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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Dr. Susanne Sackl-Sharif

Language(s) German, English
Location Graz, Austria


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops

Method Focus

  • Grounded Theory (Method Focus)
  • Content Analysis (Method Focus)
  • Thematic Coding
Methodological Expertise
  • Qualitative research designs
  • Qualitative Content Analysis
  • Qualitative Interviews
  • Group discussions / Focus Groups
  • Ethnographic Methods
  • Visual Analysis
  • Social Media
  • Websites

Since 2010 I have worked in various qualitative research projects and I always used MAXQDA for my analyses. For example, I used MAXDA for

my PhD thesis "Gender - Metal - Video Clips" (2010-2014; Institute of Musicology/University of Graz)
the FWF/DFG research project "After Bologna: Gender Studies in Entrepreneurial Universities" (2012-2014; Institute of Sociology/University of Graz & ZIFG/TU Berlin)
the FWF PEEK research project "GAPPP: Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice" (2016-2017; Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics/University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
various research projects at the Web Literacy Lab at the FH JOANNEUM (2016-2021)
for various research projects on „digitalisation at the workplace“ (since 2016)
Since 2014 I have also been working as a MAXQDA trainer at the Methodological Competence Centre (GMZ) in Graz, Austria, am active as a lecturer for (qualitative) research methods and advise researchers and students in the context of theses, research proposals or research projects.

Relevant Publications

Selection of publications for which I used MAXQDA :

Sabine Klinger, Andrea Mayr & Sackl-Sharif, Susanne (2022). Digitalisierung der Handlungspraxis in der Sozialen Arbeit. Kontrastierungen nach Angebotsstrukturen und Zielgruppen [69 Absätze]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research23(2), Art. 14,

Susanne Sackl-Sharif (2021). The Dark Side of Blogging: Digital Metal Communities and Metal Influencers. In: Metal Music Studies, 7(2), S. 237-255.

Susanne Sackl-Sharif, Gregor Fischer-Lessiak, Eva Goldgruber & Sonja Radkohl (2020). The Public-Private Dichotomy and Online Hate Speech: Communication Studies and Legal Perspectives. In: I-LanD Journal. Identity, Language and Diversity, 2020(2), S. 10-29.

Gerlinde Malli & Susanne Sackl-Sharif (2015). „Researching One’s Own Field. Interaction Dynamics and Methodological Challenges in the Context of Higher Education Research [47 paragraphs]”, in: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16(1), Art. 11,

Susanne Sackl-Sharif (2015). Gender – Metal – Videoclips. Eine qualitative Rezeptionsstudie. Opladen/Berlin/Toronto: Budrich UniPress.


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