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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Mag. Anna Oberrauch, PhD

LocationInnsbruck, Austria


  • Starter Workshop
Methodological Expertise
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Content Analysis
  • Mixed Methods/Triangulation
  • Visualisation

I work as a researcher and lecturer at the University College oft Teacher Education Tyrol (Innsbruck, Austria) and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy). I work with MAXQDA since 2011 for the purposes of various research projects in the fields of quality of life research, science education, geography education and education for sustainable develoment. I analyse different qualitative data, mainly based on the method of qualitative content analyses: Interviews, open ended questions from surveys, focus groups, research diaries from students and teachers, freewritings, etc.. I also use MAXQDA to combine quantitative and qualitative data based on Mixed-Methods-Approaches and to visualise research results in a clearly and creative way.
As I have been ”a pioneer” in my research team and at the institutions I am working at, using computer-software to analyze qualitative data, other people began to ask me for help: For which purposes can I use the software? What are the benefits? How simple or difficult is it to use? Would you recommend me to use the program in my research project? So I began to advise other people and to give workshops for research groups within and outside of my institution. If you also need my help to get started using MAXQDA, please contact me.

Relevant Publications

Oberrauch, A. & Keller, L. (2015): Methodenkombination in der Conceptual Change-Forschung. Komplexität in multiperspektivischen Forschungsdesigns gerecht werden. In: Budke, A. & Kuckuck, M. (Hrsg.): Geographiedidaktische Forschungsmethoden. In: Praxis Neue Kulturgeographie. Berlin, Münster: LIT-Verlag, S. 86-109.

Other publications, which present results from my work with MaxQDA, are:

Oberrauch, A., Keller, L., Sanin, P. & Riede, M. (2014): Lebensqualitätsvorstellungen von Jugendlichen im Kontext des Leitbilds nachhaltiger Entwicklung. In: Mitteilungen der österreichischen geographischen Gesellschaft 156, S.221-248.

Keller, L. & Oberrauch, A. (2014): Can innovative learning settings support Education for Sustainable Development? – Teenagers from Northern and Southern Tyrol perform research on quality of life. In: Schmeinck, D. & Lidstone, J. (Hrsg.): Standards and Research in Geography Education. Current Trends and International Issues. Mensch und Buch Verlag, Berlin, p.81-92.

To see other publications, scientific and teaching activities have a look on my homepage:


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