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New guidebook on qualitative research

The widely acclaimed guidebook on qualitative research „Using Software in Qualitative Research – A Step-by-Step guide“ by Christina Silver and Ann Lewins was recently reissued by Sage Publications.

The new edition is accompanied by an extensive website that uses three case studies with different forms of data to show how each step in an analysis could be supported by the software presented.

The illustrated step-by-step instructions were prodvided by the software developers themselves and can be downloaded as PDFs.
Dr. Stefan Rädiker and Graham Hughes used the case study B “Fincancial Downturn”, to show how different steps can be carried out with MAXQDA. Their descriptions are accompanied by screenshots, annotations and helpful tips.

Website: Step-by-step guide

The book is not only a practical introduction to the practice and principles of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS), but also an “essential reference text for the more seasoned qualitative researcher” (review by Paul K. Miller, Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology, University of Cumbria, UK).

Using Software in Qualitative Research

About the book

Silver, Christina and Lewins, Ann (2014).
Using Software in Qualitative Research. A Step-by-Step Guide.
SAGE Publications Ltd. Second Edition

May 26, 2014, English, 384 pages

View on SAGE website

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