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The MAXQDA Photo Contest 2018: and the winners are…

The MAXQDA Photo Contest 2018 was the biggest and most competitive yet! More than double the number of photographs picturing researchers in the field, interview participants, teamwork, and workspaces were submitted than in 2017 and the competition was fiercer than ever.

Also new this year was the license raffle. Every photographer who submitted an image was entered into the raffle to win a 1-year MAXQDA 2018 Analytics Pro Single-User license, and we are happy to announce that the raffle winner is Mohammed Djalil Baaziz. Congratulations Mohammed Djalil and all the best on your research journey with MAXQDA!

Without further ado, the top 5 #PictureYourResearch entries of the 3rd annual MAXQDA Photo Contest 2018 are:

“Sharing Most Significant Change Results with Community Members”
by Christina Bowles

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Sharing Most Significant Change Results with Community Members

A OneVillage Partners staff member is sharing their research with the community to garner the impact of their programs and highlight areas of improvement.

Congratulations Christina! Your depiction of research methods in action is what this contest is all about and we loved hearing about how sharing results is one way that the organization holds themselves accountable to program participants, who are the true experts in community development. We love both the photograph and description of this snapshot into your research process with the community. We hope to see more of your projects with the OneVillage Partners in the future!

Learn more about OneVillage Partners’ monitoring and evaluation efforts. 

“Sustainable Coffee is an Issue of Social Justice” by Yair Merlín-Uribe

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Sustainable Coffee is an Issue of Social Justice” by Yair Merlín-Uribe

Research on the coffee agriculture of Chiapas, Mexico in the context of sustainability of life.

Congratulations Yair! Your photograph is not only colorful and beautiful but we also found it to be a great insight into the life of your research partner, Odilio. We find your research into the economic supply chain of coffee to be an important topic becuase before your submission, many of us did not know that this farmer will only receive $.05 US cents for each cup of coffee made from his crop sold, even though it will retail for $3.50 USD. We are glad to help you raise awareness about this topic as well as display your beautiful art!

Learn more about Yair’s research.

“Habits of Mind” by Marcellus Nealy

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Habits of Mind

Research Question: Can photography class be a viable way to nurture habits of mind and improve problem-solving in Japanese medical students?

Congratulations Marcellus! This photo, which was taken during a lesson on motion blur, shutter speed, and the need for persistence in photography, is so creative and dynamic. It is amazing to see so many people coming together to create one unified piece of art that seems to be moving before your eyes. We are also captivated by the originality of your mixed methods approach using Experiential Learning Theory and Habits of the Mind theoretical frameworks as well as your research’s blending between the medical education and photography fields. We hope that MAXQDA will continue to help you along your extremely creative research journey!

See more of Marcellus’s photography.

“The Smell of Graduation” by Faisal Rasool

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: The Smell of Graduation

Research on developing a 3D printer that uses clay as a reusable printing material instead of expensive and one-time usable PLA.

Congratulations Faisol! Your clever composition and naming of this piece really make it stand out. When you look at your photograph, you can’t help but smile. We not only love the play on words, but we also think that you did a great job capturing a moment in the life of student about to graduate from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. It continues to be great to see how MAXQDA can be applied in so many diverse fields. Thank you for sharing your picture with us and we can’t wait to see more from you as your photography talents continue to develop!

“Crossing the River” by Glory Dee Romo

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Crossing the River

The picture was taken in Barangay Tudela, Trento, Agusan del Sur, Philippines while waiting to cross the river for a meeting with the soybean farmers.

Congratulations Glory Dee! At first glance, your photograph feels both awe-inspiring and quite eery at the same time. We think that everyone who sees this image has to look twice and the story behind this image is quite amazing, so we will let you description speak for itself: “The instruction given prior to the arrival at the area was to ride on a baroto, a small dugout boat. Upon the reaching the place, however, the locals informed us that it would be dangerous to cross the river through a boat ride on a moderate rain and wind…While the team was waiting, we saw this man walking casually (along one of the edges of the constructed dam in the river) towards the other side to fetch his carabao. This picture highlights the huge challenge faced by the soybean farmers in transporting their farm inputs to the area and soybean produce from the area to the market”.

This research project was funded through the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), Philippines.

Thank you again for your submissions!

The talented shutterbugs behind these five winning photographs will soon receive a professional print of their photo (large scale canvas or acrylic print) to help them display their art and gain exposure for their research projects.

If your picture is displayed above and you have not received an e-mail notifying you of your selection, please check your inbox or write to us at!

Honorable Mentions 

“Culture Pal Pal” by Nuwair ALHajari

Culture Pal Pal

Taken in Georgia, this image shows a research site where fieldwork is being done to explore the culture of the people that departed and left only these relics.


“Sliding into the Ocean” by Rebecca Borges

Sliding into the Ocean

A boat decorated by one of the researcher’s interview partners in Brazil who was very proud of his craft and artwork on a small boat. Borges says that his care for, and dependence on this boat inspired her to acknowledge the importance of the ocean and its conservation. Learn more about Rebecca Borges’ projects.


“Faith of the Elderly Woman” by Joana Butėnaitė

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Faith of the Elderly Woman

Research that focuses on psychological processes in the context of faith of elderly people – researcher and interview participant in Belarus.


“Monks Changing a Lightbulb” by Shirah Foy

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Monks Changing a Lightbulb

Research focusing on how aspects of culture contribute to the identities we develop and lead from–as entrepreneurs, organizers, etc. This image was taken in 2012 at a 550-year-old Tibetan Buddhist monastery called Pema Chholing–elevation 2800m–a seven-day walk from Mount Everest. Learn more in Shirah Foy’s blog.


“Best Respondents” by Elnura Kazakbaeva

MAXQDA photo contest 2018: Best Respondents

This photo is shot during the survey data collection for research on “Information consumption habits of local people”. It took place in village Kyzylsenir in the southern Jalal-Abad region in Kyrgyzstan.


“Every Child is a World” by Tugba Kontas Azakli

Every Child is a World

This photo was taken while carrying out the ethnographic field work of the project “Every Child is a World”, conducted in order to prevent child labor in seasonal agriculture. Read more about this project.


“Pippi Langstrumpf” (English: Pippi Longstocking) by Heike Rosenberger

Pippi Langstrumpf

The photo was taken during the project „Theater als Ressource der Pädagogik bei Menschen mit Lernbeeinträchtigungen“ (English: “Theatre as a resource of education for people with learning disabilities”) at the University of Erfurt, Germany.

You can also see further entries on our MAXQDA social media platforms (@VerbiSoftware @MAXQDA) and search using the hashtags #PictureYourResearch #MAXQDAPhotoContest.

If you didn’t find your picture above, please do not be discouraged. We greatly appreciate your participation and hope that you will submit another entry next year!

Previous Winners:

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