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MAXQDA Professional Trainer:
Dr. Elżbieta Wąsowicz-Zaborek

Language(s)English, Polish
LocationWarsaw, Poland


  • Starter Workshops
  • Advanced Workshops

Method Workshops

  • Visual Tools
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Mixed Methods


  • Twitter Analysis
  • Working with data from the internet
Methodological Expertise
  • Qualitative Evaluation
  • Literature Review
  • Content Analysis
  • Mixed Methods
  • Interview Analysis
Consulting Services
  • Individual classes
  • Consulting services for the tourism industry and local authorities
  • Marketing research

I am employed at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and hold a PhD in economics. I use MaxQDA software when I teach classes on the application of qualitative and quantitative research in economic and management sciences. Territorial marketing and service marketing are the main topics of my research projects. My passion is studying how cross-cultural differences and content created by internet users may be used to make business decisions. I've used MaxQDA exclusively in my research projects for the past few years to analyze qualitative data and report preparation

Relevant Publications

E. Wąsowicz-Zaborek (2020) Międzynarodowe internetowe platformy pośredniczące a umiędzynarodowienie polskich przedsiębiorstw branży turystycznej - motywy i strategie w: TURYSTYKA W NAUKACH SPOŁECZNYCH tom 2 Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości (cz. 2) pod red. E. Wszendybył-Skulskiej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Kraków


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