MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Prof. Carolyn Tubbs
Language(s) | English |
Location | San Antonio, TX, USA |
Workshops | Standard
Method Focus
Methodological Expertise |
Consulting Services | Consulting Individuals in Social Research |
Experience | I have used MAXQDA since 2008 in my own work and in assisting my doctoral students with their research projects. I also present workshops to university faculty and graduate students. In addition, I teach MAXQDA as part of a doctoral level qualitative research course. My PhD is in Family Studies and Marriage and Family Therapy. I have used MAXQDA for analyzing qualitative interviews based on various qualitative approaches/research designs. I have done dissertation research consulting, as well consultation on research projects. |
Relevant Publications | Tubbs, C. Y. (2010). African American women’s perspectives of shared parenting after dissolution of a violent relationship. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 22,130-152. Mitchell, M. B., Kuczynski, L., Tubbs, C. Y., & Ross, C. (2010). We care about care: Advice by children in care for children in care, foster parents, and child welfare workers about the transition into foster care. Child and Family Social Work, 15 (2), 176-185. |
Website | | |
Phone | +1 210-421-8510 |