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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Ramani Swarna

Language(s)English, Hindi


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops

Method Workshops

  • Social Media Analysis
  • Film Analysis
  • Focus Group Analysis
  • Content Analysis
  • Literature Review
  • Buddhist Analysis
  • Jaini Analysis
  • Nyaya-Vaishesika Analysis
  • Analysis of Yoga Philosophy
  • Vedic Analysis
  • Upanisadic Analysis
  • other workshops
Methodological Expertise
  • Western and Indian Philosophical Systems
  • Interview Analysis
  • Field Notes
  • Comparative Studies and Traditional Qualitative Studie
  • Contemporary Qualitative Schools
Consulting Services
  • Individual Workshops
  • JFJS Research Center Activities on Research

MAXQDA specializes in working with the categories and that too in depth. This is something where I am a big fan of MAXQDA. There is no other tool that compares to MAXQDA, especially when it comes to analyzing video and audio. It's great and outperforms all other tools. Coming from a philosophy background, I understand the logical and analytical steps involved in coding in MAXQDA, especially when working with coding and analysis through various qualitative methods. In addition, text analysis with MAXDictio is excellent, although I have yet to use it fully. I have yet to use it fully for my analysis. I find MAXQDA to be much better for traditional qualitative methods than the other methods. You can plot and create the codes for different lived experiences for a phenomenological search. It is best suited for my film and documentary analysis. I wrote a paper on audio analysis of the voices of Amitabh Bacchan (the most popular hero of Bollywood) to analyze his popularity as a film hero over the years. I have given about 25 presentations on Qualitative Research with MAXQDA at international conferences. There are also some videos uploaded to YouTube. Now I am seriously advising my scholars and faculty members on MAXQDA because they come from management and business administration or commerce or finance and have no background knowledge of the 38 different philosophical dichotomies that need to be identified and selected even before a qualitative research question or research methodology or research process is decided or implemented in the research.

Twitter ramaniswarna

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