AI Assist - effizient, sicher, immer zur Hand. Jetzt testen.

MAXQDA wird ständig weiterentwickelt. Lesen Sie hier welche Verbesserungen oder neue Funktionen in welchem Update vorgenommen wurden.

Release 24.4.1 (July 16th, 2024)


  • Visual Tools
    • MAXMaps: We have added a new free-from element to visualize text on the map: a speech bubble.
    • MAXMaps: Adding new elements is now more intuitive. They will appear in a diagonal line within the visible part of the map.
    • MAXMaps: Element grabbers are now even easier to use.
    • MAXMaps: The currently open map is now highlighted in bold in the list of maps, making it easier to identify.
    • Creative Coding: When transferring changes to the code system, the project file is automatically backed up. This allows users to easily restore maps to their previous state.
    • Document Comparison Chart: The feature is now available for media files.
    • Word Trends: Lemmatized words are now displayed in the tooltip within the legend.
    • Word Trends: Users can now pin their chosen words to keep them visible in the legend.
    • Trends for multiple documents: It is now possible to compare document groups and sets.
    • Word Cloud: Easily activate all documents containing a specific word via an option in the context menu.
    • Code Matrix Browser: Easily select specific document sets you want to visualize.
  • More improvements
    • AI Assist: Users can now summarize a coded segment directly from the comment dialog.
    • AI Assist: Increased speed for summarizing segments into coding comments in the Smart Coding Tool and Categorize Survey Data workspaces.
    • AI Chat: Copied AI Chat responses now retain their original formatting.
    • AI Chat: The font size of the AI Chat window now adapts to the user settings for large text sizes making it easier to read.
    • AI Chat: The AI Chat with Coded Segments has been added to the context menu of single codes in the Smart Coding Tool and Categorize Survey Data workspace.
    • PDF Documents: When areas are excluded from a PDF document, they will also be excluded when the PDF is saved as a text document.
    • Import: Transcripts from .vtt can now be imported using different line formats.
    • Interface: Several smaller interface adjustments and improvements.


  • Fixes an issue in QTT where in some cases data was not retained correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while starting MAXQDA where the start screen was always displayed in German language.
  • Fixes an issue while importing transcripts where bold text formatting was not imported properly.
  • Fixes an issue while performing a complex coding query where the "Overview of Coded Segments" was empty when opened from the retrieved segments window.
  • Fixes an issue while working with MAXQDA on a second screen where the AI Chat window was opened in the background and was not visible.
  • Fixes an issue where using keyboard shortcuts in text editing tools in MAXQDA was not possible.
  • Fixes an isshue while importing transcripts from "Fireflies" where the imported document was imported without content.
  • Fixes an issue while activating documents where the number of activated documents was not updated in the Smart Coding Tool.
  • Fixes an issue while rearranging codes in the Smart Coding Tool where changes were not transferred to the Code System window.
  • Fixes several minor interface issues.

Release 24.4 (June 11th, 2024)


  • AI Chat with Coded Segments
    • The AI-powered "Chat with Coded Segments" allows users to chat with their coded data directly within MAXQDA's interface.
    • Users can chat with coded segments of a single code in the code system and coded segments in the "Retrieved Segments" window, Smart Coding Tool, and Categorize Survey Data.
  • AI Chat History
    • This feature allows users to access older chats and review past conversations.
    • Users can easily access archived chats in the main chat window to continue their analysis and compare insights.


    • AI Assist
      • AI Assist features are now available in the Categorize Survey Data workspace.
      • Longer documents: AI Assist users can now chat with documents that are twice as long as before and contain up to 100,000 characters.
      • Increased character limits for segments: all AI Assist functions summarizing segments can be used with up to 120,000 characters, allowing for more in-depth data analysis.
      • Easily access information about AI Assist via the new icon in the Home ribbon tab.
      • AI Regions: License admins can select a server region for their MAXQDA licenses.
    • Automatic Transcription
      • MAXQDA Transcription now supports transcribing bilingual media files, accurately handling audio where both Spanish and English are spoken.
      • Mismatching timestamps are now ignored to ensure the creation of a transcript with mismatching timestamps.
    • "Retrieved Segments" Window
      • Export to Smart Publisher: Users can export their retrieved data via the Smart Publisher directly within the "Retrieved Segments" window, resulting in clearly formatted reports.
      • Full-width view for images: Retrieved image data is now fully displayed, enhancing users' ability to work with images within MAXQDA with greater precision and detail.
    • More improvements
      • Codebook: Exported codebooks now come with enhanced Word formatting for improved readability and presentation.
      • Code Matrix Browser: We've added the option to switch columns and rows when exporting code tabulations, enhancing the flexibility and usability of the Code Matrix Browser.
      • Image codings: Improved sizing of image codings in "Retrieved Segments" window and Summary Grid.
      • Interface: New, modern and easily recognizable icons for the Multimedia Browser, Mixed Methods, and Visual Tools.
      • Interface: Several smaller interface adjustments and improvements.


    • Fixes an issue while importing PDF documents with different sizes where the background was displayed grey instead of white.
    • Fixes an issue while having the Summary Grid open and creating new coded segments where MAXQDA quit unexpectedly.
    • Fixes an issue while choosing the option "Only activated documents" in the Smart Publisher dialogue where the number of segments did not change accordingly.
    • Fixes an issue while creating a Codebook where the dialogue could not be closed via the "close" icon.
    • Fixes an issue while applying changes to codes where an empty message box was displayed.
    • Fixes an issue while switching between worksheets in the QTT workspace where the newly created insights were not saved correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while using color highlighters where the color was not remembered in the Memo Editor.
    • Fixes an issue while importing a .mex file via Teamwork Import where the target for the document could not be changed via the dropdown menu.
    • Fixes an issue while importing transcripts created with Rev where parts of the timestamps were added to the text.
    • Fixes an issue while using the local search where the cursor within the search field jumped to the last character.
    • Fixes an issue while using the Open Coding Mode where code suggestions did not display all existing codes.
    • Fixes an issue while dragging a coded segment into MAXMaps where the document information was not displayed on the map.
    • Fixes an issue while creating AI summaries where the selection dialogue did not remember the user settings correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while activating documents via the variables "created" and "modified" did not work correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while importing documents with unusual font sets where the text was displayed in bold and italic.
    • Fixes several minor interface issues.

    Release 24.3 (April 23rd, 2024)


    • AI Chat with One Document
      • The AI-powered "Chat with One Document" allows users to chat with a single document directly within MAXQDA's interface.
      • Users can inquire about the most relevant topics discussed in an interview or seek insights into an interviewee's opinions on a specific topic.
      • Users can ask follow-up questions, reset conversations anytime, and click on the references to review the cited section in the Document Browser.
    • Exclude Areas from PDF Documents
      • This feature allows users to exclude a PDF's header and footer sections from all MAXQDA analyses, such as Word Frequencies and MAXDictio-based analyses.
      • Easily exclude repetitive text information, such as journal names, page numbers, and header titles.
      • Excluded areas can be set up for all pages of a PDF document at once.


      • Automatic Transcription
        • Ignore disfluencies: you now have the flexibility to exclude verbal fillers (such as "uhm," "err," and "hm") in your English transcripts for enhanced readability or include them for detailed analysis.
        • The progress indicator now displays the number of ongoing transcription processes, so you can easily track how many transcriptions are in process.
        • Hebrew has been added as a language option.
      • True Page Numbers for PDF documents
        • MAXQDA now detects if a PDF file contains information about "true" page numbering, the numbers on the actual document.
        • "True" PDF page numbers are now displayed alongside MAXQDA's native file numbering for easy navigation and are used as source information for copied segments.
      • PDF Documents
        • Relink a missing PDF document easily by dragging and dropping it into the corresponding area in the document properties.
        • Blank characters and hyphens at the end of the line are ignored in analyses using the Smart Coding Tool, Categorize Survey Data, and Categorize Paraphrases functions.
        • Improved zooming capabilities with Apple trackpads.
      • Interface
        • New, modern and easily recognizable icons for our AI Assist features.
        • The Smart Coding Tool, Categorize Survey Data, and Categorize Paraphrases windows are now non-modal, allowing you to use other MAXQDA functions while these windows remain open.
        • MAXQDA windows on MacOS remain in focus while switching to another app.
      • MAXDictio
        • Autocode with Dictionary: We added the code and memo options to the dialogue, so you can use the same code options when using the Autocode with Dictionary tool as you are used to.
        • Long Dictionary Descriptions: When hovering over the name of a long dictionary or list, the entire description is displayed in the tooltip.
        • Undo: You can now use the "Undo" functionality in Dictionaries and Go/Stop Word Lists to undo the previous action easily.
        • Keyword in Context: The Keyword in Context feature now supports the Japanese language.
      • More improvements
        • Activation: You can now activate all codes that have been assigned to a document via the document context menu in the Document System.
        • Focus Group Transcripts: Focus Group Speakers can now be removed via the Document and Code System to easily clean up Focus Group Transcripts.
        • Focus Group Transcripts: The import dialogue for Focus Group Transcripts is now scrollable, enabling you to easily view all the imported speakers regardless of how many there are.
        • Color Choices: Tooltips with the color names have been added to color choices in the Document and Code System.
        • Interface: Several smaller interface adjustmens and improvements.


      • Fixes an issue while linking a transcript to an already imported media file where MAXQDA did not link the .dat file from the external files folder correctly.
      • Fixes an issue while importing web pages with the Web Collector where certain files could not be imported.
      • Fixes an issue while exporting sentiments of survey responses where the sentiment column was empty.
      • Fixes an issue while using AI Assist functions for long documents where the action could not be performed immediately.
      • Fixes an issue while opening an automatcally created transcript via the notifications dropdown menu where the document was not focussed in the Document Browser.
      • Fixes an issue while exporting coded segments from the overview of coded segments window where the chosen options were not applied correctly.
      • Fixes an issue while saving a PDF document as a text document where MAXQDA quit unexpectedly.
      • Fixes an issue while zooming a map in MAXMaps where duplicate zoom icons were displayed.
      • Fixes an issue while exporting a QTT worksheet where only elements from the selected tab were exported.
      • Fixes an issue while using MAXQDA Transcription where the transcript was not correctly created for files that had apostrophes in the file name.
      • Fixes an issue while creating an in-document memo in a PDF document where the memo was attached to the coded segments of this document.
      • Fixes an issue while navigating between multiple memos in PDF documents where the next memo was not displayed.
      • Fixes an issue while importing web pages via URL where web pages with redirections in the link could not be imported properly.
      • Fixes an issue where the keyboard shortcut "ALT+N" did not work to create a new code for a text selection.
      • Fixes an issue while exporting all memos from a project file via the Memo Manager where unnumbered lists were exported as bullet points.
      • Fixes several minor interface issues.

      Release 24.2 (February 12th, 2024)


      • MAXQDA Transcription
        • The AI-powered "MAXQDA Transcription" feature is now seamlessly integrated in MAXQDA so users can automatically transcribe the recording directly within your MAXQDA project.
        • MAXQDA now offers the same 45 transcription languages available on the "MAXQDA Transcription" web app within our desktop software while ensuring the highest-quality transcripts. In just a few minutes after uploading your recordings to "MAXQDA Transcription", you'll receive the complete transcript. Optionally, you can create custom glossaries to ensure uncommon terms, jargon, or specialized terminology
          are transcribed correctly.
        • "MAXQDA Transcription" labels each speaker's contribution separately and fully GDPR-compliant.


