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Release 2022.5 (March 1st, 2023)


Code Comparison Table

Compare comments from two or more codes with each other in an interactive table. You can find this feature in the “Code” menu ribbon.

New Features for MAXQDA Stats. Elevate your mixed methods research and your survey analysis

What is MAXQDA Stats? The Stats module is available in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Use Stats to seamlessly analyze code occurrence and document variables – or import and connect data sets from Excel or statistical tools like R, SPSS, or Stata.

  • Multiple Responses:
    • Define response sets for survey questions with multiple responses and create combined result tables and bar charts.
    • Compare results across subgroups using crosstabs and grouped bar charts.
  • Matrix Questions:
    • Define item sets for survey questions with a fixed rating scheme (for example, “totally disagree” to “totally agree”) and create combined result tables with arithmetic mean and missing values or create a stacked bar chart.
  • Cluster Analysis:
    • Identify and group cases with similar code occurrences and variable values. Use various distance measures (such as Euclidean distance and block distance) and grouping algorithms (average, complete, single, and Ward).
    • Test different numbers of clusters, investigating results in automatically updated Typology Tables and visualizing cluster distances in a line chart.
  • Further Improvements for Stats:
    • Boxplots: Identify, filter, or remove outliers with interactive tools.
    • Boxplots/Histograms: Test of the normal distribution with Shapiro-Wilk.
    • Frequencies: Exclude all cases if one of the analyzed cases has a missing value.
    • Frequencies: View arithmetic mean and standard deviation directly in result tables (integer and decimal variables).

Topic Modeling for TeamCloud Projects

Speed up your analysis with another natural language processing (NLP) tool in MAXQDA. Topic Modeling can assist you to identify topics across large data sets. View topics as lists or word clouds and store results as variables, document sets, or dictionaries for deeper analysis. This feature is currently available for Teamcloud projects.

A Fresh Look for MAXQDA’s main menu

A refreshing update for the main menu icons, featuring a crisp and modern design.


  • Improved paragraph recognition for PDF documents. You can now autocode paragraphs in PDFs and analyze code relationships using the “near” and “followed by” functions in the Complex Coding Query. The number of paragraphs is also automatically stored as a document variable.
  • Interactive Quote Matrix and similar tables: Improved content display to distinguish between coded segments, comments, and memos.
  • Code Frequencies: Analyze the frequency of your aggregated subcodes and decide how many levels of subcodes you want to aggregate.
  • MAXDictio: Add items from various tables to your stop word list with one click. Simply click on the icon in the first column.
  • MAXMaps: You can now change the background color of a map in MAXMaps. Right-click anywhere on the map canvas to select the new background color option from the context menu.
  • Word Trends: This tool now uses monotone cubic interpolation to output even more accurate graphs.
  • Smart Coding Tool: You can now activate or deactivate codes directly from the Smart Coding Tool workspace.


  • Fixes an issue where opening the PDF bookmark list was not possible.
  • Fixes an issue while analyzing code relations in the Code Relations Browser where document duplicates were ignored.
  • Fixes an issue while applying codes to segments in the Overview of Paraphrased Segments table. You can now code each row separately.
  • Fixes an issue while creating a Code Cloud for codes with identical names, where all instances of the same code name were colored in the same color. They are now displyed in their code color.
  • Fixes an issue while selecting documents for the “Compare Cases & Groups” feature. You are now able to drag & drop image documents into the selection dialogue.
  • Fixes an issue while creating a Single-Case Model in MAXMaps where the level of subcodes was not applied correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying document variable frequencies in Stats. The value column is now sorted properly.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying long code names in the Document Portrait legend.
  • Fixes an issue while copying or importing Emojis from non-unicode texts or tables. Emojis are now displayed correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while creating a hierarchal Code-Subcode Model in MAXMaps. The option “Code size reflects code frequency” is now applied correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting MAXMaps with layers. Links are no longer placed in the first layer by default.
  • Fixes an issue while saving a MAXMaps map in a QTT worksheet. The map labels now have an optimized size.
  • Fixes an issue while importing specific .mweb files on macOS.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting coded video clips from the Multimedia Browser. This is now possible on silicon based macOS systems.
  • Fixes an issue while working with multiple documents in tabs where the spellcheck context menu appeared on the wrong document (macOS only).
  • Fixes several minor interface issues.

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