10 Reasons Why MAXQDA is the Best QDA Software

MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Dr. Thomas Kollewe

Language(s) German, English
Location Hanau, Deutschland


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops

Method Workshops

  • Visual Tools
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Mixed Methods


  • Content Analysis
  • Analyzing (Online) Survey Data
Methodological Expertise
  • Content Analysis
  • Mixed Methods
  • Evaluation
  • Online Surveys
  • Data Visualization
  • Creating Interview Guides and Questionnaires
Consulting Services

Consultations are available for both individuals and groups on all issues related to the research process. I offer in-house sessions and video sessions.


I have a degree in educational sciences and was introduced to MAXQDA during my studies. Since 2007, I have been conducting workshops and consultations on MAXQDA and the application of social science research methods and evaluation. During this time, I have provided training and assistance to individual researchers and research teams from diverse fields such as humanities, social sciences, criminology, medicine, and economics. In addition to my methodological expertise, I have more than a decade of experience teaching didactic skills and the underlying principles of learning psychology. I tailor my services to meet your specific needs, enabling you to apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills directly to your research practice.

Relevant Publications

Projects in which MAXQDA has been used:

J. Sterz, V. Britz, P. Carstensen, T. Kollewe, S. H. Voß, M. C. Stefanescu, T. Schreckenbach, R. D. Verboket, M. Rüsseler (2022). Der Chirurg im Spagat – Lehre im klinischen Alltag. In: Chirurg 93, 286–291.

M. Rüsseler, A. Schill, P. Kalozoumi-Paisi, C. Ganzert, L. Arheilger, J. Sterz, T. Kollewe, S. H. Hoefer, F. Adili (2017). Lehre im Fokus – Wie beurteilen Studierende ihre praktisch-klinische Ausbildung in der Chirurgie? In: Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 142(01):46-53.

Methods & Evaluation:

U. Kuckartz., S. Rädiker, T. Ebert & J. Schehl (2013). Statistik. Eine verständliche Einführung. 2., überarb. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. U. Kuckartz, T. Ebert (2012): Online-Erhebung von Mixed-Methods-Daten. In: Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online.

Juventa. U. Kuckartz, H. Schnoor, S. Weber, T. Ebert (2012): Komplexe Wirklichkeit Hochschule. Evaluation und Studiengangsentwicklung am Beispiel des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. In: U. Kuckartz, S. Rädiker: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Evaluationspraxis. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.

U. Kuckartz, T. Ebert, S. Rädiker, C. Stefer (2009). Evaluation Online. Internetgestützte Befragung in der Praxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Website www.thomaskollewe.com
Email info@thomaskollewe.com

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