Calculating Measures of Association for Crosstabs

In order to calculate measures of association and Chi-square values for a crosstab, click the icon Association measures  in the toolbar above the crosstab.

Icon for calling up a window with measures of association of a crosstab
Measures of association for a crosstab  

The following measures are computed (see textbooks on statistics for interpretation):

  • Pearson’s Chi-square with degrees of freedom for the crosstab and the asymptotic two-sided significance level.
  • Number of cells with expected frequencies smaller than 5 as well as the minimum expected frequency.
  • Coefficient of contingency
  • Cramer’s V
  • As you can see in the example above, additional measures are calculated in fourfold tables:
  • Pearson’s Chi-square with continuity correction
  • Phi

If you click Copy the table will be transferred to the clipboard so you can paste the table easily into other programs such as Word.

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