qualitative research methods teaching and learning. 2013. Electronic Document: https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/resources/Huddersfield_Final.pdf [09.04.2015]
  • Gizzi, M. C.: 11_28 Four Stages-Poster-CTLT-GizziFINAL-ilovepdf-compressed>Harnessing the power of MAXQDA for conducting social science research. Illinois State University, 2019.
  • Gubrium, A. C. / Krause, E.L.: “Doing Your Life”: Narrative Intervention with Young Mothers as Storytellers. In: Human Organization 77(3) (pp.214-227), 2018.
  • Gugushvili, T. / Salukvadze, G. / Salukvadze J.: Fragmented Development: Tourism-driven Economic Changes in Kazbegi, Georgia. In: Annals of Agrarian Sciences, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.aasci.2017.02.005
  • Gugushvili, T. / Salukvadze, G.: Formation of tourism services through Georgian culture: Example of Kazbegi Municipality. In: Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 1 (1) (pp. 68-77), 2015.
  • Guetterman, T. / Creswell, J. W. / & Kuckartz, U.: Using joint displays and MAXQDA software to represent the results of mixed methods research. In: McCrudden, M. / Schraw, G. / Buckendahl, C. (Eds.), Use of visual displays in research and testing: Coding, interpreting, and reporting data (pp. 145-176). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2015.
  • Hatani, F.: Analyzing High-Profile Panel Discussion on Global Health: An Exploration with MAXQDA. In: Forum Qualitative Social Research 16(1) Art. 14, 2015.
  • Heckel, M. / Herbst, F.A. / Adelhart, T. / Tiedtke, J.M. / Sturm, A. / Stiel, S. / Ostgathe, C.: Understanding institutional stakeholders’ perspectives on multidrug-resistant bacterial organism at the end of life: a qualitative study. In: Clinical Interventions in Aging 12 (pp.1605–1613), 2017.
  • Heckel, M. / Sturm, A. / Herbst, F.A. / Ostgathe, C. / Stiel, S.: Effects of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Multiresistant Gram-Negative Bacteria Colonization or Infection and Isolation Measures in End of Life on Family Caregivers: Results of a Qualitative Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine 20(3) (pp.273–281), 2017.
  • Heckel, M. / Rester, D. / Seeberger, B.: „Und den Geschmack habe ich heute auch noch auf der Zunge.“ Geruch und Geschmack im Lebensverlauf—Ein qualitatives Experiment. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 13(3) Art. 3, 2017.
  • Hejnal, O. / L’ubomir L.: Úvod Do MAXQDA: Kvalitativní, Kvantitativní a Smíšený Výzkumný Design. In: Kapitoly z kvalitativního výzkumu, ed. by L. Toušek. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni (pp. 105-118), 2015.
  • Hemme, R.: Metakognitionsanthropologie. Kulturelle Modelle von „Wissen“ und „Lernen“ im Psychologiestudium. In: Berliner Beiträge zur Ethnologie Bd. 43, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin, 2018.
  • Herbst, F.A. / Stiel, S. / Heckel, M. / Ostgathe, C.: Beschreibung und Analyse der Partner in Netzwerken der Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung in Bayern an der Schnittstelle ambulant-stationär: Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie. In: Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 18(06) (pp. 310–318), 2017.
  • Herbst, F.A. / Heckel, M. / Stiel, S. / Ostgathe, C.: Kompetent vernetzt – optimal versorgt! Förderliche Faktoren der Zusammenarbeit in hospizlich-palliativen Versorgungsnetzwerken in Bayern. In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz 60(1) (pp.37–44), 2017.
  • Hille, S. / Bakker P.: Engaging the Social News User: Comments on news sites and Facebook. In: Journalism Practice 8(5) (pp.563-572), 2014.
  • Horwath, I.: „Gut Wehr!“ und die HeldInnen von Heute: Empirische Analysen zur Gleichstellung im Feuerwehrwesen. Dissertation, eingereicht an der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der JKU Linz im November 2010.
  • Hunziker, B.: Abwanderungsverhalten von Spendern. Eine Analyse des Abwanderungsprozesses und der Rückgewinnungsmöglichkeit . Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2010. Kontakt: beat.hunziker@unifr.ch
  • Hussain, A.: Transport Infrastructure and Social Inclusion: A Case Study of Tourism in the Region of Gilgit-Baltistan. Faculty of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, New Zealand, 2017.
