Make User Actions available as a Log

01.08.2018, 15:01

Since MAXQDA is automatically saving and can perform any number of undo steps, it is perhaps possible to have available a log of the user actions.

A user action log would be useful as an aid for replication, teaching, and creation of standard processes. Adding an action log to reports will enable others to see how analysis was done, and to replicate the process.

An additional feature could be an animation, in which the action log is executed by MAXQDA as a way to automate some lengthy routine steps, or as a training or debug aid.

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

Re: Make User Actions available as a Log

06.08.2018, 09:58

I personally love this idea... can see many possible benefits here as well. Don't know how complicated this is, but yeah, maybe with the Undo-features in place, it could be feasible. I'll add it to the wishlist and keep my fingers crossed!
Andreas V.

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