An easy way to get an overview of your retrieved segments is to open the Overview of Retrieved Segments by clicking on the appropriate icon in the toolbar at the top of the “Retrieved Segments” window.

Structure of the Overview of Retrieved Segments
The overview is divided into two parts: A list representation of the retrieved segments is displayed in the bottom half of the window, while the upper half displays a detailed view of the segment you have clicked in the bottom list. Simultaneously, the "Document Browser" (or the Multimedia Browser for video coding) is positioned accordingly, so that you can also see the surrounding context of the respective segment. The larger the screen, the better this function is.

The option to display the retrieved segments in a table in XLS/X or HTML format is particularly helpful. This gives a very good overview: not only the segment in plain text but all the information around it is listed, for instance the date when the segment was coded and the name of the person who did the coding.
Coding texts directly in the Overview of Retrieved Segments
You can code text segments, which are displayed in the upper window of the Overview of Retrieved Segments. To do this, select any text area in the upper window area and drag the selected text onto any code. In the "Document Browser", the new coded segements will be visible as a coding stripe - provided no filters are set for the display of the coding stripes.
The toolbar in the Overview of Retrieved Segments
The following functions - alongside the usual icons for filtering, searching, and deleting - can be accessed from the toolbar:
Code retrieved segments – the selected coded segments (marked in blue) from the list will be assigned to an existing code. It is possible to select multiple rows by holding down the Ctrl key (Windows) or cmd key (Mac). Existing coded segments with the selected code are not changed..
Code retrieved segments with a new code – the selected coded segments (marked in blue) from the list will be assigned to a new code. It is possible to select multiple rows by holding down the Ctrl key. If no rows are selected, the entire table will be coded.
Show as Excel table – opens a table in XLS/X format with the retrieved segments and associated information.
Show as HTML table – A table in HTML format is created and displayed with the default browser. If nothing is selected, the entire table will be displayed. If individual rows are selected and highlighted in blue, only these rows will be exported.
Export retrieved segments – lets you export the overview as a text for Word or other writing programs, as a table in Excel format or as an HTML-formatted web page. The options are described in detail in Printing and Exporting Retrieved Segments.
What information can be found in the columns of the overview?
Regardless of the document type, the following columns of the coding overview have the same signification:
- Document group – document group from which the coded segment originates
- Document – document from which the coded segment originates
- Weight – weight of the coded segment (can be modified directly in the overview!)
- Comment – comment on the coded segment (can be modified directly in the overview!)
- Code – the code with which the segment is coded
- Created/Last edited by – person who originally coded/last changed the segment.
- Created/Edited – the date on which the coded segment was originally coded/last edited
Depending on the document type, the following columns have different significations:
Text Documents
- Start – paragraph in which the coded segment begins
- End – paragraph in which the coded segment ends
- Preview – the first 63 characters of the encoded text (when exporting the output contains the entire coded segment)
- Area – number of characters in the coded segment
- Coverage % – number of characters in the coded segment in relation to the number of characters of the text as a whole.
PDF Documents
- Start – for text coding, the position of the character at which the coded segment begins. For image coding, the lower lefthand corner of the segment.
- End – for text coding, the position of the character at which the coded segment ends. For image coding, the upper right corner of the segment.
- Preview – the first 64 characters of the coded text. For images, <IMAGE> will be displayed (upon exportation the entire coded text and image segment will be displayed)
- Area – for coded text segment, the number of codes; for a coded image segment, the encoded area as measured in PDF units (line breaks are counted as two characters)
- Coverage % – for text, the number of coded characters in relation to the total number of characters in the text; for images, the area of the encoded image in relation to the total area of the PDF
Image Documents
- Start – the upper left corner, at which the coded segment begins
- End – the lower right corner, at which the coded segment ends
- Preview – always displayed as <IMAGE> (coded image segment will be displayed upon exportation)
- Area – coded area, in pixel x pixel, where the side lengths are each reduced by 1 pixel.
- Coverage % – coded area in relation to the total area of the image
Table Documents
- Start – cell in which the coded segment is found
- End – identical to “Start,” as coded segments are always in the same cell
- Preview – displays the first 63 characters of coded text (when exported, will include the entire coded segment)
- Area – Number of characters in the coded segment
- Coverage % – for text coding, the position of the character at which the coded segment begins. For image coding, the lower lefthand corner of the segment.
Audio and Video Files
- Start – the time at which the coded segment begins
- End – the time at which the coded segment ends
- Preview – always displayed as <AUDIO> or <VIDEO> (image of beginning of clip will be displayed upon exportation)
- Area – length of coded media clips
- Coverage % – length of coded media clips in relation to total length of the file
Sort, Hide and Reveal Columns
As with all tables, you can also organize the Overview of Retrieved Segments as you wish:
- Drag & Drop columns to change their order.
- Sort the table by a column by clicking on the column heading.
- Hide or reveal columns by right-clicking on the column heading.
Opening the Overview of Retrieved Segments
Which retrieved segments are included in the overview depends on the context of the overview:
All coded segments from the project:
- Reports > Overview of Coded Segments
- Right-click on the stem of the “Document System” or “Code System” and select Overview of Coded Segments
Coded segments that currently appear in the “Retrieved Segments” window:
- Click on the
Overview of Retrieved Segments button in the “Retrieved Segments” toolbar
All coded segments of a code:
- Double-click on the expanded code, or
- Right-click on the expanded code and select Overview of Coded Segments
All coded segments of a code and its subcodes
- Double-click on the collapsed code, or
- Right-click on the collapsed code and select Overview of Coded Segments