        • PDF Documents
          • When printing coded PDF documents, users are now able to visualize coded image segments. Image codes appear as frames.
          • We've said goodbye to the image code's background coloring. Now, image segments in PDF documents are exclusively coded with a border in the designated color, eliminating the colored background to improve the clarity of coded images.
          • Some PDFs can produce unnecessary double spaces at the end of each line of text. MAXQDA now automatically recognizes and removes these spaces when users are retrieving text from coded segments.
        • Memos
          • New memo type for the root of the code system to store crucial information or coding rules.
          • The "summary" section of the memo can now be extended, which makes it easier to read lenghty summaries within Code or Document memos.
          • The project memo is now displayed in the Memo Manager, along with all other memos.
        • Document Browser
          • The color-coding icons have been consolidated into a single drop-down menu, now operating like the text marker feature found in MAXQDA memos and other word-processing applications.
          • The Text Alignment icons within the Edit Toolbar have also been consolidated into a unified drop-down menu, a design choice to optimize space use and maintain a clean, uncluttered interface.
          • When working on a manual transcript, MAXQDA now consistently stores copies of the transcripts in the Temp folder and keeps them available for multiple days. This functionality allows users to retrieve previous versions of transcripts in case of accidental edits or deletions.
        • Interface
          • The avatar area, located in the top right corner of the interface, has undergone a fresh styling, enhancing its visibility. Additionally, we've introduced a new notification icon to promptly alert users when their media has been successfully transcribed with "MAXQDA Transcription".
          • We've improved several UI elements, such as boosting the contrast of scroll bars, adding visible dividers to table columns and refining the styling of selected cells in tables.
          • Mac users are now able to use "Fullscreen" mode again.
          • If users hover over the project name in the main title bar, a new tooltip will appear, displaying the full path to where the project is stored on the computer.
          • Icons in the Document System have a smarter drop-down menu that opens automatically on hover.
        • More improvements
          • Code system: During code searches in the Code System, users now have the option to deactivate the filtering of the code system by search hits and display search hits within the entire code system.
          • Paraphrases & Comments: The paraphrase and comment text fields are now more responsive. A real-time character count has been added so users can keep track of the remaining characters before hitting the text limit.
          • Paraphrases: Text segments that are already paraphrased are now displayed with an orange background to match the orange paraphrase icon better and make the feature more accessible to new users.
          • AI Assist: The dialogue displaying generated code suggestions now offers the flexibility to independently expand or collapse each section corresponding to a specific code type. This enhancement enables users to concentrate on a singular type of code suggestion (thematic vs. interpretative), streamlining users focus compared to the previous format.
          • Performance: Improved performance when starting MAXQDA.
          • Performance: Improved performance when opening a worksheet in the QTT workspace.
          • Interface: Severall smaller interface adjustmens and improvements.


        • Fixes an issue while coding with a new code in a large project file where the coding process was slow.
        • Fixes an issue while opening the search results for a word in the word cloud that has been created from categorize survey data where the search result was not listed.
        • Fixes an issue while saving a project with MAXQDA 24 as a .mx22 file where directly opening the file with MAXQDA 24 again failed.
        • Fixes an issue while staying logged in to the MAXQDA user account where holders of student licenses had to log in again multiple times.
        • Fixes an issue while playing media files in the Multimedia Browser where manually entering a time in the spinbox did not work properly.
        • Fixes an issue while exporting coded segments from the retrieved segments window where the code and document names were not properly exported when the retrieved segments window was closed.
        • Fixes an issue while moving the cursor out of a selection in a video file where the video image was not updated.
        • Fixes an issue while navigating search hits with keyboard shortcuts. Users can now use "Enter" or "Shift+Enter" to jump to the next or previous search hit.
        • Fixes an issue while creating a longer code summary in a code memo where scrolling was not possible.
        • Fixes an issue with table designs in Stats selection dialogues.

        Release 24.1 (December 12th, 2023)


        • AI Assist
          • Document Summary: AI Assist can help you summarize whole documents.
          • Explain This: Simply highlight any term or phrase in your documents and receive a clear explanation by AI Assist.
        • MAXQDA 24 Reader
          • With the free MAXQDA Reader everyone can view and browse through MAXQDA projects.


        • AI Assist
          • AI Assist Free is now available in the trial version.
          • AI Assist is now even easier to discover in the document browser via an icon in the toolbar.
        • Interface
          • We have added a "scrim" to the main interface while interacting with modal dialogues to improve usability.
          • Improved color scheme for documents and codes to give them a modern look.
          • Several new icons and smaller interface adjustments.
        • More improvements
          • Teamwork Import/Export: It is now possible to transfer in-media memos via .mex files.
          • Import of web pages via Excel list: You can now import images from web pages in simplify mode.
          • Codes: Your In-vivo codes can now also have a length of 127 characters, just as all of your other codes.
          • New file format for the MAXQDA 24 code system .mtr24


        • Fixes an issue while displaying the project information where the window title did not match the actual name of the project file.
        • Fixes an issue with a dialogue in the autocode function where basic elements were not displayed.
        • Fixes an issue in setups with additional monitors where screenshots of media files were not correctly extracted.
        • Fixes an issue in selection dialogues on Windows where the font size of listed items did not match the rest of the interface.
        • Fixes an issue with the export of coded segments where selected settings were not applied.
        • Fixes an issue with the export of coded video clips.
        • Fixes an issue in the "Segment Matrix" where clicks on the source information did not open the original location.
        • Fixes an issue in the document browser where zoom navigation with a mouse or trackpad was limited.
        • Fixes an issue in the project information window where the window title did not represent the actual name of the project file.
        • Fixes an issue with the multimedia browser where a click on a timestamp did not play the file from the respective position.
        • Fixes an issue on macOS where, instead of the "About MAXQDA" window, the Overview of memos appeared.
        • Fixes an issue where colored passages of imported PDF files were not accurately transformed into coded segments.
        • Fixes an issue in the document portrait where the legend was displayed incorrectly while a video was coded.
        • Fixes an issue while deleting timestamps in the "Overview of timestamps" where the deletion icon did not get enabled.
        • Fixes an issue while inserting variable values for boolean variables in the Crosstabs feature where value 0 was not inserted.
        • Fixes an issue while searching for a code in the system where the first search hit was automatically applied while the option "Click a code to apply the code to a selected segment" was active.
        • Fixes an issue while transferring the TeamCloud license to another team lead where the transfer was not possible unless an active project existed.

        24.0.0 – Veröffentlicht am 7. November 2023

        MAXQDA 24 enthält mehr als 35 neue Funktionen und unzählige Verbesserungen und wurde am 7. November 2023 veröffentlicht.

        Alle neuen Funktionen von MAXQDA 24 entdecken

Release 2022.8 (September 12th, 2023)


  • AI Assist
    • Suggest new codes: AI Assist can help you develop and apply new codes for your text segments.
    • Paraphrase selected text passages: You can now use AI Assist to paraphrase text passages directly in the Document Browser.


  • AI Assist
    • AI Assist in the Smart Coding Tool: You can now use several AI Assist functions for all listed segments at once.
    • Refine automatic summaries: AI Assist now offers additional summary options, that let you refine the text output in multiple ways, such as length and bullet points.
  • Default location for MAXQDA projects
    • You can now set a default location in the general settings where your MAXQDA projects should be saved.
    • Admins are able to define this setting during silent installations.
  • More improvements
    • Paraphrasing: While paraphrasing text selections directly from the right-click context menu, the Document Browser will automatically activate the sidebar to display newly created paraphrases next to the text.
    • Smart Coding Tool: Smart Coding Tool: We have improved the scrolling with trackpad flickers in the Smart Coding Tool so it runs smoother.
    • Word Cloud: Several small fixes and UI enhancements.
    • Interface: Several small interface adjustments.


  • Fixes an issue while analyzing Keyword in Context for Cyrillic texts where the context was not displayed correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while analyzing word frequencies in MAXDictio where the Type-Token Ratio (TTR) was not updated properly after reopening the feature with newly imported stop word lists.
  • Fixes an issue while creating a code hierarchy model in MAXMaps where aggregating subcodes did not work properly.
  • Fixes an issue while creating a report with the Smart Publisher where the subtitle was not exported correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying coded segments in the summary grid where the segments were not sorted by their position within the document.
  • Fixes an issue while enabling the "size reflects number" option in the Document Map for an empty map where MAXQDA quit unexpectedly.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting text documents where soft line breaks were not exported properly.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting the list of coded segments as an Excel spreadsheet where the content for the "Modified" column was missing.
  • Fixes an issue while saving the settings for the Complex Coding Query where the settings were not remembered for the installation but only for the working session.
  • Fixes an issue while setting hyperlinks in edit mode where the text added after blank spaces was also considered part of the hyperlink.
  • Fixes an issue while sorting the overview of codes table by code color where the sorting was incorrect for black codes.
  • Fixes an issue while switching between a memo with hyperlinks and a memo without any links in the Memo Manager where links were displayed in the second memo as well.

Release 2022.7 (June 20th, 2023)

This update disables the Twitter import feature in MAXQDA.

Following changes in the Twitter API regulations, MAXQDA will no longer be able to support the „Twitter import“ function for searching and importing Tweets. Nonetheless, any Tweets already imported into a MAXQDA project can still be analyzed using the “Analyse Tweets” workspace.


  • AI Assist
    • Suggest subcodes: AI Assist can help you develop subcategories for a code by analyzing the content of the coded segments.
    • Summarize selected text passages: You can now summarize text passages directly in the Document Browser or summarize a single coded segment.
    • Summarize a coded segment to a code comment: AI Assist summarizes the text of a coded segment for you and stores it directly in the code comment.


  • AI Assist
    • It is now possible to create AI summaries for codes in various features where you interact with a code.
    • You can now choose to let AI Assist only analyze your activated documents.
  • Document Properties Dialogue
    • The new dialogue improves the way you interact with your document, for example to link a media file to a transcript, move a document in the folder for external files, or change the file's name and further properties.
  • More improvements
    • Autocoding Search Results: We have improved the visibility of the autocoding search results feature by adding a label and placing it more prominently.
    • Document Browser: When hovering over a coding stripe in the Document Browser while displaying comments in the sidebar, the corresponding comment is now highlighted to easily identify the comment for the coded segment.
    • Memos: You can now use the common shortcut Ctrl+F/cmd+F in memos to easily search the content of your memo.
    • Smart Coding Tool: Smooth scrolling in the coded segments table.
    • Interface: We have updated the design of several icons to match our new, modern icon style.
    • Visual Tools: The Code Relations Browser no longer includes information about non-activated parent codes.
    • Example Project Files: The Portuguese example project and its media files were updated to match new features in MAXQDA 2022.


  • Fixes an issue while analyzing sentiments where the "Differences" column did not show negative differences.
  • Fixes an issue while calculating frequencies where Boolean variables where not calculated correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while clicking on the coding stripes for coded segments in the "Retrieved Segments" window where the multimedia player did not play the corresponding video segments.
  • Fixes an issue while copying and pasting from a summary table to QTT where the result in QTT was displayed with a black background.
  • Fixes an issue while creating the Codeline for PDF documents and turning off the "Standardized Unit" option where the Codeline was not displayed correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying .PDF documents where the content of some PDFs was not displayed correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while importing a .SAV file that contained placeholders for already deleted documents where the file was not imported properly.
  • Fixes an issue while importing certain documents with bullet points where MAXQDA quit unexpectedly.
  • Fixes an issue while importing .DOCX files where some distances before and after paragraphs where displayed too large.
  • Fixes an issue while using wildcards in the word frequencies results table for dictionary words where the wildcard character was ignored.
  • Fixes several minor interface issues.

