MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Dr. César A. Cisneros Puebla

Upcoming Workshops
On Demand

MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020: Nuevas herramientas para el análisis cualitativo



Language(s) English, Spanish
Location Mexico City, México and Santiago de Chile, Chile
Radius México, USA, South America, Spain

Standard Workshops

  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops

Method-Focused Workshops

  • Visualizations
  • Mixed Methods
  • Grounded Theory
Methodological Expertise
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis
  • Grounded Theory
  • Qualitative Data Analysis
  • Discourse Analysis
Consulting Services

Consulting Research Groups in Social Research


I have been a MAXQDA-Trainer since 2001 and have conducted workshops in diverse countries. I hold a PhD in political science and have created MAXQDA Spanish example project. I regularly offer methodological courses in social science methodologies and epistemology. I have collaborated with MAXQDA in developing the geo-coding tools available since 2007 version. I am happy sharing my expertise in my workshops and bringing my consulting service for interested research groups.


Relevant Publications

Cisneros, C. (2023) Indigenization” of the Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM): An  

   Unfinished Conversation with Kathy Charmaz Festschrift in Honour of Kathy Charmaz. 

   Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Volume 56, 55–66

Cisneros, C. (2022) Microsociology of Killing in Mexican video executions. Security,  

   Escalation, and Violence. Video Analysis as a New Tool for a Sociology of Violence.  

   Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR). 47 (1) 

   289-308.doi: 10.12759/hsr.47.2022.13 

Cisneros, C. (2022). Multivocality as Practice of Critical Inquiry for Social Justice. The 

   Qualitative Report, 27(8), 1529-1546.

Cisneros, C., Jara, V. (2022) Chile, pandemia y la vida en la calle: habitando la ciudad desde el olvido. En: Christy Petropoulou, John Holloway, Vasilis Georgacopoulos, Constantinos Zafiris, Dionisis Tzanetatos, Naya Tselepi, Violeta Dimitrakopoulou, Giannis Sotiriou (eds). Las Luchas de l@s invisibles en tiempos de pandemia. Tomo II. Universidad del Mar Egeo-BUAP. pp 295-310 

Cisneros, C. (2021) Investigación cualitativa peligrosa y subversión creativa: Rebeldía popular y drama social en el octubre chileno 2019. En Cabrolié; M., Maerk, J. y Torres, G. (eds.): Prácticas y saberes, encuentros y desencuentros: construcción del conocimiento en América Latina y El Caribe. México: CIALC-UNAM. pp 269-297 

Cisneros, C. (2021) It is a lonely voice between the social rebellion and the pandemic. In Denzin, N. K. & Giardina, M. D.  (Eds) Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry. Research in a Pandemic. pp 70-76, 605 Third Avenue, NY., Routledge

Jara, V., Cisneros, C. (2021) Migrants in Chile: Social crisis and the pandemic  

   (or sailing over troubled water…). Qualitative Social Work 20 (1.2) 284-288 

Cisneros-Puebla, C. (2021) Creative Subversion: Staking a Claim for Critical Qualitative  

   Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry 27(3-4) 455–464

Cisneros, C. (2020) Poetics of Rage as Performative Creative Subversion: Autoethnography and Social Drama. In Denzin, N & Salvo, J (Eds) New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Performance as Resistance. pp. 103- 113. Myers Education Press: Gorham, ME 

Cisneros, C. (2019) Análisis socioespacial de salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes. In: Zarco, J., Ramasco, M., Pedraz, A., Palmar, A. (eds) Investigación cualitativa en salud. Cuadernos metodológicos 58. CIS, Madrid. pp. 303-319 

Cisneros, C. (2019) Mexiko. In Schnettler, B., Tuma, R., vom Lehn, D., Traue, B., Eberle, T. (eds.) Kleines Al(e)phabet des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus Springer VS Germany pp. 314-317 

Cisneros, C. (2019) Mexican, Not Latino. a T-shirt as an artifact of creative subversion.  

   International Review of Qualitative Research. 12 (1) 36-41.

Cisneros, C. (2018) Qualitative Inquiry and Creative Subversion: Challenges in the Context of Terror. In Rinehart, R., Kidd, J., & Garcia, A (eds) Southern Hemisphere Ethnographies of space, place, and time. Peter Lang, Switzerland. pp: 17-29 

Cisneros, C. (2018) Some Reflections on Reception and Influences of Berger and Luckmann ́s Book on Social Construction of Reality in the Spanish-speaking World. In Pfadenhauer, M. & Knoblauch, H. (eds.) Social Constructivism as Paradigm? The legacy of the Social Construction of Reality. Routledge. 118-127 

Cisneros, C., Jara, V., Ballesteros, B (2018) Produciendo datos en Twitter: posibilidades y límites del análisis con software de computación cualitativa. Un ejemplo a partir del caso de “La Manada”. En: Santoveña, S. (coord) Enredados en el mundo digital. Sociedad y redes sociales. pp 87-116. Madrid: UNED

Cisneros, C. (2006) Qualitative Computing. In: Ritzer, G. (ed) International Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. pp. 3725-3726. Blackwell: US

Fielding, N. & Cisneros, C. (2009) CAQDAS-GIS Convergence: Toward a New Integrated Mixed Method Research Practice. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 3 (4) pp. 349-370

Cisneros, C. (2011) Análisis Cualitativo Asistido por Computadora. Teoría e Investigación. México: UAMI/MA Porrúa.


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