MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Dr. Thomas Kollewe
Language(s) | German, English |
Location | Hanau, Deutschland |
Workshops | Standard
Method Workshops
Methodological Expertise |
Consulting Services | Consultations are available for both individuals and groups on all issues related to the research process. I offer in-house sessions and video sessions. |
Experience | I have a degree in educational sciences and was introduced to MAXQDA during my studies. Since 2007, I have been conducting workshops and consultations on MAXQDA and the application of social science research methods and evaluation. During this time, I have provided training and assistance to individual researchers and research teams from diverse fields such as humanities, social sciences, criminology, medicine, and economics. In addition to my methodological expertise, I have more than a decade of experience teaching didactic skills and the underlying principles of learning psychology. I tailor my services to meet your specific needs, enabling you to apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills directly to your research practice. |
Relevant Publications | Projects in which MAXQDA has been used: J. Sterz, V. Britz, P. Carstensen, T. Kollewe, S. H. Voß, M. C. Stefanescu, T. Schreckenbach, R. D. Verboket, M. Rüsseler (2022). Der Chirurg im Spagat – Lehre im klinischen Alltag. In: Chirurg 93, 286–291. M. Rüsseler, A. Schill, P. Kalozoumi-Paisi, C. Ganzert, L. Arheilger, J. Sterz, T. Kollewe, S. H. Hoefer, F. Adili (2017). Lehre im Fokus – Wie beurteilen Studierende ihre praktisch-klinische Ausbildung in der Chirurgie? In: Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 142(01):46-53. Methods & Evaluation: U. Kuckartz., S. Rädiker, T. Ebert & J. Schehl (2013). Statistik. Eine verständliche Einführung. 2., überarb. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. U. Kuckartz, T. Ebert (2012): Online-Erhebung von Mixed-Methods-Daten. In: Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online. Juventa. U. Kuckartz, H. Schnoor, S. Weber, T. Ebert (2012): Komplexe Wirklichkeit Hochschule. Evaluation und Studiengangsentwicklung am Beispiel des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. In: U. Kuckartz, S. Rädiker: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Evaluationspraxis. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa. U. Kuckartz, T. Ebert, S. Rädiker, C. Stefer (2009). Evaluation Online. Internetgestützte Befragung in der Praxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. |
Website | | |