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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Prof. Dr. Deusdedit A. Rwehumbiza

Language(s) English
Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshop

Method Focus

  • Content analysis
Methodological Expertise
  • Mixed Methods
Consulting Services

Consulting Research Groups in Social Research, particularly in the areas of policy advocacy and dialogue for non-state actors, internationalization of companies in the time of flux, entrepreneurship and business management advisory services to both public and private sector organizations.


I have been a MAXQDA-Trainer since July 2013 and have given three intensive workshops to PhD students at Leipzig University in Germany. I hold a PhD in Trade and International Business and have used MAXQDA for analyzing case studies based on mixed methods approaches during my dissertation. I regularly offer methodological courses in the field of social research at the University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and have developed a strong interest in Grounded Theory Methodology, which I am happy to share in my workshops or to apply as a consulting service for interested research groups.

Relevant Publications
  • Rwehumbiza, D.A. and Sakijege, T. (2021), "Economic benefits and the geographic aspect of business behaviour", Management Decision, Vol. 60 No. 1,pp.189 – 210.
  • Rwehumbiza, D. A. and Marinov, M. A. (2020), “Intra-regional diversification and revenue of export manufacturers”, European Journal of International Management, Vol. 14 No.6, pp.1024 - 1048.
  • Rwehumbiza, D. (2020), “Locus and Revenue of Export Manufacturers: Why Extra-Regional Markets?”, Journal of African Business, Vol. 21No.4, pp. 560-577.
  • Rwehumbiza, D., Dornberger, U. and Nabi, M. N. U. (2016), “International expansion of clothing manufacturers from Kenya: A dichotomy between firms’ capabilities and institutional support”, in Marinov, M. A. and Sorensen, O.J. (Eds.), Finding Solutions to the Challenges of Internationalisation, Aalborg University Press.
  • Rwehumbiza, D. (2015), Internationalisation differentials of clothing manufacturers from East Africa: Drivers beyond trade preferences, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, International Small Enterprises Promotion and Training (SEPT) Program, Leipzig University, Germany.

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