10 Reasons Why MAXQDA is the Best QDA Software

MAXQDA @ the ASA 2013 in NYC

It is that time of year again: The 108th American Sociological Association (ASA) conference will take place August 10-13, 2013 in on of the most exciting cities of the world – New York City!

Now it’s your turn to experience the ASA at the Americas Hall I of the Hilton and to get to know everything about this years conference topic “Interrogating Inequality”: What is it, why is it, how does it come about, and what can we do to change it?”

If you’re there make sure to stop by booth #1100 to get a free introduction to MAXQDA, talk about your current research, or share your thoughts about the program. Make sure you take part in our conference raffle for a chance to win a free and unlimited MAXQDA 11 license.

MAXQDA - Booth #1100 at the ASA 2013