Results tables

After beginning the evaluation by clicking OK the following results table appears, in which the selected variables and codes form the rows and the selected measures form the columns:

Results table for the “Descriptive Statistics” function

The result table always contains the column “N” with the number of valid cases (far left) and the column “Missing” and “Missing (%)” (far right), which provide information on the absolute and relative proportion of missing values ​​for each variable. When the “Exclude cases listwise” option is selected, the missing values ​​are all identical. In the example above, code frequencies were evaluated, among which there were no defined missing values, therefore the last two columns contain null values.

Sort Tables and Customize Columns

Tables can be sorted by clicking a column header, in ascending order with the first click and descending order with the second. Clicking again will restore the original order.

Tip: You can also move the rows of the results table. Click a row, then drag and drop with the mouse to the desired location. This function is also available for multiple highlighted rows. Lines containing totals or missing values cannot be moved.

Column widths can be adjusted with the mouse, and their position can be changed by clicking the column header then dragging them to the desired location with the mouse.

Delete Rows (Variables)

The results table is interactive and one or more rows (variables) can be removed. Right-click a row and select Delete. You can also select multiple rows to delete by holding down the Ctrl/cmd key. When a variable is deleted from the table the table will not be recalculated, even if the Exclude cases listwise option was selected and the number of the valid values would change.

Tip: Columns can be hidden from the table, by right-clicking on the column header and selecting the Hide column option. The next time the function is called up, the column will automatically be displayed.

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