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Certified MAXQDA Trainer:
Tamara Pataki

Language(s) German, English, Hungarian
Location Berlin, Deutschland
Radius online worldwide or on-site: Germany, Hungary


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops

Method Workshops

  • Reporting
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Focus Group Analysis
  • Qualitative Content Analysis
  • Visualization


Methodological Expertise
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Expert Interviews
  • Historical Research
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Qualitative Content Analysis
Consulting Services
  • Consulting for groups or individuals for social science or historical research with MAXQDA
  • Contract research: qualitative data analysis, evaluation
  • Research methods: research methods and design for students (esp. history and political science)
  • Master studies in Political Science and History at the Free University Berlin, currently I am a PhD student in International Political Economy at the Central European University in Vienna
  • Research experience: I have been conducting data analysis with MAXQDA since 2016 in social science research projects, especially for political and communication science. My research interests concern political and economic transformations and international organizations. Methodically, I am experienced with qualitative content analysis, discourse analysis and historical research.
  • Teaching experience: I regularly deliver webinars on MAXQDA functions and features. I taught introductory courses on Political Science, International Political Economy and gave trainings on research methods.
  • Contract research: As an external contractor I have been involved in evaluation projects with MAXQDA educational and healthcare sector
Relevant Publications

Pataki, Tamara (2020). Imperial Legacies in the Discourse on the Establishment of the Humboldt Forum. PolisReflects, 1 (pp. 96-111).

Another Future: How Environmental Movements were Renegotiating the Legitimacy of the Soviet Union” in Schwalbe et al. (Eds), How Communism Shaped our World (pp. 47-54). Berlin: Pro Universitate.


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