The results matrix is an initial point for further statistical analysis. This can help answer further questions, such as:
- Which category is named most frequently in which texts or text units?
- In which text (or texts) is a category coded especially often? Where does it appear very seldom?
- How do the categories correlate?
- Can patterns be found in the category frequencies?
How to Transport the Matrix into Excel
To export the results to Excel, you can click on the icon Open as Excel table . Please note that only the selected rows will be displayed in Excel. If no row is selected, all rows will be exported.
The second possibility would be to create a text file of the matrix by clicking on the option Export and to choose the Excel format. Then you can decide, where to save the file and after export it will be opened automatically in Excel.
How to Transport the Matrix into SPSS
To export the matrix to SPSS, export the file in Excel format and import it in SPSS.