- Analyzing Focus Group Transcripts
- Compare Cases: The compare cases features are now available for focus group speakers. Quickly compare qualitative data (coded segments) or quantitative data (code frequencies) for individual focus group participants.
- Paraphrases: Quickly access the paraphrases for a focus group speaker’s contributions in the “Overview of Paraphrases”. This overview is now available in the right-click context menu of a speaker in the Document System.
- Paraphrase Matrix: Compare paraphrases written for different focus group participants in the Paraphrase Matrix.
- Word Clouds: Create a word cloud for a focus group speaker’s contributions to get a quick overview of their most frequently used words.
- Analyzing Survey Data
- Sentiment Analysis for Survey Data: Discover the sentiment of responses to survey questions using an AI lexical approach.
- Sentiment Analysis for Survey Data: Responses are automatically categorized on a scale from positive to negative.
- Sentiment Analysis for Survey Data: Autocode responses with their sentiment score.
- Word Cloud: Get a quick overview of the most frequently used words in survey responses with the new Word Cloud option in the “Analyze Survey Answers” workspace.
- Word Count: Display the word count of each survey answer in the “Analyze Survey Answers” workspace.
- SPSS: Import Survey Data from an SPSS file (*.sav).
- Questions, Themes, Theories (QTT)
- Integration of Insights tab: The “Integration of Insights” tab in QTT has been extended to show all the insights written for any element within a worksheet. This makes it easy to bring it all together to integrate them into overall conclusions, and to develop hypotheses and theories.
- Collect diagrams and tables: You can now collect even more analytics findings in QTT worksheets. Collect diagrams and tables from features like subcode statistics or crosstabs. Send them directly to a QTT worksheet with one click.
- Import Options
- VTT files from Teams, Zotero, etc.: Import automatic meeting transcripts exported from Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and more. Transcripts are automatically cleaned during import to improve readability. You can then link media files to the transcript via time stamps or automatically code speakers for focus group interviews.
- Web Pages from Excel: Import multiple web pages at once from an Excel file. Include additional information about each web page in the spreadsheet to automatically add them to the document memo or to store them as document variables. Web pages can be imported as PDF documents, PNG images, or simplified text documents.
- Additional New Features
- After using the local search in the Document Browser to search for a phrase, you can now immediately apply a code to your search hits with the new autocode icon in the search toolbar.
- Tweet Preview: Click the new “View Tweet” option at the end of a Tweet to open up a preview of the Tweet in its original format, including images.
- Codes: Use the new context menu option for codes in the Code System to activate all the documents which contain this code.
- Codes: Export your complete Code System as a PNG image file that you can include in your reports or presentations.
- Codes: Change the position of codes in the code system with the new up and down arrow icons in the code system toolbar, or using keyboard shortcuts Alt/option + ArrowUp and Alt/option + ArrowDown.
- Codes: If codes are merged with each other in the Creative Coding workspace, a merge history is automatically added to the remaining code memo. In addition, you will see a + symbol added to the code name so you can always remember that another code was merged into this code in the past.
- QTT: Send a summary table to a QTT worksheet by using the new “Send to worksheet” icon in the summary table window.
- QTT: While sending or importing a summary table with swapped columns & rows into a QTT worksheet, the columns and rows are now kept swapped in QTT as well.
- QTT: The author name and creation date of a QTT worksheet are now displayed in the header section of the QTT window.
- TeamCloud: While working with TeamCloud projects your current online status is displayed on your avatar image directly in the TeamCloud ribbon.
- TeamCloud: Team members that are working with a TeamCloud project now have access to the most recent activity history for their project. Click the “Notifications” Icon in the TeamCloud menu ribbon to see who has joined a project, or which of your team members have uploaded data to the team lead.
- TeamCloud: If the team lead of a MAXQDA TeamCloud projects uploads a project that includes an audio or video file, the .dat file for this media file is uploaded as well for the team members to use. This makes it much quicker for the team members to download the project and start analyzing it.
- Visual Tools: A new color option for Code Clouds makes it possible to display codes in their code color.
- Visual Tools: Display settings for the Code Relations and Code Matrix Browser are now remembered even after closing and reopening MAXQDA.
- Visual Tools: While creating a Document Map you can now select existing Code Sets to add multiple codes to the map at once.
- Visual Tools: While copying and pasting the output from a Visual tool to a memo, the image quality is now twice as high which leads to sharper images.
