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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Hannah Mirjam Adzakpa

Language(s)German, English, Hungarian

Standard Workshops

  • Starter Workshop

Other types of workshops

  • MAXQDA for Lawyers
Methodological Expertise
  • Legal-Doctrinal Research,
  • Comparative Method for Lawyers
  • Comparative Method for Social Scientists
  • (fuzzy-set) Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Consulting Services

Special emphasis on consulting for PhD-Students in Law


I am using MAXQDA for my interdisciplinary PhD-project and a  separate Research Assistance project. At the EUI (Florence, Italy) I held a very successful workshop introducing MAXQDA as part of a qualitative document analysis-workshop. My specific focus is making MAXQDA accessible to Law Researchers. This is why I was approached and have coached several Law Researchers wishing to use MAXQDA in their projects.


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