Moving and Sorting Documents

You can change the order of the documents in the “Document System” as desired. To do so, click and drag the document into the desired position. To change the order of multiple documents at the same time, click on the selected documents while holding down the Ctrl key to activate them. Next, right-click on the document group and select Move activated documents here.

Move all activated documents at once to a document group

To sort documents in a document group, right-click on the document group and select Sort documents. There are two options with the same text, but the icons next to them are different. The first indicates that the sorting will be done alphabetically (A to Z), and the second indicates the sorting will be done in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A).

To sort the document groups by name, simply right-click on the word Documents at the top of your “Document System” and select the appropriate Sort document groups option.

Tip: Researchers often work with document names that include numbers (e.g. Interview 1, Interview 2, etc.). If you are going to have more than 10 documents, it is recommended that you make each single digit number into a two-digit number (Interview 01, Interview 02, etc.). When sorting the documents, you will then have them in the correct order. Otherwise Interview 20 would come before Interview 3. If you are working with more than 100 documents, all numbers should be written with three digits (e.g. Interview 001, Interview 002, etc.).

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