After opening or creating a new project, you will see the MAXQDA interface:
- At the very top of the screen, you will see the project's file name including the location where it is saved.
- Underneath the file name, you will see the main menu with several tabs that offer quick access to MAXQDA functions.
- MAXQDA’s four main windows occupy the main part of the screen.
- At the bottom of the screen, a bar is located allowing you to open the general settings, the help menu and more.
The menu tabs
Along the top edge of the MAXQDA interface, you will see the main menu, which features several tabs.
As soon as you hold the mouse pointer on one of the main functions, a brief description will appear for most functions.
- The Tab "Stats" is only visible, if you are using a license for MAXQDA Analytics Pro. MAXQDA Stats is an add-on which enables you to perform descriptive and inferential statistical calculations frequently used in research.
- This tab is only available if you are running not any of these license types: demo license, student license, teaching/course license, MAXQDA Reader license. See here how the TeamCloud feature simplifies your team collaboration.
- For Mac, all the functions can be found in identical order in the menu at the top of the screen.
Collapsing the ribbon bar
When you double-click on a tab name, the ribbon collapses to provide more space for working in MAXQDA's four main windows. When the ribbon is collapsed, you must click on the tab title to access a function of the tab. Double-clicking on a tab name again will expand the ribbon again.
Further functions in the main menu
There are several icons to the right of the menu that provide access to other MAXQDA functions.
Change view
You can switch the arrangement of the four main windows at any time between a three-column view for wide screens and a two-column view more suitable for narrow screens.
Undo options
Undo – undoes your last action, such as deleting a code or document.
Redo – redoes the last “undone“ action.
- Turning on Edit mode for a text or spreadsheet document disables MAXQDA's global undo function. While Edit mode is on, no actions can be undone in MAXQDA. Only the local undo function in the "Document Browser" is active, which means you can undo text edits using the formatting bar or context menu. Once you switch off Edit mode all changes within the document are saved and can no longer be undone.
- The same applies to transcription mode, as MAXQDA's Edit mode is automatically turned on for this.
- The "Merge Projects" and "Import Teamwork" actions cannot be undone. Since these functions can have complex effects on the project structure, a backup copy of the project is automatically created in the designated folder before the function is started. Actions taken before using these functions cannot be undone.
- Text changes within a memo are also saved when the memo is closed. The undo function returns the memo to the state before it was opened.
- The undo function of MAXQDA has no effect on MAXMaps - there is a local undo function, which applies to the opened map.
The four main windows
MAXQDA's four main windows occupy the main part of the main interface:
The four windows have the following functions:
- The “Document System” provides an overview of all the texts, PDF files, tables, pictures and media files of your project. You also have the option of organizing these documents in document groups, which act as folders.
- The “Code System” displays all the codes, subcodes, and code memos created so far.
- The “Document Browser” displays one of the documents from the “Document System”, where it can then be worked on. You can highlight, edit, code, create links, or attach memos in this window.
- The “Retrieved Segments” window is a results window. Here you can display a selection of coded segments.
Hiding or displaying the main windows
All four main windows have a small toolbar at the top for quick access to frequently used functions. When you move the mouse over an icon, a tooltip appears with a brief description.
To the right of the toolbar, all main windows offer the same three functions:
- The gear symbol opens the settings that apply to that window.
- The long dash minimizes the window to the bar at the bottom of the window. Click on the name of the window in the bar at the bottom to open it again.
- The window symbol with the arrow releases the window from its fixed structure, for example to place it on a second screen.