Word Cloud Question

04.05.2020, 22:29

I like the word/code cloud features in MQDA 20. Sometimes though you want 2 words to be treated like one word like "Mother Nature". One option is to hyphenate it "mother-nature" and turn off the hyphen as a cutoff character (characters that MQDA uses to know when one word stops and another starts). Turn that off and "mother-nature" shows up as a single word in the word cloud (but with the hyphen). What I'm wondering is whether there is a way to make "Mother Nature" be treated as a single word without the hyphen. There's a greyed-out "add to dictionary" icon in the word frequency pane, but that doesn't seem to be activated in my version of MQDA. Is there a special character that can be used, one that looks like a blank space but mqda treats like a regular character that would allow treating "Mother Nature" as a single word. Otherwise, I guess we'd need a new feature or option in the Word Cloud feature.

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina)
Posts: 3
Joined: 15.02.2018, 17:05

Re: Word Cloud Question

05.05.2020, 15:39

This seems more suited to MAXDictio Word Combination than Word Cloud.
MAXDictio allows you to set the phrase length, so in your case you could pick 1-2 words and then apply a Stop List to get rid of unwanted words
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

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