Weight Scores

All segments that appear in the “Retrieved Segments” window have their weight listed next to the source data.

Weight score in the info box next to each retrieved segment

These weight scores can be used for the retrieval process. The user can define a range for the weight scores in order to retrieve only those document segments with scores inside of that range. To define this area, right-click in the gray area where the information boxes are displayed with the source data, and then select Edit Weight Filter:

Weight filter in the context menuof the “Retrieved Segements” window

The following window will then appear, in which you can enter any number between 0 and 100.

Setting the range for the Weight filter

To turn the filter on and turn it on, you must switch it on again: Right-click in the gray area of the "Retrieved Segments" window again and select Apply Weight Filter.

This will cause only those segments to be displayed in the “Retrieved Segments” window that have a weight score within the defined range. The weight filter affects all retrieval functions, including “Intersection” and all functions of the Complex Coding Query.

The status line at the bottom of the screen indicates whether the weighting option is currently activated or not. When the function is switched on, the weight range applied in the "Retrieved Segments" window is displayed.

Display of weight filter in the status bar

To the left of the weight filter, the default value for the weight is also displayed in the status bar. After clicking on this icon, you can change the value assigned by default when assigning codes.

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