
21.02.2018, 21:15

I don't know why the report generated through Smart Publisher consists of segments from only one of the codes. I selected all the codes before publishing, but the report features segments from only one code and it's the only code that featured in the table of contents, while I have many codes and subcodes. Have I made any mistake somewhere?

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 2
Joined: 19.02.2018, 21:44

Re: Report

22.02.2018, 10:26

Dear lawalhu,
welcome to the MAXQDA Forum! When you create a Smart Publisher report, you can choose right at the beginning which codes will be added to the report. Here, this works just fine, and codes that have no coded segments will still be added if they were chosen in the first dialogue...

Are you absolutely sure you've selected more then one code in the first dialogue box? (I'm not talking about activating codes.)
Andreas V.

Re: Report

22.02.2018, 21:28

Yes, all the codes were selected by default. But when the report was published only one code featured. But the report summaries I exported contains all the coded segments.
Posts: 2
Joined: 19.02.2018, 21:44

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