Certified MAXQDA Trainer:
Danielle Jacques
Language(s) | English |
Location | Chicago, IL, USA |
Workshops | Standard Workshops
Method-Focused Workshops
Methodological Expertise |
Experience | I am a sociologist with an MA from the University of Chicago, where I used MAXQDA to analyze semi-structured interviews on public transportation, development, and citizenship in Dakar, Senegal. Since graduating, I have used MAXQDA for a variety of professional projects, including data analysis for international development studies as well as competitive analyses for consulting firms. Today, I am a professional MAXQDA trainer and consultant through my company, Jacques Consulting Solutions LLC, which offers qualitative & mixed methods consulting to academic and professional researchers across the social sciences and humanities. I have also represented MAXQDA at various academic conferences across the US and love sharing how the software can enhance any qualitative or mixed methods project. |
Website |
http://daniellenjacques.com/ |
danielle@jacquescs.com |
X / Twitter |
https://twitter.com/DaniJacq |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellenjacques/ |