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Release 20.0.6 (2020-01-29)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Improved Stop list import: Import multiple Stop list files at once
  • Improved formatting for memos that are exported to Word
  • Improved sorting of codes by code system while using the Code Relations Model in MAXMaps
  • Improved alignment of elements in MAXMaps while using the “Align in circle” function
  • Fixes an issue while transforming MAXQDA 2018 projects for text documents containing specific types of hyperlinks
  • Fixes an issue while displaying all icons in the memo toolbar on small screen sizes
  • Fixes an issue with the recognition of line breaks while analyzing word frequencies
  • Fixes an issue with deleting both anchor and target of internal links when text content that was linked is deleted
  • Fixes an issue with entering new paragraphs in documents while edit mode is turned off
  • Fixes an issue with the placement of new codes while creating new codes in the “Categorize Paraphase” window
  • Fixes an issue while including non-activated top level codes in png- or svg-images exported from a crosstab
  • Fixes an issue where using “Contains” filters connected by “AND” may cause MAXQDA to freeze
  • Fixes an issue where result tables copied from the Stats output viewer to a MAXQDA memo may change font
  • Fixes an issue with window sizing on high resolution monitors

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