  • Hussain, A.:Transport infrastructural development and livelihood: A case of adaptation and diversification strategies in the face of tourism. In: Lee, Craig (Editor); Filep, Sebastian (Editor); Albrecht, Julia N (Editor); Coetzee, Willem JL (Editor). CAUTHE 2017: Time For Big Ideas? Re-thinking The Field For Tomorrow. Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Tourism, University of Otago, 2017: 93-104.
  • Jouhari, Z. / Haghani, F. / Changiz, T.: Factors affecting self-regulated learning in medical students: a qualitative study. In: Medical Education Online Vol 20, 2015.
  • Jovanović, O. / Pavlović, M.: Is It Always Us or Them: How Do Young Serbs and Bosniaks Perceive Intergroup Borders? In: Pratto F. / Žeželj I. / Maloku E. / Turjačanin V. / Branković M. (Eds.), Shaping Social Identities After Violent Conflict (pp. 89-112). London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
  • Jovanović, O. / Plazinić, Lj. / Joksimović, J. / Komlenac, J. / Pešikan, A.: Developing the Early Warning System for identification of students at risk of dropping out using a collaborative action research process. In: Psihološka istraživanja 20(1) (pp.107-125), 2017.
  • Joy, P. / Mann L. / Blotnicky K.: Identification of Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle Issues through Photo Elicitation. In: Canadian Journal of Dietic Practice and Research 75(3) (pp.152-156), 2014.
  • Kim, E. / Lee, D. S.: Job Creation in International Development by Strengthening the ODA Ecosystem. In: KIPA Research Report 2019-22, 2019.
  • Klenk, J.: Mehr als schmutzige Tricks – Mikropolitik und Macht in pädagogischer Organisationsentwicklung. In: Der pädagogische Blick, Volume 1 (pp. 34-44), Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim 2011. Kontakt: johannes.klenk@ifp.uni-tuebingen.de
  • Kovač Cerović, T. / Jovanović, O. / Pavlović Babić D.: Individual education plan as an agent of inclusiveness of the educational system in Serbia: different perspectives, achievements and new dilemmas. In: Psihologija 49 (pp.431-445), 2016.
  • Krause, E.L.: Tight Knit: Global Families and the Social Life of Fast Fashion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.
  • Krause, E.L. / Bressan, M.: Circulating Children, Underwriting Capitalism: Chinese Global Households and Italian Fast-Fashion. In: Current Anthropology 59(5) (pp.572–595), 2018.
  • Krause, E.L. / Bressan, M.: Via Gramsci: Hegemony and Wars of Position in the Streets of Prato. International Gramsci Journal 2(3) (pp.31–66). Special issue on Gramsci and Anthropology: A “Round Trip.”, 2017.
  • Krenz, S. / Walter, U.: Eine gesundheitsfördernde Schule für alle – Chancengleichheit und Teilhabe von Grundschulkindern mit Behinderung – eine qualitative Analyse über Herausforderungen und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten. In: Das Gesundheitswesen 8 (9), 2010.
  • Kuckartz, U.: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung. 4. Auflage, Beltz Juventa, Weinheim, 2018
  • Kuckartz, U.: Qualitative Text Analysis. A Guide to Methods, Practice and Using Software. Sage Publications Ltd., 2014.
  • Kuckartz, A. / Sharp, M.J.: Responsibility: A Key Category for Understanding the Discourse on the Financial Crisis—Analyzing the KWALON Data Set with MAXQDA 10. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 12(1) Art.22, 2011.
  • Kurnaz, Z. / Ansız, M. / Yavan, N.:Girişimcilik Ekosisteminde Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir Araç: Bölgesel Yenilik Merkezleri/Ağları. Verimlilik Dergisi, Sayı 4, (pp.7-69), 2018.
  • Kurnaz, Z. / Özbay, Y. / Büyüköztürk, Ş. / Tomar, İ. H. / Eşici, H. / Aliyev, R. / Yancar, C.: Bağımlılıkla Mücadelede Koruyucu, Önleyici ve Geliştirici Faktör Olarak Yaşam Becerileri. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions. Cilt 6, Sayı 3, (pp.907-961), 2019.
  • Kurnaz, Z. / Cansız, M. / Çağlar, E.: 2023’e Doğru Türkiye’de Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri’nin Dönüşümü. Ankara: UNDP Yayınları, 2019.
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