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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Lilian Thomer

Language(s) English, Portuguese (Brasil), Portuguese (Portugal)
Location Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Starter Workshop
Methodological Expertise
  • Quantitative Evaluation
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Online Research
Consulting Services
  • Consulting on Statistics
  • Supervision of Research Groups

 I hold a BA in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Haifa. In 2019, I attended a MAXQDA training and since then I am working with MAXQDA as a consultant on projects supported by FAPERJ, a research foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation of the state of Rio de Janeiro. 

I used MAXQDA for Social and Media Data and Interview analysis and explored the MAXDictio tool for encoding. 

Relevant Publications

Biancovilli, P., de Oliveira, E., Thomer, L., Jurberg, C. (2022): Social support and positivity: Analyzing user-generated comments on the Instagram pages of two Brazilian cancer hospitals. In: Journal of Media and Communication Studies 14 (2), S. 44-52.

Phone +55 21 99988-8279

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