Export Worksheet

When working with the QTT, many findings and conclusions arise that can become important parts of the final report. Therefore, you can export an entire worksheet as a Word file, as well as you can copy individual elements and individual areas to any program via the clipboard.

Export entire worksheet

To export the entire worksheet, click the Export icon in the menu tab of the QTT window. MAXQDA exports the worksheet as a Word file in DOCX format, with each section starting on a new page:

Exported worksheet in Word

Export a single area

To export all the contents of a single section, right-click its tab name and select Copy Content. Now you can paste the contents of the clipboard directly into Word or another program, for example, by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘+V (macOS).

Copy the contents of the Visualizations section to the clipboard

Export a single element

To export individual elements, such as a visualization or a memo, right-click on them and select Copy. Now you can paste the contents of the clipboard directly into Word or another program, for example, by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘+V (macOS).

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