Release 2022.6.1 (May 15th, 2023)


    • Fixes an issue while opening the Word Cloud from the Smart Coding Tool where sometimes the dropdown menus were displayed without content.
    • Fixes an issue while selecting a shape element in MAXMaps where the wrong format tab was displayed.
    • Fixes an issue while using Japanese as text language where the word separation did not work properly.
    • Improved performance when opening the Code Relations Browser for coded segments from large PDF documents.
    • Fixes several minor interface issues.

Release 2022.6 (April 26th, 2023)


    • AI Assist
      • Create automatic summaries in the Summary Grid. AI Assist can summarize multiple text segments that were coded with the same code to help you explain common themes across your codings.
      • Create automatic Code summaries for a number of coded segments. AI Assist can add a summary to the Code memo to help you explain the coded content of a code.


    • PDF documents
      • You can now use the search and autocode function for paragraphs in the Smart Coding Tool, Categorize Survey Data, and Categorize Paraphrases in PDF documents.
      • You can also use the option to autocode paragraphs in PDF documents for the local search in the Document Browser.
      • The Complex Coding Query functions "near" and "followed by" are now applicable for PDF documents.
    • Smart Publisher
      • Now includes new options to choose which data to include in your automatically generated report.
      • Easily select or ignore codes, include code memos, and include additional information for coded segments.
      • More formatting options.
    • More improvements
      • Autocoding: You can now autocode directly from the search results table by dragging and dropping a search hit to the code system.
      • Document Browser: The Document Browser now has a new, clearer toolbar for zoom options in PDF documents.
      • Document System: Quickly add or remove documents with new icons that appear on hover directly in the Document System.
      • Export: You can now set a file name and location when exporting the Interactive Quote Matrix directly from the Code Relations Browser.
      • Interface: We have improved several tooltips to make them clearer.
      • MAXDictio: You can search within stop word lists and go word lists to easily find words.
      • QTT: It is now possible to simply add codes and memos to a worksheet via drag & drop.
      • Word Trends: You can now select the number of sections to be visualized in the Word Trends yourself.
      • Word Trends/Document Portrait: The Word Trends visualization now contains an editable title so you can easily present it in a paper or presentation.


    • Fixes an issue while analyzing the intercoder agreement for overlapping of codes at segment level where the document of the second coder could not be opened.
    • Fixes an issue where document sets in the Document System could not be renamed via the context menu.
    • Fixes an issue while changing the label of a memo with a Chinese keyboard where the text displayed as memo text instead of memo label.
    • Fixes an issue while changing the symbol of a code in a hierarchal code map in MAXMaps where MAXQDA quit unexpectedly.
    • Fixes an issue while creating a report with the Smart Publisher where some subcodes were considered parent codes and were exported twice.
    • Fixes an issue while creating boolean document variables where the variable values were not applied correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while deleting a MAXDictio category where the restored category was not displayed immediately after using the undo function.
    • Fixes an issue while double-clicking on hits in the Code Configurations where the segments were not interactive.
    • Fixes an issue while exchanging image codings via Teamwork Exchange where the coding boundaries were not displayed correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while exporting text documents as PDF with visualized coding stripes where some lines were missing.
    • Fixes an issue while highlighting text in the Smart Coding Tool where coding the highlighted text with a new code did not work correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while importing bibliographic data from RIS files where some tags were not imported properly.
    • Fixes an issue while opening project files with a large number of PDF documents where starting MAXQDA was not possible.
    • Fixes an issue while printing text documents with paraphrases where some paraphrases were cut off.
    • Fixes an issue while renaming code sets in the Document System where selecting and renaming the sets was not possible.
    • Fixes an issue while searching for emoticodes in the Code System where the entire code was not displayed.
    • Fixes an issue while transferring filtered words from the Word Frequencies results table to the stop word list where non-filtered words were also transferred.
    • Fixes an issue while transforming variables into new variables where the name for the transformed variables was not displayed.
    • Fixes an issue while using the autotext function in transcription mode where a line break was added for longer abbreviations.
    • Fixes several minor interface issues.

    Release 2022.5 (March 1st, 2023)


    Code Comparison Table

    Compare comments from two or more codes with each other in an interactive table. You can find this feature in the "Code" menu ribbon.

    New Features for MAXQDA Stats. Elevate your mixed methods research and your survey analysis

    What is MAXQDA Stats? The Stats module is available in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Use Stats to seamlessly analyze code occurrence and document variables – or import and connect data sets from Excel or statistical tools like R, SPSS, or Stata.

    • Multiple Responses:
      • Define response sets for survey questions with multiple responses and create combined result tables and bar charts.
      • Compare results across subgroups using crosstabs and grouped bar charts.
    • Matrix Questions:
      • Define item sets for survey questions with a fixed rating scheme (for example, “totally disagree” to “totally agree”) and create combined result tables with arithmetic mean and missing values or create a stacked bar chart.
    • Cluster Analysis:
      • Identify and group cases with similar code occurrences and variable values. Use various distance measures (such as Euclidean distance and block distance) and grouping algorithms (average, complete, single, and Ward).
      • Test different numbers of clusters, investigating results in automatically updated Typology Tables and visualizing cluster distances in a line chart.
    • Further Improvements for Stats:
      • Boxplots: Identify, filter, or remove outliers with interactive tools.
      • Boxplots/Histograms: Test of the normal distribution with Shapiro-Wilk.
      • Frequencies: Exclude all cases if one of the analyzed cases has a missing value.
      • Frequencies: View arithmetic mean and standard deviation directly in result tables (integer and decimal variables).

    Topic Modeling for TeamCloud Projects

    Speed up your analysis with another natural language processing (NLP) tool in MAXQDA. Topic Modeling can assist you to identify topics across large data sets. View topics as lists or word clouds and store results as variables, document sets, or dictionaries for deeper analysis. This feature is currently available for Teamcloud projects.

    A Fresh Look for MAXQDA’s main menu

    A refreshing update for the main menu icons, featuring a crisp and modern design.


    • Improved paragraph recognition for PDF documents. You can now autocode paragraphs in PDFs and analyze code relationships using the “near” and “followed by” functions in the Complex Coding Query. The number of paragraphs is also automatically stored as a document variable.
    • Interactive Quote Matrix and similar tables: Improved content display to distinguish between coded segments, comments, and memos.
    • Code Frequencies: Analyze the frequency of your aggregated subcodes and decide how many levels of subcodes you want to aggregate.
    • MAXDictio: Add items from various tables to your stop word list with one click. Simply click on the icon in the first column.
    • MAXMaps: You can now change the background color of a map in MAXMaps. Right-click anywhere on the map canvas to select the new background color option from the context menu.
    • Word Trends: This tool now uses monotone cubic interpolation to output even more accurate graphs.
    • Smart Coding Tool: You can now activate or deactivate codes directly from the Smart Coding Tool workspace.


    • Fixes an issue where opening the PDF bookmark list was not possible.
    • Fixes an issue while analyzing code relations in the Code Relations Browser where document duplicates were ignored.
    • Fixes an issue while applying codes to segments in the Overview of Paraphrased Segments table. You can now code each row separately.
    • Fixes an issue while creating a Code Cloud for codes with identical names, where all instances of the same code name were colored in the same color. They are now displyed in their code color.
    • Fixes an issue while selecting documents for the "Compare Cases & Groups" feature. You are now able to drag & drop image documents into the selection dialogue.
    • Fixes an issue while creating a Single-Case Model in MAXMaps where the level of subcodes was not applied correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while displaying document variable frequencies in Stats. The value column is now sorted properly.
    • Fixes an issue while displaying long code names in the Document Portrait legend.
    • Fixes an issue while copying or importing Emojis from non-unicode texts or tables. Emojis are now displayed correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while creating a hierarchal Code-Subcode Model in MAXMaps. The option "Code size reflects code frequency" is now applied correctly.
    • Fixes an issue while exporting MAXMaps with layers. Links are no longer placed in the first layer by default.
    • Fixes an issue while saving a MAXMaps map in a QTT worksheet. The map labels now have an optimized size.
    • Fixes an issue while importing specific .mweb files on macOS.
    • Fixes an issue while exporting coded video clips from the Multimedia Browser. This is now possible on silicon based macOS systems.
    • Fixes an issue while working with multiple documents in tabs where the spellcheck context menu appeared on the wrong document (macOS only).
    • Fixes several minor interface issues.

    Release 2022.4.1 (2023-01-17)


      • Fixes an issue while activating codes using document variables where activation failed for multiple processes in succession.
      • Fixes an issue while creating a Code Map where the font for code labels could not be changed properly.
      • Fixes an issue while displaying Summary Tables in QTT that were created with version 2022.3 or earlier.
      • Fixes an issue while opening a project file from an encrypted container that caused a conversion error message to appear.
      • Fixes an issue while saving PDF documents as externally saved documents where documents were imported to the project file even when exceeding the maximum set file size.
      • Fixes several minor interface issues.

      Release 2022.4 (2022-12-06)


        • New Visual Tool: Word Trends
          • Compare how word frequencies change throughout a text. Use the new Word Trends visualization to explore how frequently different words occur in different sections of a text or PDF document.
          • Hover over the nodes in the interactive graph to view the frequencies for each section.
          • Click on a node to get a list of each word occurrence in its original context.
        • Automatic Import from Watched Folders
          • You can now connect a folder to a MAXQDA project in the new automatic import section in the preferences menu.
          • Any new files added to this folder are automatically imported into your project and ready for analysis.
        • Code Statistics
          • Code Statistics can now be created for parent codes as well as for subcodes. Simply open them via the new “Code Statistics” icon in the “Codes” toolbar or via the context menu in the Code System.
        • Onboarding for New Users
          • After installing MAXQDA, new users are now guided through the first steps.
          • You can open this onboarding tour anytime by opening ? > First steps.


        • Document Browser
          • Open as many documents as you want. You can now open multiple documents side-by-side in floating Document Browser windows. Simply open a document in a new window via the context menu.
          • Jump to a page for PDF. We’ve updated the page navigation for PDF documents to make it possible to jump to a specific page by simply entering the page number.
          • Add tables & date. You can now add tables and the current date to your text documents while the edit mode is active.
        • MAXDictio
          • Autocode. Multiple "Autocode with Dictionary" processes are now combined under one parentcode.
          • Stop word lists. There are now stop word lists in several languages available in your newly created projects so you don't have to add them manually.
          • Stop word lists. You can now access your stop word lists directly in the stop word list selection menu.
          • Word Tree & Word Combinations. You can now save the results for the Word Tree and Word Combinations for later use.
        • More improvements
          • Categorize Survey Data: We have improved the performance for large data sets.
          • Code System: Creating nonhierarchical groups of codes in a code set is now even easier. Just click on the new "add" icon that appears while hovering over a code set to create new code sets or add codes to an existing set.
          • Code System: You can now filter your code system using the new "Only Activated Codes" icon to hide all codes that are not activated.
          • Charts & Tables: MAXQDA now remembers your display settings for charts and diagrams so you can easily create multiple charts and diagrams with your chosen settings.
          • Code & Document Summaries: Export your Code or Document Summaries without having to export the Memo content as well.
          • Code & Word Explorer: If you have documents activated, the option "Only activated documents" is automatically applied.
          • Code & Word Explorer: You can now manage your stop word lists directly in the Code/Word Explorer dialogue.
          • Complex Coding Query: For the functions "Followed by" and "Near" you can now set a maximum distance up to 9,999 paragraphs, rows, and seconds.
          • Creative Coding: The menu options in the Creative Coding window were updated to highlight the most used actions in this window.
          • Import survey data: The import survey data dialogue now displays a preview of the original data to make it easier to decide which data to import as variables and/or codes into the project.
          • Interface: We have updated the design of several dialogues, all checkboxes, and radio buttons.
          • Multimedia: Video thumbnails are now loaded and displayed automatically in the Multimedia Browser.
          • Multimedia: Video thumbnails are now displayed in the Retrieved Segments window.
          • Keyboard Shortcuts: You can now use additional keyboard shortcuts to easily select text in the Document Browser and the Memo Editor.
          • Keyboard Shortcuts: You can now use the shortcuts cmd/ctrl+enter to close the Memo Editor and save the Memo.
          • Summary Grid: When hovering over a memo, the memos content is now displayed in the tooltip.
          • Summary Grid: You can now search for keywords in the displayed coded segments.


