At the bottom of the MAXQDA screen, you will see a status bar that includes information about various aspects of your current workspace (e.g. the number of activated documents and codes, the number of retrieved segments, the current retrieval option, etc.)

Activated Documents – number of currently activated documents
Active Codes – number of currently activated codes
Coded Segments – number of coded segments, which are displayed in the “Retrieved Segments” window
Default Weight – displays the current standard weight, with which each new coded segment is provided. The icon is interactive! Click the icon to customize the standard weight.
Use Weight Filter – displays the current status of the weight filter for the retrieval: If there is no checkmark displayed on the icon, the weight filter is switched off and all segments will appear in the “Retrieved Segments” window, regardless of their weight. If a checkmark appears on the icon, the weight filter is active and only the segments which satisfy the conditions of the filter will appear. The icon is interactive! Click the icon to turn the weight filter on and off.
Include Subcodes – displays the current status of the retrieval: If there is a checkmark on the icon, the subcodes are included in the retrieval; if no checkmark is displayed, the subcodes are not included. The icon is interactive! Click the icon in order to determine whether subcodes will be included or not.
Sort Sequence – shows the sequence of the coded segments in the “Retrieved Segments” window, which can be sorted by Document System, Code System, or weight. The icon is interactive! Click the icon to toggle between the various sorting options.
Coding Query – displays the selected mode of retrieval, such as “Simple Coding Query” or “Overlapping.” The icon is interactive! Click the icon to call up the Complex Coding Query.