Line Numbers in Text Documents

By default, when importing a text into MAXQDA, all paragraphs are sequentially numbered so that you can use them to cite the data material. This is sufficient in most cases for the accuracy of the citation. However, sometimes it is desirable to use line numbering instead of paragraph numbering for the citation.

Therefore, MAXQDA allows you to switch back and forth between paragraph and line numbering: Right-click in the text and select Convert to Line Numbered Text.

Option for converting paragraph numbered text to line numbered text

In the following dialog box, the desired width of the text can be set in characters, e.g. 60 characters, 80 characters, etc.

Set max. line length

The result is a line-numbered text with a fixed number of characters per line and a paragraph mark at the end of the line.

Text with line numbers

You can switch back to a paragraph numbered text at all times. To do this, right-click in the text and select Convert to Paragraph Numbered Text.

Please note: MAXQDA uses soft returns (Shift+Return) for line numbering. When switching back to paragraph numbering, these are replaced by regular paragraphs (Returns). If a text contains soft returns before the conversion to line numbering, the paragraph numbering can be different than before the line numbering. MAXQDA informs you before converting to line numbering if a text contains soft line breaks.

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