          • Fixes an issue while autocoding search results from the text search where the options for the coding range were not displayed
          • Fixes an issue while autocoding whole sentences in PDFs on macOS where some sentences were not calculated correctly and MAXQDA stopped working.
          • Fixes an issue while converting .mx20 files with MAXQDA 2022 on macOS where the conversion process failed for certain project files.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying favorite variables in the Smart Coding Tool where it was not possible to apply new codes if one of the favorite variables was a system variable.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying PDF documents where some PDF documents were displayed blurry.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying the WordTree where not the full name of the document was displayed in the tooltip while hovering over the text.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying variables in Cross tables where the full name of the variables was not displayed.
          • Fixes an issue while exporting retrieved segments to Excel where segments retrieved with the Complex Coding Query option "Interactions" could not be exported.
          • Fixes an issue while importing a Focus Group Transcript where speakers were not found if there was a line break between the speakers name and the spoken text.
          • Fixes an issue while importing certain .docx files or files that didn't contain XML closing tags were not imported properly.
          • Fixes an issue while importing Twitter data where some Tweets were imported more than once.
          • Fixes an issue while importing webpages via links from Excel list where certain webpages were not imported and MAXQDA stopped working.
          • Fixes an issue while importing websites in PDF format where importing the websites via an Excel table didn't work.
          • Fixes an issue while using the scrollbar of the Multimediabrowser for video files where the position could not be changed properly.
          • Fixes an issue while working in the Summary Grid where it was not possible to highlight and copy comments.

          Release 2022.3 (2022-10-18)


          • The Code Explorer
            • Understand how you have used the code in your data and which elements of writing you have created about this code in memos, comments, or summaries.
            • Find out where the code occurs, which other codes often co-occur with your code and which words appear most frequently in your coded text.
            • All the information you see on the dashboard is interactive so you can jump into your data for further information with a single click.
          • Import Options
            • Quickly import files or folders from Clipboard by using the new option unter “Import > Create Document > From Clipboard” or the keyboard combination ctrl/cmd + v.
            • Import transcripts that were created with the automatic transcription tool "GoSpeech".
          • Intel based and Apple silicon based macOS systems
            • MAXQDA now offers a native support for both Intel based and Apple silicon–based macOS systems.


          • Summary Grid & Summary Table
            • Optimized screen use. The improved Summary Grid layout displays the summary at the bottom, so you have more space to view the original data. The new ribbon menus in both windows make it easier to understand and use all of the available options. And the new Summary Table enables users to use the full width of the window to display their data.
            • Spellcheck. Avoid spelling mistakes in your summaries by activating the spellcheck function in the Summary window.
            • Highlight cases in document colors. Create case typologies by displaying each case in the color of their document. Edit or assign new colors to visualize different groups.
            • Edit Summary Tables. You can now remove columns or rows from a Summary Table at any time. Right-click on the column or row headers to select this new option from the context menu.
            • Display coded segments. Include a code in the Summary Table even if you have not created any summaries for this code, by switching the display to coded segments.
          • Media Analysis & Transcription
            • Video Thumbnails next to the text. While working with transcripts of video files, you can now see thumbnails of the video next to each time stamp to get a better insight into you data.
            • Play Media with one click. If an audio or video file is linked to a transcript, you can now click on the new play icon that appears in the Document System and the Document Browser toolbar to open it with one click.
            • New access to transcription mode. You can now quickly start or resume transcribing your media files by clicking on the new transcription icon in the Multimedia Browser window, or by right-clicking into the transcript and selecting the option from the context menu.
            • Deleting the first letter in your transcript. You can now edit and delete the first letter of a paragraph in your transcripts without deleting the corresponding timestamp as well.
          • More improvements
            • Word & Code Explorer: You can now zoom into the workspace of the Word Explorer and Code Explorer.
            • Visual Tools: In the Code Matrix Browser and Crosstab you can now view your code system in hierarchy and filter the visualization to activated codes at the same time.
            • TeamCloud: TeamCloud team members who have missed the upload deadline for a project cycle can now export a backup of their project that their team lead can manually import into a newer cycle.
            • TeamCloud: If a TeamCloud team member was unable to upload their work within the correct project cycle, it is now possible for the team lead to import their work into a newer cycle.
            • Stats: When exporting codes from MAXQDA Stats to SPSS, the parent codes are now also added to the variable label.
            • Start dialogue: Right-click on a project file in the list of Recently Opened Projects to view a new option which allows you to open the folder that contains this project file.
            • QTT: You can now send your Code Configurations, Code Coverage, Word Explorer and Interactive Word Tree to your QTT spreadsheet.
            • QTT: You can now send the result tables of multiple MAXDictio tools to a QTT worksheet. This option is available for Word Frequencies, Word Combinations, Keyword-in-context, and Dictionary-based Content Analysis.
            • Printing: While printing your code system you can now exclude the code memos from the printed document by using a new setting in the print dialogue.
            • Paraphrases: You can now paraphrase without having to switch into "Paraphrase mode" first. Simply right-click on a selection and choose the new "Paraphrase Selection" option from the context menu.
            • MAXMaps: The option to change the color of an element in MAXMaps was moved to a more prominent location in the ribbon menu.
            • MAXMaps: The MAXMaps dialogue to select focus group speakers for a focus group map was simplified to make it easier to find all speakers in your project.
            • MAXMaps: Results from a code configuration analysis can be visualized in a map in MAXMaps. Click on the MAXMaps icon in the result table to view code co-occurrences as a map.
            • MAXDictio: The word tree now recognizes additional quotation marks.
            • Main Preferences: You can now decide which characters to cut off from words and select if the text content is Japanese in the new “Word Separation” section of the MAXQDA preferences.
            • Main Preferences: In the MAXQDA Preferences you can now set your own default fonts for documents, memos, QTT insights, and labels in MAXMaps.
            • Local Search: While using the Code or Document System toolbar search to find a specific element, the list is now automatically filtered to only show codes or documents with search hits.
            • Local Search: The local search options in all of the four main windows are now easier to reach. We have moved the search functionality to the same position in all four window toolbars.
            • Literature Analysis: If your RIS data includes multiple literature references that have an identical author and publication year, MAXQDA includes a lowercase letter after the year as suggested in the APA Style guideslines.
            • Keyboard Shortcuts: You can now use the shortcut ctrl+F/cmd+F to open the local search bar in the Smart Coding Tool, Analyze Survey Data and Categorize Paraphrases windows.
            • Keyboard Shortcuts: You can now use new keyboard shortcuts to format text in MAXMaps as bold (ctrl/cmd + b), italic (ctrl/cmd + i), or underlined (ctrl/cmd + u).
            • Interface: The option to change code colors for one or multiple codes in Creative Coding was moved from the left side panel to the ribbon menu. You now have more space available to rearrange your code system in a visual way.
            • Interface: The dialogue for autocoding documents with MAXDictio dictionaries was optimized for clarity and ease of use.
            • Interface: The code properties dialogue was optimized for quality and ease of use.
            • Interface: Selecting favorite variables which are optionally displayed in several analytical features or included in certain exports are now easier selected or deselected with a new dialogue.
            • Interface: New Design for message boxes.
            • Interactive Quote Matrix: The number of available coded segments is now visible for each code in the code system of the Interactive Quote Matrix. You can now easily identify codes with a large number of coded segments and quickly skip codes with no coded segments.
            • Images: You can now click on the frame of a coded segment in an image to interact with the coded segment. This option is available if you have selected to display frames around coded image segments.
            • Focus Group Transcripts: While importing a transcript with different speakers, MAXQDA now automatically recognizes URL links in focus group transcripts and removes "http" and "https" from the speaker import options.
            • Focus Group Transcripts: While analyzing Word frequencies and Word combinations in your focus group transcripts you can now differentiate the results by speaker to see how often each single speaker used word or a word combination.
            • Focus Group Transcripts: If you copy and paste a text segment from a focus group transcript to another location, MAXQDA now automatically adds the name of the speaker to the source information. To use this new feature, make sure to activate the “Copy text with source info” option in the Document Browser settings.
            • Document System: Double-click on a Document Group or Document Set in the document system to expand or collapse the documents in the folder.
            • Document Portrait: The Document Portrait visualizes code distribution in documents using the code colors. Now you can add a legend to the Document Portrait that lists all codes by their colors.
            • Diagrams & Tables: The size of your diagrams and frequency tables windows are now remembered.
            • Diagrams & Tables: The Overview of Coded Segments table can now display your comments in multiple rows if they are too long to fit into the current column width.
            • Diagrams & Tables: Optionally switch off decimals for percentages in diagrams by toggling the new “decimals” icon on and off.


          • Fixes some minor issues while merging projects with the TeamCloud.
          • Fixes an issue while sorting coded segments by document system for bibliographic data where the list of retrieved segments did not change accordingly.
          • Fixes an issue while opening the Code Matrix Browser where the option to use weight filters was not available.
          • Fixes an issue while importing bibliographic data from .ris files where some tags were not imported properly.
          • Fixes an issue while exporting the Code Relations Browser to Excel or Word where the heatmap colors were not exported for collapsed codes.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying the WordCloud for Twitter data where in newly created project files the WordCloud was empty.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying lexical search results where a blank character after punctuation marks were not displayed on Big Sur.
          • Fixes an issue while creating the Codeline for PDF documents and turning off the "Standardized Unit" option where the Codeline was not displayed correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while coding images where sometimes assigning multiple codes in a row did not work properly.
          • Fixes an issue while clicking on a coded segment in the summary grid where the columns order was reset.
          • Fixes an issue while adding a second internal link between a media file and a memo where after adding some additional memo text the link was not displayed anymore.

          Release 2022.2.1 (2022-07-27)


          • Focus Group Analysis
            • Visualize similarities and differences in code assignments between two focus group speakers in the MAXMaps Two-Cases Model. This model was already available for documents, document groups/sets and can now also be used to compare speakers.
          • QTT
            • You can now send several Mixed Methods outputs directly to your QTT worksheet.
          • TeamCloud
            • You can now manually create backups for your TeamCloud projects.


          • Interface: Improved automatic resizing in the Document Browser while working with more than 10 open tabs at once.


          • Fixes an issue while adding a new Logbook entry with the MAXQDA interface set to darkmode, where the font used an incorrect color.
          • Fixes an issue while changing the font family for MAXMaps objects, where the font was not updated.
          • Fixes an issue while changing the view in the Summary Table, where not all of the content was displayed.
          • Fixes an issue while creating new codes in the Summary Table, where the codes could not be transformed into document variables.
          • Fixes an issue while for structured texts some system variables were displayed as "0".
          • Fixes an issue while importing bibliographical data, where in some instances the import dialog was blank until the window was resized.
          • Fixes an issue while importing web pages via URL, where MAXQDA displayed a misleading warning about a missing network connection during the import process.
          • Fixes an issue while recognizing focus group speakers during the merge of project files that contain identical focus group transcripts. Speakers are now recognized and automatically merged into each other correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while using favorite variables in the Smart Coding Tool, where a number was shown for the document group instead of the name.
          • Fixes an issue while using the global undo function, where applying some codings was also undone.
          • Fixes an issue with different fonts used in the documents and codes context menus.