- Visual Tools: If you want to add a word from a word cloud to a stop word list to ignore it in the future, the name of the currently selected stop word list is displayed, so you know which list the word is added to.
- Visual Tools: Comfortably switch between different stop lists for Word Cloud visualizations. MAXQDA Standard users can now also create multiple stop lists and modify them in the stop list manager.
- YouTube: While importing YouTube data, MAXQDA will create one top-level code for all of your YouTube comments. This makes it easier to analyze data for multiple videos at once.
- YouTube: While importing YouTube data, the date and time information is removed from the automatically created videos folder name to make it easier to read the full name of the video. The date and time information is still available in the document memo for this folder.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Increase or decrease the indent of selected text in the Document Browser by using the Tab-key.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Expand an existing text selection in a PDF document by holding the Shift-Key and clicking in the text.
- Interface: A fresh design for the MAXQDA preferences menu. We’ve organized all of the available options into sections to make them easier to understand and interact with.
- Interface: Use the new toggle switch in the bottom right corner of the MAXQDA interface to quickly switch between light mode and dark mode.
- Interface: The new interface theme setting “System” makes sure that MAXQDA matches your current computer settings by automatically starting in either dark or light mode.
- Images: Adjust the size of a coded image segment by using the new draggable corners that appear when the coded segment is selected.
- Smart Coding Tool: Get a quick overview of the most frequently used words in coded segments currently analyzed in the Smart Coding Tool with the new Word Cloud option in the Smart Coding Tool workspace.
- Word Explorer: You can now exclude hashtags, email addresses, and hyperlinks from the Word Explorer.
- Backups: MAXQDA now automatically creates backups of your project in your chosen interval in the background, even if MAXQDA continues to stay open.
- Paraphrases: Activate paraphrase mode directly from the Document Browser using the newly added icon.
- Paraphrases: Modify the length of a paraphrased segment by using the new grabbers at the start and end of the paraphrase.
- Document System: New folders that are imported via drag and drop are no longer automatically placed in the first position. You can now place the folder anywhere in the Document System.
- Import: Improved recognition of multiple-level text indents while importing DOCX documents.
- MAXDictio: Select a dictionary for the “Autocode with dictionary” tool directly from within the dialog.
- Twitter: Filter your analysis of the most frequently used words in Twitter data with a stop list. This option is now available in the Analyze Tweets workspace.
- Fixes an issue while importing a .sav file into MAXQDA Stats if the file includes data in a special “very long string” SPSS data format. MAXQDA can now recognize and import this type of data correctly
- Fixes an issue while importing date information from Excel as document variables where some dates were not identified correctly.
- Fixes an issue while exporting the Interactive Quote Matrix as an HTML file where some text lines were overlapping.
- Fixes an issue while exporting the Code Matrix Browser as an Adjacency Matrix where the type of analysis was always set to “Intersections of codes in a segment”.
- Fixes an issue while exporting a code system where the activated option to “sum up frequencies of subcodes” lead to subcodes of collapsed parent code being summed up in the export as well.
- Fixes an issue while exporting documents as PDFs where in specific cases the text of the documents was not placed correctly on the page if it was exported on a Windows computer.
- Fixes an issue while autocoding Japanese text where the start and end character of a search item was not identified correctly.
- Fixes an issue while repeatedly converting files from MAXQDA 2022 to MAXQDA 2020 and back where memos were not converted correctly.
- Fixes an issue while selecting code names while using “Open Coding” mode where it was not possible to add a new code name immediately after choosing a code name from the list of existing codes.
- Fixes an issue while autocoding search results where in certain PDF files more than the chosen context was coded.
- Fixes an issue while activating codes in the Code System by code variable values if the number of coded segments in activated documents is selected as the variable. You can now use this variable to activate codes.
- Fixes an issue while organizing codes in Creative Coding where newly created codes were not transferred properly to the Code System.
- Fixes an issue while adding a background color to multiple MAXMaps elements at once, where the background was always set to grey.
- Fixes an issue while sorting documents in the Profile Comparison Chart where sorting by document sets did not work properly.
- Fixes an issue while showing the retrieval function for segments in the status bar where the retrieval function of the complex coding query was not reset.
- Fixes an issue while setting favorite variables in the Smart-Coding-Tool where the preferences for favorite variables have not been remembered.
- Fixes an issue while searching for a single word with the Text Search feature where it was possible to select the “AND” search option, even though this option can not be used for single words and does not change the search result.