MAXQDA11 Tip of the month: Exchange projects between MAXQDA for Windows and MAXQDA for Mac

This tip of the month shows you how to transfer your MAXQDA projects from MAXQDA for Windows to Mac and the other way round!

1. Install the latest update of MAXQDA

If you want to transfer your MAXQDA projects between Windows and Mac open “? > Search for updates” in MAXQDA and download and install the latest update. The export of projects in the exchange format is only available starting with MAXQDA 11 (Release 11.0.5).

2. Export project

Open the MAXQDA project with MAXQDA, select “Project > Export MAXQDA exchange file” and save the MAXQDA exchange file to a convenient location (e.g. your desktop).

3. Import the MAXQDA exchange file into MAXQDA for Mac or Windows

Move the exchange file to your computer. Open MAXQDA on your Windows or Mac. Choose “Open existing project > OK”. Alternative: Right click on the exchange file and select “Open with > MAXQDA11”.

4. Select MAX-Exchange as file type

At the bottom of the Finder window, select MAX-Exchange file type (*.mex), select the MAXQDA exchange file and click “Open”.

5. Creation of a MAXQDA project was successful

The next appearing dialogue window tells you that the exporting process from a MAXQDA project for Windows to a MAXQDA project for Mac or the other way round was successful. A MAXQDA project with the extension “.mx11” is automatically created in the same folder, in which the MAX-Exchange file is located. You can now continue working with this project as usual.

6. Move external files (if you have any)

If your projects contain external files, you need to move those files to your Mac or Windows, too. You can find the option to bundle all external files in the “Project” menu on MAXQDA. This will create a .zip-archive with all of the external files. Copy them to the folder for external MAXQDA files on your Mac or Windows and unzip the archive. You can check or edit the folder for external files under “MAXQDA11 > Preferences”.

This post was edited on Jul 17, 2014.