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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Mariana Lima Bandeira

Language(s)Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish
LocationQuito, Ecuador


  • Starter
  • Advanced

Method Workshops:

  • Visual Tools
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Mixed Methods
  • Audio Video Analysis

Other Workshops

  • Qualitative Design
Methodological Expertise
  • Content Analysis
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Narrative Analysis.

I have given some workshops and webinars with MAXQDA since 2022, December. Nevertheless, I have been working with qualitative studies since 2005 and I have some publications that can certificate that. I prepared a course about Sistematic Literature Review that I included some videos about the use of MAXQDA - For Software-Shop.

Relevant Publications

In my ORCID you can see my relevant publications. Some of them I used qualitative softwares.


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