          Release 2022.2 (2022-05-18)


          New Features for MAXQDA Stats. Elevate your Mixed Methods research with statistical analysis

          The Stats module is available in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Use Stats to seamlessly quantify your qualitative data and enrich your analysis with additional insights. Statistically analyze qualitative data and document variables in MAXQDA – or import and connect your data with data sets in the Excel or SAV format (for example from SPSS or Stata.)

          • Interactivity: Extended interactivity to connect results from statistical analysis with your qualitative data. Use selected cases from table outputs as filters in the Data Editor for in-depth analysis of sub-samples, such as extreme cases and outliers.
          • Compute New Variable: Compute new variables based on code distribution. You can mix code frequencies and variable values while computing new variables using standard mathematical operators.
          • Frequencies, Descriptive Statistics, Crosstabs: Extended analysis options for codes. Binarize codes and/or subcodes to analyze code existence instead of code frequency. Sum up subcodes.
          • Descriptive Statistics: Split results tables by codes or variables to compare groups.
          • Compare Groups - New Tests:
            • t-Test for Independent Samples, including the test of normal distribution with Shapiro-Wilk, and effect sizes Cohen's d and Hedges' g.
            • Mann-Whitney U-Test for Independent Samples
          • Analysis of Variance: Identify relevant differences of mean values with Scheffe post-hoc test and effect sizes Cohen’s d and Hedge’s g.
          • Boxplots: Extended boxplot visualization. You can now display boxplots for multiple groups at once to compare distributions.
          • Correlation: Extended option to customize correlation tables. Highlight cells by correlations or by p values. Display or hide statistical significance (p) and/or number of cases (N).
          • Scatterplots: Extended interactivity in scatterplot visualizations. Select cases directly in the visualization to remove cases or to save any group of cases as a Data Editor filter or a MAXQDA Document Set.


          • Visual Tools: Connection lines in MAXMaps models and the Code Map are now displayed in a lighter color to make the models easier to read, especially if elements names and connection lines overlap each other.
          • Visual Tools: In the Code Matrix Browser / Code Relations Browser you can now click on the column headers to sort the displayed information by frequency. This new function is available if the code system is displayed in a non-hierarchical way.
          • Visual Tools: Analyze coding patterns and frequencies with the Document Portrait visualization for multiple documents at once from the right-click context menu of selected documents.
          • Export: The Smart Publisher template was updated. Exported data now fits on a smaller number of pages which saves ressources if the report is printed out on paper.
          • Export: You can already include the favorite variable values in the export of coded segments. Now you can check and modify your favorite variables directly from the export dialogue.
          • Export: The export options of the Document Map are now all listed in one place. Click on the main "Export" icon to view all the available export options.
          • Import: The URL of a webpage imported from the MAXQDA Web Collector add-on was already stored in the document memo. Now it is also added as an external link to the document properties.
          • Interface: The tooltips that appear while hovering over a document, code, or coded segment received a design update. The new tooltips are prettier, include color information, and overall make the displayed information easier to read.
          • Search: Search for words or phrases can now be targeted to only search in code comments or paraphrases. These two new options are now available in the "Text Search & Autocode" function.
          • Summary Grid: The Summary Grid displays code occurrences with a visual indicator. Now you can switch to a numeric view to see how many times a code occurs in a document.
          • Surveys: You can already display favorite variables in the Categorize Survey Data window. Now you can check and modify your favorite variables directly in the menu ribbon.
          • Surveys: While importing survey data from Excel files, MAXQDA now ignores empty spaces at the beginning or end of variable names and values to avoid unwanted duplicates.
          • TeamCloud: Upload a user avatar image in MAXQDA TeamCloud to add some personal style to your team communication.
          • TeamCloud: MAXQDA TeamCloud now automatically creates a backup of a member's current TeamCloud project before the member downloads the project file of a new cycle.
          • Word Explorer: Right-click on a word in the Word Cloud or a Word Frequency table and select the new context menu "Explore in Word Explorer" to analyze this word in the Word Explorer workspace.
          • Word Frequencies: MAXQDA recently introduced an improved stop list management and made it possible to choose any stop list to limit Word Cloud visualizations. In this update, the formerly necessary "Word Cloud Stop List" is transformed into a regular stop list and will no longer be created automatically for new projects.
          • Other: You can now optionally include nested subcodes while creating a subcode statistic table or chart. The new option allows you to select how many subcode levels should be included.
          • Other: You can already transform a PDF document into plain text. Now you can transform multiple PDF documents at once.
          • Other: The print dialogue now remembers additional last-used settings to make it easier to repeatedly export data using the same options.


          • Fixes an issue while modifying the number of displayed words in a Word Cloud using an unresponsive slider option. Moving the slider now correctly updates the Word Cloud visualization.
          • Fixes an issue while opening the search result table for word combinations found with the Word Explorer, where the highlighted words did not match the word combinations.
          • Fixes an issue while modifying the font in a Document Map where some icons were unresponsive. You can now use the toolbar icons to change the size, weight, and font of the document labels.
          • Fixes an issue while manually sorting variables in the Variable List of Stats where the numbering of the table was not updated. The numbering of the table is now updated every time you change the position of a variable.
          • Fixes an issue while importing subtitles/captions from YouTube data. MAXQDA was adjusted to recent changes of a third-party component so that the data is now imported correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while importing retweets from Twitter where the retweets were limited to 140 characters. Retweets are now imported in full length.
          • Fixes an issue while importing QDPX Files containing PDF documents that were created in Dedoose. PDF documents are now imported correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while importing literature data from RIS files while using MAXQDA with the Japanese interface. All subcodes are now created below the same top-level code.
          • Fixes an issue while importing data from YouTube where the subcodes for each number of replies were not created correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying the number of words in a response in the Categorize Survey workspace for Japanese text data. The column now shows correct values if the user has activated the MAXDictio language option "Text language is Japanese".
          • Fixes an issue while displaying the context menu in the code map in instances where multiple codes are clustered in one dot on the map.
          • Fixes an issue while creating the user name initials for TeamCloud avatars for user names that consist of multiple first or last names.

          Release 2022.1.1 (2022-03-16)


          • Visual Tools: You can now analyze up to 300 codes with the document or code map visualization. The former limit was 100.
          • TeamCloud: Each time a team lead starts a new teamwork cycle in MAXQDA TeamCloud a backup of the project file is created and stored in the TeamCloud backup folder.
          • Keyboard Shortcuts: Available keyboard shortcuts were added to the context menu of memos and the insight boxes in the QTT workspace.


          • Fixes an issue while displaying coded image segments in the Summary Grid. MAXQDA no longer freezes while loading the images.
          • Fixes an issue while applying a stop word list to a word cloud, where it was not possible to switch to another stop word list.
          • Fixes an issue while distributing elements in MAXMaps, where the options to distribute horizontally or vertically were swapped in the context menu.
          • Fixes an issue while importing member projects in MAXQDA TeamCloud, where the displayed number of coded segments is not refreshed.

          Release 2022.1 (2022-03-02)


          • Analyzing Focus Group Transcripts
            • Compare Cases: The compare cases features are now available for focus group speakers. Quickly compare qualitative data (coded segments) or quantitative data (code frequencies) for individual focus group participants.
            • Paraphrases: Quickly access the paraphrases for a focus group speaker's contributions in the "Overview of Paraphrases". This overview is now available in the right-click context menu of a speaker in the Document System.
            • Paraphrase Matrix: Compare paraphrases written for different focus group participants in the Paraphrase Matrix.
            • Word Clouds: Create a word cloud for a focus group speaker's contributions to get a quick overview of their most frequently used words.
          • Analyzing Survey Data
            • Sentiment Analysis for Survey Data: Discover the sentiment of responses to survey questions using an AI lexical approach.
            • Sentiment Analysis for Survey Data: Responses are automatically categorized on a scale from positive to negative.
            • Sentiment Analysis for Survey Data: Autocode responses with their sentiment score.
            • Word Cloud: Get a quick overview of the most frequently used words in survey responses with the new Word Cloud option in the "Analyze Survey Answers" workspace.
            • Word Count: Display the word count of each survey answer in the "Analyze Survey Answers" workspace.
            • SPSS: Import Survey Data from an SPSS file (*.sav).
          • Questions, Themes, Theories (QTT)
            • Integration of Insights tab: The “Integration of Insights” tab in QTT has been extended to show all the insights written for any element within a worksheet. This makes it easy to bring it all together to integrate them into overall conclusions, and to develop hypotheses and theories.
            • Collect diagrams and tables: You can now collect even more analytics findings in QTT worksheets. Collect diagrams and tables from features like subcode statistics or crosstabs. Send them directly to a QTT worksheet with one click.
          • Import Options
            • VTT files from Teams, Zotero, etc.: Import automatic meeting transcripts exported from Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and more. Transcripts are automatically cleaned during import to improve readability. You can then link media files to the transcript via time stamps or automatically code speakers for focus group interviews.
            • Web Pages from Excel: Import multiple web pages at once from an Excel file. Include additional information about each web page in the spreadsheet to automatically add them to the document memo or to store them as document variables. Web pages can be imported as PDF documents, PNG images, or simplified text documents.
          • Additional New Features
            • After using the local search in the Document Browser to search for a phrase, you can now immediately apply a code to your search hits with the new autocode icon in the search toolbar.
            • Tweet Preview: Click the new "View Tweet" option at the end of a Tweet to open up a preview of the Tweet in its original format, including images.


