The Code-Subcode-Segments Model

Function of this model

This model creates a map with a selected code, its subcodes, and the segments coded with these codes. This model is similar in many ways to the One-Case Model except that a code is the focus, rather than a document.

Model display in the map

Your selected code is placed in the center of the map with the subcodes arranged in a circle around it and connected to it with lines. All coded segments are then connected to the appropriate code/subcode.

The Code-Subcode-Segments model

Model options in detail

The Code-Subcode-Segments Model options

Code options

  • Subcodes can be limited to those activated in the “Code System” window. You can also set the maximum number of subcodes to be displayed.

Coded segment options

  • Display coded segments. If this box is checked, coded segments will be displayed for each of the codes. You can also set the maximum number of coded segments to be displayed per code.
  • You can also limit the coded segments by choosing to display only those that are found in the documents activated in the “Document System.”
  • If there are more coded segments than the maximum to display, you have the option of ranking the coded segments by weight (relevance) or by length (measured in bytes).

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