MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Prof. İdil Işık
Language(s) | English, Turkish |
Location | Istanbul, Turkey |
Workshops | Standard
Method Focus
Methodological Expertise |
Consulting Services | I offer consultation services regarding data driven approaches in Human Resources Management; Methodological applications in Industrial and Organizational Psychology; and Occupational Safety and Health |
Experience | I am Assistant Professor and the program director in Organizational Psychology Master’s Program at Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. My academic focus is more on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methodologies. I apply my focus to the behavioral dynamics at work including social identity, diversity, workplace mistreatments, and occupational safety and health. I earned my psychology undergraduate degree from Boğaziçi University, Turkey; Masters and PhD degree on Organizational Behavior from Marmara University, Turkey. I am currently teaching advanced quantitative and qualitative research methods courses in my institution to develop the students’ skills for SPSS and MAXQDA consequently. I am actively and intensively using MAXQDA both in my academic research, in the process of advising to undergraduate and graduate students in their thesis, and also in teaching of qualitative research course. |
Relevant Publications | Vatansever, Ç., Çalışkan,S., & Işık, I. (2015). Bir Dünya Şirketinin Türkiye’deki Çalışanlarına Göre Çeşitliliklerin Yönetimi: Gömülü Kuram Analiziyle Modelleme. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (1-2), 27-60. (Grounded Theory) Işık, İ. (2015). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Profesyonellerinin İş Ortamındaki Zorbalık Davranışlarına Dair Perspektiflerinin Nitel İçerik Analizi: Zorbalığın Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Sonuçları, Çalışma ve Toplum Dergisi, 47 (4), 239-275. (Inductive qualitative data analysis) Işık, İ. (2015) “HRM Professionals’ Perceptions of Workplace Bullying in the Cultural Context of Turkey”, 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August, 7-11, 2015, Vancouver, Kanada. (Inductive qualitative data analysis) Işık, İ. (2015). "Teaching Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Graduate Level and Evaluation of the Curriculum by the Contingency Perspective: Reflections from Organization Theory course” 5th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, July, 23-25, 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia. (Inductive qualitative data analysis) Işık, İ., Kılıç, N. Vatansever, Ç., Sungur, E. (2011). Evaluating and Modeling Job Safety Culture, 19. Dünya İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Konferansı, İstanbul, Türkiye. (Inductive qualitative data analysis) Organizational Psychology Master’s Program - Graduate student thesis Manguwo Mbewe, T.K. ve Işık, İ. (2015). İş Ortamında Engelli Çalışanlarla İlk Karşılaşma Deneyimi ve Birlikte Çalışma Yaşantısının Engelli Çalışanın Algılanışına Etkileri: Yorumlayıcı Fenemenolojik Analiz Yönetimi ile İnceleme (Investigation of Perception of employees with disability at work setting with Interpretative Phenomenological Approach) Koyulhisarlı, E. ve Işık, İ. (2015). Algılanan Gruplar Arası Fark ile Örgütsel Özdeşleşme arasındaki İlişki: Bir Nitel İçerik Analizi Uygulaması (Perceived in-group and out-group differentation: Investigation with deductive qualitative content analysis) Emel Seven and İdil Işık (Haziran 2015). Sivil Alan Eğitmenlerinin Sosyal Kimlik Algısı ve Motivasyon. (Social identity of trainers in the civil society; investigation with inductive qualitative content analysis) |
Website | | |
Phone | +90 212 311 77 76 |