          • Codes: Use the new context menu option for codes in the Code System to activate all the documents which contain this code.
          • Codes: Export your complete Code System as a PNG image file that you can include in your reports or presentations.
          • Codes: Change the position of codes in the code system with the new up and down arrow icons in the code system toolbar, or using keyboard shortcuts Alt/option + ArrowUp and Alt/option + ArrowDown.
          • Codes: If codes are merged with each other in the Creative Coding workspace, a merge history is automatically added to the remaining code memo. In addition, you will see a + symbol added to the code name so you can always remember that another code was merged into this code in the past.
          • QTT: Send a summary table to a QTT worksheet by using the new "Send to worksheet" icon in the summary table window.
          • QTT: While sending or importing a summary table with swapped columns & rows into a QTT worksheet, the columns and rows are now kept swapped in QTT as well.
          • QTT: The author name and creation date of a QTT worksheet are now displayed in the header section of the QTT window.
          • TeamCloud: While working with TeamCloud projects your current online status is displayed on your avatar image directly in the TeamCloud ribbon.
          • TeamCloud: Team members that are working with a TeamCloud project now have access to the most recent activity history for their project. Click the "Notifications" Icon in the TeamCloud menu ribbon to see who has joined a project, or which of your team members have uploaded data to the team lead.
          • TeamCloud: If the team lead of a MAXQDA TeamCloud projects uploads a project that includes an audio or video file, the .dat file for this media file is uploaded as well for the team members to use. This makes it much quicker for the team members to download the project and start analyzing it.
          • Visual Tools: A new color option for Code Clouds makes it possible to display codes in their code color.
          • Visual Tools: Display settings for the Code Relations and Code Matrix Browser are now remembered even after closing and reopening MAXQDA.
          • Visual Tools: While creating a Document Map you can now select existing Code Sets to add multiple codes to the map at once.
          • Visual Tools: While copying and pasting the output from a Visual tool to a memo, the image quality is now twice as high which leads to sharper images.
          • Visual Tools: If you want to add a word from a word cloud to a stop word list to ignore it in the future, the name of the currently selected stop word list is displayed, so you know which list the word is added to.
          • Visual Tools: Comfortably switch between different stop lists for Word Cloud visualizations. MAXQDA Standard users can now also create multiple stop lists and modify them in the stop list manager.
          • YouTube: While importing YouTube data, MAXQDA will create one top-level code for all of your YouTube comments. This makes it easier to analyze data for multiple videos at once.
          • YouTube: While importing YouTube data, the date and time information is removed from the automatically created videos folder name to make it easier to read the full name of the video. The date and time information is still available in the document memo for this folder.
          • Keyboard Shortcuts: Increase or decrease the indent of selected text in the Document Browser by using the Tab-key.
          • Keyboard Shortcuts: Expand an existing text selection in a PDF document by holding the Shift-Key and clicking in the text.
          • Interface: A fresh design for the MAXQDA preferences menu. We've organized all of the available options into sections to make them easier to understand and interact with.
          • Interface: Use the new toggle switch in the bottom right corner of the MAXQDA interface to quickly switch between light mode and dark mode.
          • Interface: The new interface theme setting “System” makes sure that MAXQDA matches your current computer settings by automatically starting in either dark or light mode.
          • Images: Adjust the size of a coded image segment by using the new draggable corners that appear when the coded segment is selected.
          • Smart Coding Tool: Get a quick overview of the most frequently used words in coded segments currently analyzed in the Smart Coding Tool with the new Word Cloud option in the Smart Coding Tool workspace.
          • Word Explorer: You can now exclude hashtags, email addresses, and hyperlinks from the Word Explorer.
          • Backups: MAXQDA now automatically creates backups of your project in your chosen interval in the background, even if MAXQDA continues to stay open.
          • Paraphrases: Activate paraphrase mode directly from the Document Browser using the newly added icon.
          • Paraphrases: Modify the length of a paraphrased segment by using the new grabbers at the start and end of the paraphrase.
          • Document System: New folders that are imported via drag and drop are no longer automatically placed in the first position. You can now place the folder anywhere in the Document System.
          • Import: Improved recognition of multiple-level text indents while importing DOCX documents.
          • MAXDictio: Select a dictionary for the "Autocode with dictionary" tool directly from within the dialog.
          • Twitter: Filter your analysis of the most frequently used words in Twitter data with a stop list. This option is now available in the Analyze Tweets workspace.


          • Fixes an issue while importing a .sav file into MAXQDA Stats if the file includes data in a special "very long string" SPSS data format. MAXQDA can now recognize and import this type of data correctly
          • Fixes an issue while importing date information from Excel as document variables where some dates were not identified correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while exporting the Interactive Quote Matrix as an HTML file where some text lines were overlapping.
          • Fixes an issue while exporting the Code Matrix Browser as an Adjacency Matrix where the type of analysis was always set to "Intersections of codes in a segment".
          • Fixes an issue while exporting a code system where the activated option to "sum up frequencies of subcodes" lead to subcodes of collapsed parent code being summed up in the export as well.
          • Fixes an issue while exporting documents as PDFs where in specific cases the text of the documents was not placed correctly on the page if it was exported on a Windows computer.
          • Fixes an issue while autocoding Japanese text where the start and end character of a search item was not identified correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while repeatedly converting files from MAXQDA 2022 to MAXQDA 2020 and back where memos were not converted correctly.
          • Fixes an issue while selecting code names while using "Open Coding" mode where it was not possible to add a new code name immediately after choosing a code name from the list of existing codes.
          • Fixes an issue while autocoding search results where in certain PDF files more than the chosen context was coded.
          • Fixes an issue while activating codes in the Code System by code variable values if the number of coded segments in activated documents is selected as the variable. You can now use this variable to activate codes.
          • Fixes an issue while organizing codes in Creative Coding where newly created codes were not transferred properly to the Code System.
          • Fixes an issue while adding a background color to multiple MAXMaps elements at once, where the background was always set to grey.
          • Fixes an issue while sorting documents in the Profile Comparison Chart where sorting by document sets did not work properly.
          • Fixes an issue while showing the retrieval function for segments in the status bar where the retrieval function of the complex coding query was not reset.
          • Fixes an issue while setting favorite variables in the Smart-Coding-Tool where the preferences for favorite variables have not been remembered.
          • Fixes an issue while searching for a single word with the Text Search feature where it was possible to select the "AND" search option, even though this option can not be used for single words and does not change the search result.

          Release 2022.0.1 (2021-12-15)


          • Search results in PDF documents are now highlighted in yellow. This option can be switched on/off in the Document Browser toolbar.
          • Hyperlinks in PDF documents now stay active after being imported into MAXQDA. Click on the hyperlink to open the linked address in your browser.
          • The timestamp column is now always initially visible when a document with a linked media file is opened. This makes it easier to start/continue the transcription of a media file or to access existing timestamps.


          • Fixes an issue while printing PDF documents with coded segments displayed in code colors where the color background was not added to the printout.
          • Fixes an issue while removing links from a PDF document where the removed link was still visible right after the removal.
          • Fixes an issue while zooming in a PDF document in the document browser where CTRL + mouse wheel was not working correctly.
          • Fixes an issue where document and code names that started with specific Japanese characters were not displayed in matrix overviews.
          • Fixes an issue while adding Japanese words that started with a Hiragana or Katakana character to a stop or go list where the word was not saved.
          • Fixes an issue where MAXQDA exchange files (.mex) may have been missing the correct file icon and "open with" functionality.
          • Fixes an issue where the scaling function label in MAXMaps was not fully visible on some monitor resolutions.
          • Fixes an issue which displayed the wrong icon in the intercoder agreement result table.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying code frequencies in the heatmap view of the Code Matrix Browser where colors were not updated correctly while expanding and collapsing subcodes.
          • Fixes an issue while saving a copy of a MAXQDA project, where the "Save project as" function was unable to create a project copy immediately after having deleted a memo set in the Memo Manager window.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying coded segments from video files in the Retrieved Segments window where information about the ending time was not displayed.
          • Fixes an issue while displaying frames around coded image segments where a frame was displayed for paraphrased segments as well.
          • Fixes an issue while adding documents from document sets to a map in MAXMaps where the drag & drop functionality was not working.
          • Fixes an issue while exporting a code map to MAXMaps where connection lines were not exported correctly.
          • Fixes an issue with highlighting the correct segment in the Summary Grid while editing summaries in the Summary Table window.

          2022.0.0 – Veröffentlicht November 2021

          MAXQDA 2022 enthält mehr als 70 neue Funktionen und unzählige Verbesserungen und wurde am 23. November 2021 veröffentlicht.

          Alle neuen Funktionen von MAXQDA 2022 entdecken

Release 2020.4.2 (2021-12-13)


  • Several interface design improvements.
  • Improved performance while automatically coding data with large MAXDictio dictionaries that include thousands of categories.


  • Fixes an issue while exporting a code map to MAXMaps where connection lines were not transmitted correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while formatting connection lines in MAXMaps where it was difficult to select a connection line if it was placed in front of another object.
  • Fixes an issue while renaming document variables where a number was added to the end of the new variable name.
  • Fixes an issue while opening a specific type of PDF documents where MAXQDA may have frozen while trying to access the file.
  • Fixes an issue while saving a MAXQDA 2020 project for MAXQDA 2018 where the data could not be transformed correctly if the documents were organised in nestled subfolders.
  • Fixes an issue while arranging codes in Creative Coding where a top-level code could not be merged into another code via drag & drop if the target was a sub-code of the dragged code.
  • Fixes an issue while opening code memos in the Memo Manager by clicking on the icon in the Code menu ribbon where opening the Memo Manager window took to long.
  • Fixes an issue while searching for intersections of codes in the Complex Coding Query where duplicates of the same segments were found if codes and subcodes were entered into the search field in a specific order.
  • Fixes an issue while searching within the Interactive Quote Matrix where MAXQDA may have frozen if a search is started while the matrix is displaying a code with no content.
  • Fixes an issue while analyzing sentiment for Tweets where MAXQDA froze if the interface language was set to Polish.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying stretched tooltips while hovering over a coded segment within the Multimedia-Browser window.

Release 2020.4.1 (2021-06-16)


    • New language option "German" added. You can now analyze the sentiment of German tweets.
    • Import transcripts that were created with the automatic transcription tool "Voicedocs".


    • Project backup files now have the word "_backup" added to their file name to make backups easier to identify.
    • Improved Performance when importing RIS Data with attachments.


  • Fixes an issue while retrieving overlapping segments of more than two codes using the Complex Coding Query.
  • Fixes an issue while refreshing a Code Matrix Browser with the code hierarchy switched off, where the window did not refresh and had to be reopened .
  • Fixes an issue while calculating the document text length for some documents that contained invisible characters.
  • Fixes an issue while editing a Code Relations Browser where deleting a column from the table automatically switched on the code hierarchy view option.
  • Fixes an issue where removing a Memo from a set in the Memo Manager was not possible.
  • Fixes an issue while autocoding search results in the overview of coded segments where additional segments were coded unintentionally.
  • Fixes an issue while opening the Smart Coding Tool via the "Codes" tab where Paraphrased Segments where listed as codes.
  • Fixes an issue while merging two project files containing identically named focus group transcripts.
  • Fixes an issue while using "Refresh and Apply Stop List" in the results window of "Word Frequencies" where merged rows were split.
  • Fixes an issue while using "Refresh and apply Stop List" in the results window of "Word Frequencies" where an incorrect TTR and percentages were displayed.
  • Fixes an issue while linking documents to a media file where coded segments were temporarily not displayed in the side bar of the Document Browser.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying shadows for imported images in MAXMaps.
  • Fixes an issue while importing document variables from EXCEL, where variables were not recognized correctly if blank spaces were added to the end of a variable name.
  • Fixes an issue while importing RIS data where PDF files were not embedded in the project file. 
  • Fixes an issue where importing an .str transcript linked to a media file was not possible (Mac only).
  • Fixes an issue while exporting the Code System as .mtr file where the hierarchal structure of the Code System was not maintained.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting the Overview of Coded Segments where a hidden column was not exported.
  • Fixes an issue while double-clicking on a node in the Code Matrix Browser where the respective coded segments were not displayed in the Retrieved Segments window.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying progress bars, where in some instances the bars were not visible on computers running macOS Big Sur.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying only activated documents or codes in the Code Matrix Browser where subsequently activating documents or codes did not work correctly.
  • Fixes an issue where it was not possible to display favorite variables in the Overview of Coded Segments.
  • Fixes an issue while deactivating documents where the wrong column would no longer be displayed in the Code Matrix Browser.
  • Fixes an issue while copying segments from the Smart Coding Tool where pasting these segments was not possible.
  • Fixes an issue while copying Document Memos in the Document System where the content of the Memo was not included.
  • Fixes an issue while autocoding search results in the "Retrieved Segments" window where segments were coded twice.
  • Fixes an issue while adding a new code to the Code System in the Smart Coding Tool where codes assigned to a segment were temporarily no longer visible.

Release 2020.4 (2020-03-03)


    • Analyze tweets to discover their sentiments using an AI lexical approach.
      • Tweets are automatically categorized on a scale from positive to negative.
      • Autocode tweets with their sentiment score.
      • Filter and sort tweets by their sentiment score. 
      • Display results of the sentiment analysis in diagrams.
    • A new English example project on "Work Life Balance" was added to MAXQDA. The project contains diverse types of data that you can use to test or teach MAXQDA.


