Who said what in the interactive quote matrix

15.03.2021, 12:09

Dear fellow MAXQDA users,

For a project I’m using MAXQDA to analyze the answers of (types of) officers in various organizations to our interview questions. In some interviews there are two or three respondents with different roles in the organizations. For this project, it is important that it is clear which (type of) officer said what. However, I can’t figure out how this is achieved. For the analysis I’m using the Compare Groups (qualitative) tool, and I would like to find a way to make the type of officer clear in the interactive quote matrix where the answers to the interview questions are shown. I’ve already tried:

- Making a code for type of officer, but I can’t see those codes when I compare the codes assigned to the questions
- Using memo’s, but those didn’t give much clarity when two respondents answer the question together, so parts of the transcript apply to different types of officers
- Using comments, which should be shown in the interactive quote matrix. But when I made those comments and tried to find them in the interactive quote matrix, I couldn’t find them anywhere.

Does anyone know how to make this work? Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Thirza Scholten

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 2
Joined: 11.03.2021, 12:29

Re: Who said what in the interactive quote matrix

19.03.2021, 16:48

Dear Thirza

Thank you for your question!

I hope I understand your question correctly! To record the "type" of officer it seems a good idea to record that "type" in a document variable. So you create a document variable "type of officer" and assign to each document/officer a value.

With the help of the interactive quote matrix you can then compare the officers based on their type. Each type of officer would be in their own column

You can read more about document variables here:

And more about the interactive quote matrix here:

I hope this helps! Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Andreas M.
Posts: 72
Joined: 21.02.2020, 14:02

Re: Who said what in the interactive quote matrix

23.03.2021, 20:02

Dear Andreas,

Thanks for your help! So I think using the document variables would help when there's only one type of officer in a interview. Is there a way to also make this clear when there are two or three types of officer in one interview/document?

Kind regards,
Posts: 2
Joined: 11.03.2021, 12:29

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