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MMIRA 2018 Dissertation Award

MAXQDA Sponsors the 2018 Mixed Methods International Research Association Dissertation Awards

Two talented researchers will be awarded free MMIRA 2018 conference registration, a $1000 travel grant, and a free MAXQDA Analytics Pro license!

MMIRA Dissertation Award

The Mixed Methods International Research Association has opened applications for the MMIRA 2018 Dissertation Awards, sponsored by MAXQDA. These awards recognize a scholar in the beginning of their career who has completed an original research project and dissertation, which has made an outstanding contribution to the field of mixed methods research. MAXQDA is partnering with the MMIRA to grant not one, but two awards at the 2018 conference!

The two MAXQDA dissertation awards, including the honorarium, will be presented at Sponsored Awards Session during the 2018 MMIRA International Conference in Vienna, Austria (August 22-24, 2018).

Up to two additional awards will given as Honorable Mention awards. Attendance at the conference is not required for those receiving honorable mentions, but registration fees will be paid by MMIRA for awardees.

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How to Apply

To be considered for the 2018 MMIRA Dissertation Award, the dissertation must have been successfully defended between November 2014 – November 2017.

The applicant must be a current MMIRA member at the time of application and award.

Please submit the following information and documentation by February 15th, 2018:

Personal Information:

  • Contact information (name, email, phone, mailing address)
  • Dissertation title and name of institution, Faculty/Department that the dissertation was completed as a component of PhD and the date of defense
  • Supervisor(s) (name(s), institution/organization, Faculty/Department, email, phone, mailing address).
  • A copy of the dissertation (PDF).

Brief description of study:

  • Major dissertation research components (its purpose, research question(s), design, data collection, analysis and integration procedures, key findings, discussion, and implications) (max. 500 words)
  • Contribution of this dissertation research to the field of mixed methods and why this dissertation should be considered for this award (max. 200 words)
  • Strengths and limitations of the methodological approach and why this dissertation research can be considered of high quality (max. 200 words)
  • Significance of findings and the impact of this dissertation research on theory and practice of mixed methods research (max. 200 words).

Letter of support:

Completed by the primary supervisor/committee chair (or designated alternate) providing an assessment of the applicant’s dissertation research with the focus on:

  • Potential of contribution to the field of mixed methods
  • Strengths and limitations of the study
  • Significance of the findings.


Submission Due:

15 February 2018 

Notification Received:

15 March 2018

Confirm Attendance:

1 April 2018

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Overall quality of completed research as reflected through consistency of the study purpose, research questions, methods, findings, and implications.
  2. Originality of the study and the mixed methods approach.
  3. Appropriateness and quality of the mixed methods approach used (rationale, design, data collection and analysis procedures, and validation criteria).
  4. Quality and achieved depth of integration/synthesis of quantitative and qualitative study components, and their resulting meta-inferences
  5. Significance of the contributions of the research to the field of mixed methods inquiry.
  6. Quality of reflections on the contribution of mixed methods to the study.
  7. Quality and clarity of writing.


  1. The chair will review all submission for the preliminary eligibility criteria.
  2. Two committee members will review each candidate’s submission documents (##1-3 under Submission Requirements above) and submit a completed evaluation form.
  3. The committee chair will prepare and distribute a short list of finalists.
  4. Committee members will rank the submissions of the finalists.
  5. If necessary, the committee will then consult via email or skype to select the winners (if one emerges), and if appropriate, honorable mentions.

Apply Now!

Applications must be emailed to the committee chair Elizabeth G. Creamer on or before February 15th, 2018. Please use “Dissertation Award Application” as the email subject line.


Tip: Interested in qualitative and mixed methods conferences? 
The MAXQDA International Conference (MQIC) will be held from February 28th – March 2nd in Berlin, Germany

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