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Release 2022.4 (2022-12-06)


    • New Visual Tool: Word Trends
      • Compare how word frequencies change throughout a text. Use the new Word Trends visualization to explore how frequently different words occur in different sections of a text or PDF document.
      • Hover over the nodes in the interactive graph to view the frequencies for each section.
      • Click on a node to get a list of each word occurrence in its original context.
    • Automatic Import from Watched Folders
      • You can now connect a folder to a MAXQDA project in the new automatic import section in the preferences menu.
      • Any new files added to this folder are automatically imported into your project and ready for analysis.
    • Code Statistics
      • Code Statistics can now be created for parent codes as well as for subcodes. Simply open them via the new “Code Statistics” icon in the “Codes” toolbar or via the context menu in the Code System.
    • Onboarding for New Users
      • After installing MAXQDA, new users are now guided through the first steps.
      • You can open this onboarding tour anytime by opening ? > First steps.


    • Document Browser
      • Open as many documents as you want. You can now open multiple documents side-by-side in floating Document Browser windows. Simply open a document in a new window via the context menu.
      • Jump to a page for PDF. We’ve updated the page navigation for PDF documents to make it possible to jump to a specific page by simply entering the page number.
      • Add tables & date. You can now add tables and the current date to your text documents while the edit mode is active.
    • MAXDictio
      • Autocode. Multiple “Autocode with Dictionary” processes are now combined under one parentcode.
      • Stop word lists. There are now stop word lists in several languages available in your newly created projects so you don’t have to add them manually.
      • Stop word lists. You can now access your stop word lists directly in the stop word list selection menu.
      • Word Tree & Word Combinations. You can now save the results for the Word Tree and Word Combinations for later use.
    • More improvements
      • Categorize Survey Data: We have improved the performance for large data sets.
      • Code System: Creating nonhierarchical groups of codes in a code set is now even easier. Just click on the new “add” icon that appears while hovering over a code set to create new code sets or add codes to an existing set.
      • Code System: You can now filter your code system using the new “Only Activated Codes” icon to hide all codes that are not activated.
      • Charts & Tables: MAXQDA now remembers your display settings for charts and diagrams so you can easily create multiple charts and diagrams with your chosen settings.
      • Code & Document Summaries: Export your Code or Document Summaries without having to export the Memo content as well.
      • Code & Word Explorer: If you have documents activated, the option “Only activated documents” is automatically applied.
      • Code & Word Explorer: You can now manage your stop word lists directly in the Code/Word Explorer dialogue.
      • Complex Coding Query: For the functions “Followed by” and “Near” you can now set a maximum distance up to 9,999 paragraphs, rows, and seconds.
      • Creative Coding: The menu options in the Creative Coding window were updated to highlight the most used actions in this window.
      • Import survey data: The import survey data dialogue now displays a preview of the original data to make it easier to decide which data to import as variables and/or codes into the project.
      • Interface: We have updated the design of several dialogues, all checkboxes, and radio buttons.
      • Multimedia: Video thumbnails are now loaded and displayed automatically in the Multimedia Browser.
      • Multimedia: Video thumbnails are now displayed in the Retrieved Segments window.
      • Keyboard Shortcuts: You can now use additional keyboard shortcuts to easily select text in the Document Browser and the Memo Editor.
      • Keyboard Shortcuts: You can now use the shortcuts cmd/ctrl+enter to close the Memo Editor and save the Memo.
      • Summary Grid: When hovering over a memo, the memos content is now displayed in the tooltip.
      • Summary Grid: You can now search for keywords in the displayed coded segments.


      • Fixes an issue while autocoding search results from the text search where the options for the coding range were not displayed
      • Fixes an issue while autocoding whole sentences in PDFs on macOS where some sentences were not calculated correctly and MAXQDA stopped working.
      • Fixes an issue while converting .mx20 files with MAXQDA 2022 on macOS where the conversion process failed for certain project files.
      • Fixes an issue while displaying favorite variables in the Smart Coding Tool where it was not possible to apply new codes if one of the favorite variables was a system variable.
      • Fixes an issue while displaying PDF documents where some PDF documents were displayed blurry.
      • Fixes an issue while displaying the WordTree where not the full name of the document was displayed in the tooltip while hovering over the text.
      • Fixes an issue while displaying variables in Cross tables where the full name of the variables was not displayed.
      • Fixes an issue while exporting retrieved segments to Excel where segments retrieved with the Complex Coding Query option “Interactions” could not be exported.
      • Fixes an issue while importing a Focus Group Transcript where speakers were not found if there was a line break between the speakers name and the spoken text.
      • Fixes an issue while importing certain .docx files or files that didn’t contain XML closing tags were not imported properly.
      • Fixes an issue while importing Twitter data where some Tweets were imported more than once.
      • Fixes an issue while importing webpages via links from Excel list where certain webpages were not imported and MAXQDA stopped working.
      • Fixes an issue while importing websites in PDF format where importing the websites via an Excel table didn’t work.
      • Fixes an issue while using the scrollbar of the Multimediabrowser for video files where the position could not be changed properly.
      • Fixes an issue while working in the Summary Grid where it was not possible to highlight and copy comments.

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