MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Muhammad Awais

Language(s) English
Location Lahore, Pakistan

Standard Workshops

  • Starter Workshops

Method-Focused Workshops

  • Social Media Data
  • Mixed Methods
Methodological Expertise
  • In-depth Interviews
  • Content Analysis
  • Ethnography
  • Focus Group Analysis
  • Mixed Methods
Consulting Services

I specialize in qualitative methods, including ethnography, focus groups, and in-depth interviews, and provide training on a variety of qualitative methods, especially mixed methods.



A former Harvard student, I am now a lecturer in the School of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, and I am teaching research methods to MPhil students in Media and Communication Studies. I have used MAXQDA in nearly 10 research projects. Since I started consulting 3 years ago, I have been encouraging my students and faculty from universities in Pakistan, India, China, Turkey, and America to use MAXQDA to analyze their qualitative research data.


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