Export Data Editor

At the top right of the Data Editor a typical MAXQDA toolbar is located, which contains the following icons for exporting data.

  Open as Excel table – When you click on this icon, the current view will be displayed as a temporary Excel file. If you wish to save this file, you must do so in Excel. Value labels that are displayed in MAXQDA Stats will also be displayed in Excel.

  Open as HTML table – When you click on this icon, the current view will be displayed as a temporary HTML file in the default browser. If you wish to save this file, you must do so in the selected browser. Value labels that are displayed in MAXQDA Stats will also be displayed in the HTML file.

  Export – When this function is selected, a file dialog will appear in which you can select from Excel or HTML export formats and specify a file name and location. The file will open automatically following the export process. Value labels that are displayed in MAXQDA will also be exported.

The currently displayed data can be saved as an SPSS file by selecting File > Save as from the main menu.


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