10 Reasons Why MAXQDA is the Best QDA Software

MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Prof. Amber Wutich

Language(s) English, Spanish
Location Phoenix, Arizona, USA


  • Starter Workshop
Methodological Expertise
  • Text Analysis
  • Cross-Cultural Research
  • Mixed Methods
  • Ethnography
  • Content Analysis
Consulting Services
  • Ethnography
  • Cross-Cultural Research
  • Research Design

As an anthropologist and methodologist, my career has been dedicated to advancing methods for qualitative analysis. I have expertise in a wide range of methods for qualitative analysis including theme identification, codebook development, systematic coding, and comparative analysis. I am a faculty member charged with teaching text analysis for the US National Science Foundation’s Short Courses in Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology, and previously served as faculty for the US National Science Foundation’s Summer Institute for Research Design. Over the last decade, I have also regularly taught text analysis in workshops run by the American Anthropology Association, Society for Applied Anthropology, and the Arizona State University Institute for Social Science Research. I enjoy teaching research methods and consulting on research design, data collection, and data analysis for qualitative and mixed-methods research.

Relevant Publications

Bernard, H.R., A. Wutich, and G. Ryan. (2016) Analyzing Qualitative Data Systematic approaches. Second Edition. SAGE Publications. In press.

Wutich, A. (2016) Methods in medical anthropology: Discourse Analysis. In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed., Catherine Panter-Brick. Wiley-Blackwell. In press.

Hagaman, A. and A. Wutich. (2017) How many interviews are enough to identify metathemes in multi-sited and cross-cultural research? Another perspective on Guest, Bunce, and Johnson’s (2006) landmark study. Field Methods. 29(1): in press.

Wutich, A., G. Ryan, H.R. Bernard. (2014) Text Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. In Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. (Eds., H.R. Bernard and C. Gravlee). Second edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Wutich, A., T. Lant, D. White, K. Larson, and M. Gartin. (2010) Comparing Focus Group and Individual Responses on Sensitive Topics: A Study of Water Decision-makers in a Desert City. Field Methods. 22(1): 88-110.

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