How to code

In MAXQDA, the process of assigning codes to segments of text, images, or videos is referred to as "coding." A coded text, image, or video section is called a "coding segment."

You can assign any number of codes to a document or a specific segment of a document. The technical limit on the number of coded segments per document is so high that it rarely affects practical use. Additionally, coded segments can overlap, intersect, or be entirely contained within other coded segments.

Coding a segment with drag and drop

Coding in MAXQDA is simple: highlight a text segment in the "Document Browser" and drag and drop it onto a code in the codes window.

Drag and drop to codep

Alternatively, you can also do the reverse: drag and drop a code from the codes window onto a selected segment in the "Document Browser".

Please note: MAXQDA ensures that the same code is not assigned to a segment more than once. Therefore, segments assigned the same code will never overlap.

Notes on specific types of documents

Coding text and image segments in a PDF

You can select text segments in a PDF as usual by highlighting them with the mouse.

Highlighted text in a PDF

To code an image within a PDF, you can select it by using your mouse to draw a frame around the image, as pictured below.

Highlighted image segment in a PDF

Begin the selection process in an area that does not contain any selectable characters. You can then fine-tune the selected area by clicking and dragging the corners to resize it as needed.

If you want to extract text from a PDF or image that lacks a readable text layer, MAXQDA provides OCR capabilities to accomplish this. To learn about this, check out the relevant page.

Selecting image segments

You can code image segments by selecting them using your mouse to draw a frame around the part you wish to code, similar to how it is done in PDF documents. You can later adjust the frame borders by clicking and dragging its corners.

Selecting text in tables

To select text within a table, double-click on the cell. Once the cell displays an orange frame, you can use the mouse to select text within this cell. You cannot select multiple cells at the same time.

Selecting video segments

To code video data in MAXQDA, you should use the "Multimedia Browser." Detailed instructions for this process can be found on the relevant page.

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