Last week the MAXQDA team took part in the annual highlight of the German qualitative research community: The “Berliner Methodentreffen” (Berlin Method Meeting).
As the name suggests the meeting is focused on research methods and takes place in our home town Berlin. By coincidence it always seems to fall on one of the hottest days of July.
The conference lasts two days and offers almost 20 parallel method workshops mostly focused on a specific qualitative research method: interpretative social research, phenomenology, foucauldian discourse analysis etc. The list of keynote speakers and workshop hosts reads like a German who-is-who for qualitative research methods. Young academics anxiously mark start date for workshop sign ups in their calendars and workshops are fully booked in a matter of minutes.
The MAXQDA team hosted an info booth where visitors could get a quick intro into MAXQDA and take part in a raffle for a free license. We also taught two software workshops, one of them a traditional beginners workshop and the second one with a focus on doing Mixed Methods research with MAXQDA.
We had a fantastic time and will be sure to be there again next year. Will you be there, too?
If you’re looking for more information about the conference, here is a link to their homepage (German): Berliner Methodentreffen.