    • Document Map: Save the documents in a cluster as a Document Set, either for a specific cluster or for all clusters at once.
    • Activate or deactivate "Link" mode in MAXMaps with the new keyboard shortcut CTRL+L (Win) or cmd+L (Mac).
    • Improved column width in Visual Tools while using a Mac while the MAXQDA font size setting is "large".
    • New scatter plot options in MAXQDA Stats: Scale axis equally, and edit the diagram title, color schemes, or labels.
    • Improved handling of data imported from .DOCX documents: Improved font recognition, image sizes, line spacing, and support for special .xml files.
    • Improved import of transcripts created with the latest version of the automatic transcription services, TEMI, and REV.
    • A native import for SPSS data was implemented to replace a previously used third-party-component that is currently not notarized by Apple. You can now again import, create, or export SPSS files (.sav) on a Mac.
    • Export all of the statistic tables currently included in a statistics window to Excel at once. Each table is saved to a separate Excel worksheet tab.
    • Hover over a variable in the Activate by Variable window to view the full name of the variable as a tooltip.
    • Improved workflow in the Summary Grid. Click on a node in the grid to make the cursor jump to the summary window and start typing right away.
    • New sorting option for memos in the Memo Manager. You can now sort memos by title.
    • Search within your tweets to find tweets that contain a specific word. Create tweet statistics and word clouds for only those tweets containing the search word.
    • Several interface design improvements for both light mode and dark mode.
    • The Overview of Coded Segments table is now initially sorted by the Document System.


  • Fixes an issue while adjusting a text selection in a PDF document where selections across two pages were not adjusted correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while analyzing Word Frequencies, where the option to differentiate results by codes may have been disabled.
  • Fixes an issue while assigning internal links where assigning multiple links to the same segment was possible. 
  • Fixes an issue while changing the content of a memo in the Memo Manager where the changes were not applied to the Overview of Memos until the Memo Manager was closed.
  • Fixes an issue while closing the Reliability Analysis dialog in Stats, where in specific cases the software stopped working.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying unnecessary paraphrased segments in the "Overview of Coded Segments"
  • Fixes an issue while duplicating a document where the code frequency in the Code System was not immediately updated.
  • Fixes an issue while duplicating documents in the Document System where brackets behind the documents name were dropped.
  • Fixes an issue while editing an in-text-memo at the same time as the text in the document itself where the memo edits were not saved correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting .sps files where the files were not correctly recognized in SPSS.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting an Interactive Quote Matrix to Excel, where the document names in the source information were not included.
  • Fixes an issue while importing RIS data where PDF files were not embedded in the project file.
  • Fixes an issue while loading the MAXQDA style sheet on some Mac computers.
  • Fixes an issue while recognizing "Modified" and "Modified by" variables while exporting and re-importing variables to and from Excel for project files with RIS literature data. 
  • Fixes an issue while renaming variables where it was possible to assign the same name to multiple variables.
  • Fixes an issue while transforming a PDF document into a text document where the new text was not opened immediately.
  • Fixes an issue while using "Fit to window" scaling in MAXMaps on screens with high resolution.

Release 2020.3(2020-12-01)


    • New color schemes for charts and diagrams.
    • Pick your own color for single-colored, ascending, and descending color schemes.
    • Edit the maximum axis size in diagrams.
    • Save the color and font settings of a diagram as the new default setting for all new diagrams.
    • Apply the color, font, and axis settings of a diagram to all currently opened diagrams of the same type.
    • Improved workflow and dialogue windows for easier editing of the text elements in a diagram.
    • Visualize code distribution across your data with the new "Heatmap" option in the Code Matrix Browser.
    • Lemmatize words in a Word Cloud to group words together by their base form. Hover over a word in the Word Cloud to view which words are grouped together.
    • Import transcripts that were created with the automatic transcription tool "HappyScribe".
    • Import images or screenshots directly from the clipboard by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V or CMD+V in the main 4-window user interface.


  • You can now paraphrase data in Paraphrase mode and apply codes or memos to your data at the same time.
  • Insert a new memo for a segment currently displayed in the Retrieved Segments window. Right-click on the segment to see the new option in the context menu.
  • Add a comment to a coded segment directly from the "New code" window.
  • While using a function that offers a lemmatization feature, the lemmatization language is now preset to the same language as the MAXQDA interface (if it exists). A language change in one function now changes the preset in all other functions as well.
  • While exporting memos into a teamwork export, you no longer have to select codes as well.
  • The Smart Coding Tool now displays image segments while working with coded segments from images or PDF documents.
  • Streamlined use of icons in the Similarity Analysis and the Summary Table windows.
  • Right-click on a document and use the new option in the context menu to add the document to an existing or a new document set.
  • A new option was added to the Code System preferences to switch from regular drag-to-code mode to click-to-code mode. If this mode is activated you can code a selected segment by simply clicking on a code in the code system.
  • Improved layout for the Intercoder coefficient Kappa results table.
  • Improved styling for memos, comments, and paraphrases in the Document Browser sidebar.


  • Fixes an issue while using code favorites to code segments with one click where codes were removed from the code favorites window.
  • Fixes an issue while using a specific keyboard shortcut to apply a code to a segment in the Smart Coding Tool, that caused some memos to disappear.
  • Fixes an issue while switching between items in the stop list or go list organizer in MAXDictio. It's now easier to see which list is currently selected.
  • Fixes an issue while interactively clicking on a search item in the lexical search results table where displayed coding stripes in the Document Browser were reloaded.
  • Fixes an issue while importing literature data from Endnote where the import options were spaced too close together in the import dialogue.
  • Fixes an issue while importing documents using the "Structured Text" import where specific text elements caused the software to stop working.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting text documents with color-coded text to PDF where the color highlights were missing if the document was exported from the Document Browser window.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting documents with line-numbered text using the anonymization feature where the exported text is converted to paragraph numbering.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying codes with code memos in the Summary Grid where all memos were displayed with the regular memo icon.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying code co-occurrences for coded image segments that originated from PDF files where the image frame of the intersection was not displayed correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while copying content from the "Intercoder coefficient Kappa" window to a different text editor (Mac only).
  • Fixes an issue while applying the "only activated documents" filter in a Summary Grid where certain elements were displayed correctly.

Release 2020.2.2 (2020-10-28)


    • Limit a new import of tweets from Twitter to any number between 1 and 10,000 of the most recent tweets.
    • New cluster calculation option: Use the results of a distance matrix analysis to cluster documents or codes in a Document or Code Map.
    • Use the Smart Coding Tool to analyze all of your codes and coded segments at once using the new icon on the "Codes" menu tab.
    • Duplicate a document in the Document System to create a copy of a document that includes all of the documents codes, memos, variables, paraphrases, summaries, and comments.
    • Use activation rules that activate documents by variable, by random, by color, or that inverts the current activation pattern - limited to the documents within a single document group.
    • Display a frame around coded image segments in a PDF document in the color of the code applied to the segment.


    • Quickly change which coding stripes to display or hide using a new icon that is placed in the top corner of the coding stripe area in the Document Browser.
    • Decide to keep the currently selected coding stripe options even if you close and re-open MAXQDA using a new option in the Document Browser settings.
    • Add codes from within a code set to MAXMaps via drag and drop.
    • New subcodes automatically receive the same code color as the parent code unless you uncheck the corresponding option.
    • Improved code favorites window. Easily drag and drop your code favorites to rearrange the order in which they are listed in the window.
    • Improved scrolling behavior in PDF documents. Scrolling is smoother and faster while selecting a segment for coding across a PDF page border.
    • Improved placement of code comment dialogue. The dialogue is now placed above or below the commented segment so you can read and comment at the same time.
    • Expand all subcodes in the Code System at once using a new option in the context menu of the Code System root.
    • Hovering over a coded segment in the Overview of Coded Segments table displays a quick delete icon within the table itself.
    • Hovering over a comment in the Document Browser sidebar highlights the corresponding coding stripe.
    • Change the color of a document even if you call up the document context menu from within a Document Set folder.
    • While importing data with the teamwork import function you now have the option to overwrite existing document colors with the document colors of the imported teamwork file.
    • Create a second-level document group directly from the context menu of a top-level document group.
    • While activating documents by variables you can now use the "contains" condition for document group names to activate all documents located in document groups with names containing a specific word.
    • Improved handling of DOCX documents. Documents are imported up to 8 times faster.
    • Improved handling of importing right-to-left text data. The text direction is now imported and exported correctly.
    • Improved import for a text that is formatted with hanging indents. MAXQDA can now display hanging indents in the Document Browser.
    • If you export a transcript with timestamps as a DOCX document, the timestamps now contain complete time information up to a tenth of a second.
    • Streamlined code export options. All of MAXQDAs code export options (Word, Excel, Website, TXT, .qdpx, and .mtr) are available in both the Reports menu tab as well as in the Code System context menu.
    • MAXQDA detects if you import an Excel file as a regular table document and instead offers a survey data import to automatically code answers to open-ended questions and transform quantitative information into document variables.
    • While importing a Teamwork Exchange file you can now hover over a document name to see the full document path including the document group.
    • Implemented support for the newest version of the Twitter API. You can now click the "Profile pictures" icon to import profile pictures in the Twitter Analysis window.
    • Double-click on a document memo in the Memo Manager window to open up the appropriate document in the Document Browser window.
    • Double-click on an in-media memo in the Memo Manager to open up the location of the media file in the Multimedia Browser window.
    • Copy and apply the formatting of a text within the Memo Editor window.
    • Code memos are now displayed in the Summary Grid, so you can view and open a code memo while summarizing coded segments.
    • Display or hide table columns in Summary Grid tables using the new select icon in the window toolbar.
    • If you search within the result table of a word frequency analysis you can now use a new filter to only display those table rows that contain the search item.
    • In a Code Matrix Browser that is set to display a total column and row, double-click on a "total" cell to display the corresponding coded segments in the Retrieved Segments window.
    • Analyze code intersections, proximity, and co-occurrence for up to 500 codes at the same time in the Code Relations Browser (the old limit was 200 codes).
    • Improved layout for the descriptive statistics information window.
    • Improved touchpad support in the Multimedia Browser. You can now swipe right or left to move within a media file.
    • Improved zoom gestures while working with MAXMaps. If you zoom into a map the zoom action now centers on the current position of your cursor.
    • Improved source information for segments that are located within one paragraph and therefore do not need information for both their starting and their ending paragraph.
    • Improved source information for both the Smart Coding Tool and the Categorize Survey Data window. You can now see the location of the segment next to the document names.
    • You can now activate and deactivate a category in the MAXDictio dictionary by selecting the appropriate option from the right-click context menu of the category (MAXQDA Plus).
    • If you open the "Modify Weight" dialogue the existing weight score is already selected so you can immediately start to type in the new weight score.
    • Typing the characters --> or ==> into a text document or memo automatically transforms the characters into an arrow symbol.
    • Several small improvements for the intercoder analysis workflow.


  • Fixes an issue while exporting data as a Word document on Mac computers running Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra).
  • Fixes an issue while exporting a project as a REFI-QDA Projekt (*.qdpx) where exporting empty memos slowed down the export process.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting the content of a Retrieved Segments window for the complex coding query "only this code" that was "ordered by code system" where the export was not sorted by code system.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting a map from MAXMaps as a PNG file where a dot (.) in the name of the map caused the export to add a dot (.) between every word of the map name.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting crosstabs set to display the "Sum" column with the code system view set to hierarchical and multiple collapsed subcodes. Now the summed totals for collapsed codes are included in the export.
  • Fixes an issue where using the keyboard shortcut for play/pause (2 x shift key) in a transcript that was linked to a media file opened up the media player window.
  • Fixes an issue while selecting color schemes for diagrams where after closing and reopening a diagram window the selected color scheme in the color scheme window no longer matched the current color scheme of the diagram.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a Document Portrait in the "ordered by frequency" setting in MAXQDA dark mode where the gaps between color bars were too light.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying English descriptions in the system color picking dialogue for users working with the MAXQDA interface language set to Espanol.
  • Fixes an issue while importing bibliographical data from RIS files where the secondary author field was left empty if a literature source did not have an entry in the primary author field. MAXQDA now imports the secondary author correctly.
  • Fixes an issue where the latest transcript import options were not available from the additional app menu bar at the top of the desktop (Mac only).
  • Fixes an issue where opening and closing the "search & replace" feature in the Document Browser toolbar caused the text focus to jump to the next search hit.
  • Fixes an issue where the media player control dialogue was placed behind the media player if the control icon was clicked again while the window was still open.
  • Fixes an issue while spell checking a text that contains an em dash (—) where a lower case word following the em dash was identified as a spelling error.
  • Fixes an issue where the name of a function was displayed in the Stats toolbar instead of the corresponding icon (MAXQDA Analytics Pro).

