H. 2.3: Code Theory Model

This model once again focuses on the codes. The selected code (or codes) are displayed with their attached memos. You also have the option of having the subcodes and their memos displayed. To begin, select Code Theory Model from the MAXMap menu, and drag the codes that you want to visualize onto the MAXMaps window.

Code Theory Model

After each code is dragged and released, the following window will appear:

Code Theory Model

In the upper part of the window you may decide which code memos shall be displayed and up to which number. If there are memos to be displayed MAXQDA offers the possibility to prioritize memos by their date of creation or by their content size.

In the lower part of the window you may decide which subcodes, e.g. only activated ones, should be displayed. To include subcodes of different levels please choose between altogether three levels.

After you have clicked OK the configured Code Theory Model will be shown. It shows the code structure connected to the associated notes (memos).

Code Theory Model