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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Olja Jovanović

Language(s) English, Serbian
Location Belgrade, Serbia
Radius Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops

Method Focus

  • Visualizations
  • Mixed Methods
  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Content analysis
Methodological Expertise
  • Qualitative Research
  • Grounded Theory
  • Inductive and Deductive Content Analysis
  • Narrative Analysis
  • In-depth Interviews
  • Focus Group Discussions
Consulting Services

I offer consultation services for individuals, research groups and companies in the area of qualitative research.


I am an associate professor at the Department of Psychology Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade (Serbia) and my primary research interest lies in examining social barriers for socially excluded groups, with emphasis on prejudices and attitudes toward these groups. I am particularly interested in barriers these groups encounter in educational context.

In the research I am conducting, I mainly use a mixed method approach.

Since 2013, I’ve been using MAXQDA to analyze qualitative data and to prepare literature reviews. It proved to be really helpful for different phases of the research process, different types of data, and different methods.

In the last year I have been using MAXQDA for data analysis in the following projects:

-Research on integrity education in which I am engaged together with education policy experts from the Center for Applied Policy.

-Research on prevention of gender-based violence in preschool education with education policy experts from the Center for Interactive Pedagogy.

-Research on the inclusion of children with disability in preschool education in Serbia with researchers from the Institute of Pedagogy and Andragogy.

Relevant Publications

Jovanović, O., Pavlović, M. (2017). Is It Always Us or Them: How Do Young Serbs and Bosniaks Perceive Intergroup Borders? In Pratto F., Žeželj I., Maloku E., Turjačanin V., Branković M. (Eds.), Shaping Social Identities After Violent Conflict (pp. 89-112). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jovanović, O., Plazinić, Lj., Joksimović, J., Komlenac, J., Pešikan, A. (2017). Developing the Early Warning System for identification of students at risk of dropping out using a collaborative action research process. Psihološka istraživanja, 20(1), 107-125.

Kovač Cerović, T., Jovanović, O., Pavlović Babić D. (2016). Individual education plan as an agent of inclusiveness of the educational system in Serbia: different perspectives, achievements and new dilemmas. Psihologija, 49, 431-445.

Branković, M., Pavlović, M., Žeželj, I., Vladisavljević, M., Jovanović, O., Petrović, N. (2015). Social Identity Complexity and Inclusiveness as Predictors of Intergroup Emotions. Primenjena psihologija, 8(4), 363-378.

Jovanovic, O., Simic, N., Rajovic, V. (2014). Students at risk: perceptions of Serbian teachers and implications for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(2), 220-236.

Rajović, V., Jovanović, O. (2013). The Barriers to Inclusive Education: Mapping 10 Years of Serbian Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Vol. 14, 3-4, 78-97.

Stančić, M., Jovanović, O., & Simić, N. (2013). Perspektive o nastavi budućih nastavnika: U šta veruju, čemu bi težili i šta bi radili u nastavi [Teaching perspective of future teachers: What do they believe in, aspire for and what would they do in their teaching]. Andragoške studije [Andragogical studies], No.1, 131 -146.

Petrovic, N., Jovanovic, O., Murtagh, E., McCarthy, S., Miheljak, V., Polič, M., Tsatsaroni, C., Medvedeva, A., Yalcinkaya, A. (2013). Achieving World Peace – Views from Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Greece. In Malley-Morrison, K. and McCarthy, S. (Eds.). International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation, Vol. 2 (pp. 499-520). New York: Springer Publisher.


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