The Document Properties Window

If you right-click on a document in the “Document System” and select Properties, the following window will appear, which lets you view and change certain settings for that document:

Document properties window

Read-only – if this box is checked, the document will no longer be editable, even in Edit Mode. This is the default setting for PDFs.

External Document – If this box is checked, it means that the document is not actually part of the MAXQDA project file. Instead it has been copied into the folder for externally-linked files. In this case, the file name is also indicated under Original Path.

Media file – If you want to link a document to an audio or video file, you can insert the path to that document in this field. To do so, click on the line, then the button with the three dots at the end of the line…

External link 1/2/3 – Click in this field to link to another document that can be accessed on your computer and has pertinent information, for example, about the interviewee or the project in general.

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