Release 2020.2 (2020-09-15)


  • Hovering over a hyperlink within a text document or a memo now displays a tooltip with the complete URL of the hyperlink.
  • Improved performance while creating a Code Matrix Browser for large numbers of coded segments.
  • Improved scroll bar visualization in the Interactive Word Tree. It is now easier to see where in the text the data currently displayed in the tree branches is located.
  • Improved zoom gestures in the Code Map and the Document Map window. If you zoom into a map the zoom action now centers on the current position of your cursor.
  • New timestamp format recognized: You can now import transcripts that contain timestamps in the format [h:mm:ss] to link the transcript to an audio or video file.
  • While entering a long comment in the Smart Coding Tool, the Categorize Paraphrases, or the Categorize Survey Data window the height of the comment cell now automatically expands so that the complete comment is visible.
  • You can now use zoom icons to reduce or increase the text size in the Smart Coding Tool, the Categorize Paraphrases, and the Categorize Survey Data windows.


  • Fixes several small interface issues for both light mode and dark mode
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a preview of a coded image segment located in a PDF document in the Overview of Coded Segments table. The size of the segment is now identical to the size in the original document.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a preview of a memo in the Overview of Memos table. The font size of the memo preview is now identical to the font size in the original memo.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying the coding stripes on the right side of the document where a small strip of the document was hidden on the left side.
  • Fixes an issue while using both the lexical search result table and a local search in the Document Browser at the same time. If you click on a lexical search result to jump to the original source the local search is now automatically deactivated.

Release 2020.2 (2020-09-02)


  • DARK INTERFACE THEME: Open general preferences to switch beetween the light and the dark interface color scheme.


  • Optimized performance while updating a currently displayed word frequency result table or a Word Cloud after editing stop list items.
  • Optimized performance while opening or filtering a large number of memos in the Memo Manager. Both actions are now 50% faster.
  • "All Memos" icon added to the Memos menu tab. Click the icon to view all of the memos in your project in the Memo Manager.
  • Faster scrolling in the Document Browser: Middle-click using the mouse wheel to activate quick scrolling in text and PDF documents.


  • Fixes an issue that prevented users working on a Mac from selecting Excel files as external files in the Stats module (Analytics Pro).
  • Fixes an issue where the information in the bottom toolbar about the number of currently activated documents and codes was not immediately updated as soon as a document group or a top-level code was deleted.
  • Fixes an issue where the option to differentiate tables by Document Sets was not available immediately after creating a new Document Set.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying text segments inside the Smart Coding Tool where the first character of a segment was missing.
  • Fixes an issue while handling specific special characters for text that is copied from the Document Browser window into some text editing tools.
  • Fixes an issue while highlighting search terms in the List of Documents if the document name contains specific special characters.
  • Fixes an issue while importing variables from Excel files where MAXQDA did not recognize existing integer variables if the variable description contained more than the limit of 63 characters.
  • Fixes an issue while sorting variables in various variable selection dialogues. They are now sorted in the same order as they are in the List of Document Variables.
  • Fixes an issue while using Shift + arrow keys to extend a text selection in the Document Browser if the text was selected from the bottom upwards.
  • Fixes several display issues that occurred while using a monitor with the display scaling set to 300% (Windows)

Release 20.1.1 (2020-07-29) - Release Notes


    • Optimized creating Single-Case Models for Focus Group Speakers in MAXMaps. Only Focus Group documents will now show up when selecting a Focus Group Speaker to create the model.
    • Optimized handling of activation status while choosing to import coded segments in MAXMaps. The correct amount of importable coded segments will now be shown when selecting "Only for Activated Documents".
    • Optimized performance while excluding columns from the results table of the Code Relations Browser.
    • Improved: You can now maximize the coding stripe area in the Document Browser window to twice its size. This added space makes it easier to view longer code names.
    • Optimized sorting of names consisting of a combination of numbers and letters while displaying the Document System, Code System, or a table in ascending or descending order.
    • Streamlined and optimized tooltips while hovering over items in the Document System, Code System, or Document Browser. Tooltips will now show additional information regarding the creation and modification of the respective documents, codes, and coded segments.
    • It is now possible to limit your analysis to subgroups when analyzing cases using the functions Code Matrix Browser, Code Configurations, and Code Coverage as well as the MAXDictio functions Word Frequencies, Word Combinations and Category Matrix Browser.
    • Improved: MAXQDA 2020 now also checks a project database for inconsistencies if the project file is a MAXQDA 2018 project file (*.mx18).
    • Optimized the results table of the MAXDictio function Keyword-in-context. The column "Document" is now divided into two separate columns to make it easier to distinguish between document and document group.
    • Previously-existing timestamps will now carry over to newly-created documents when importing data from an exchange file to create a new document.


  • Fixes an issue while comparing document groups and document sets using the function Compare Cases & Groups -> Quantitative.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying segments in the Smart Coding Tool. When switching between codes, the row height of the displayed segments will now automatically adjust to match the length of the segment.
  • Fixes an issue while exchanging MAXMaps files (*.mod) between Windows and Mac users. Please note that files created on Mac before MAXQDA version 20.1.1 are now deprecated and can no longer be used.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting the Interactive Quote Matrix created from the result table of the Code Relations Browser when no coded segments were displayed in the table.
  • Fixes an issue while merging projects containing Code Variables created by the user. Code Variables will now transfer correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while assembling memos in sets. Sets will remain when closing and opening the project.
  • Fixes an issue while selecting rows in the Overview of Coded Segments where incorrect segments in PDF files were highlighted in the Document Browser.
  • Fixes an issue while selecting rows in the result table of the Extended Lexical Search. Selecting rows will now always highlight the correct responding segment in the Document Browser.
  • Fixes an issue while setting the language for Spellcheck in the "Preferences" menu.
  • Fixes an issue while using Spellcheck when working on a document using the Edit mode.
  • Fixes an issue while using Spellcheck in a project that contains no documents.
  • Fixes an issue while autocoding search results in the "Keyword-in-context" results table.
  • Fixes an issue while using Intercoder Agreement to analyze document sets. The function will now correctly match documents in document sets to documents in document groups.
  • Fixes an issue while using the zoom function in the Code Map.
  • Fixes an issue while working on a transcript using the Edit mode. A message box will now warn users if an action may lead to timestamps being deleted.

Release 20.1 (2020-07-07) - Release Notes



  • Say hello to Spellchecking. Find and correct spelling errors in documents and memos - in English, German, and Español.


  • Organize documents into subfolders. You can now add a second level to your document organization.


  • Place timestamps evenly and automatically across a transcript in set time intervals to link it to a media file.


  • Import transcripts that were created with the automatic transcription tool "".
  • Import transcripts that were created with the automatic transcription tool "Simon Says".
  • Import transcripts that were created with the automatic transcription tool "Sonix".


  • Citavi is added as an additional source for literature data. Import full articles along with bibliographical data into MAXQDA.
  • Change the spacing before and after paragraphs.
  • Justify text alignment in text documents, memos, and logbook entries.
  • Resize images within text documents by clicking on the image and dragging the corners to make the image smaller or larger.



  • Smarter timestamp recognition for transcripts with time information in the header section of the document. These sections often contain information about the length of a media file that is formatted like a time stamp. MAXQDA now analyzes multiple timestamps in a transcript and uses the most frequently used format to link transcript and audio.
  • The autotext keyboard shortcuts in the transcription settings can now be up to three characters long.
  • Import transcripts created with AmberScript in their new DOCX export format.


  • The Interactive Quote Matrix now displays code memos, so you can view and open the code memo while comparing coded segments.
  • The Interactive Quote Matrix now has a search function so that you can quickly find words across all currently-displayed coded segments or summaries.
  • The Interactive Quote Matrix is now used to display the results of the Mixed Methods functions "Side-by-Side Display" and "Qualitative Themes by Quantitative Groups".


  • Streamlined export dialogues. All export options are now listed in every export dialogue and named uniformly.
  • Smoother layout for the automatic alignment of an uneven number of elements in a circle. The circle now places the elements starting at the top of the circle.
  • After exporting a Code Map or a Document Map to MAXMaps, circles containing more than one code or document are exported as a group circle element and no longer split apart. The element name lists the codes or documents this circle represents.
  • Elements and their connection lines created with the automatic map model builder are now placed on layers. This makes it easy to hide and show layers for presentations.
  • After merging two projects, all of the maps in the merged project are re-linked to the appropriate elements to sustain an interactive connection between documents, codes, memos, etc.


  • Open up the content of a Code Relations Browser matrix in an Interactive Quote Matrix.
  • The initial selection was removed from the Code Matrix Browser and Code Relations Browser visualization, making it easier to take a screenshot. To highlight a row, simply click on an element in the matrix.
  • The text displayed below a subcode or variable chart is now initially set to hidden. You can display and edit the text by clicking on the “Display text” icon in the chart settings.


  • Optimized sizing while displaying coded image segments in the Side-by-Side Display function. The images are now larger and easier to read.
  • Optimized color use while using the function "color-coded text" to change the text background to the color of the codes applied there. The colors are now more transparent to make the text easier to read, especially for dark code colors.


  • Optimized handling of date/time variables while changing the computer system settings to a different date format. Date/time values in MAXQDA are now recognized and displayed in relation to the system settings.
  • MAXQDA now remembers if you have changed in which order variables are displayed in frequency tables and shows the same order even if you close and reopen the table.
  • Call up the Document Variable Statistics for a variable by right-clicking on the name of the variable in the Date Editor window.
  • The Overview of Memos table now has a filter to limit the list to "Code Set Memos"
  • Select multiple memos from the left area of the Memo Manager to drag & drop them into a new memo set all at once.
  • Right-click on a code or coded segment to open a list of all memos linked to the code or coded segment from the context menu.


  • The Creative Coding feature is no longer limited to codes with a maximum number of two subcode levels. You can organize codes from any hierarchical level of the code system with Creative Coding.
  • You can now add a code memo to a newly-created code in the Creative Coding tool.


  • When you open a current display as a Word or Excel file, MAXQDA now creates a new document (instead of a temporary file) and saves it to the selected location.
  • While exporting an image document from the Document Browser, you can now choose from two image export formats: PNG and JPG.
  • New warning message while trying to export a table to DOCX that exceeds the limit of columns supported by Word documents (63 columns).
  • For better readability, the code headings in the Codebook export are now separated by two greater-than symbols (>>) instead of a backslash (\).
  • Print multiple documents at once. The print option in the Reports menu tab can now print all of the currently activated documents at once - or save them as one PDF document.


  • Optimized performance while performing lexical searches in PDF documents. Search result tables now appear up to 15 times faster.
  • Optimized performance while analyzing word frequencies and word combinations. Result tables for these searches now appear twice as fast.
  • Optimized performance while creating a Document Map with several hundred documents.
  • Optimized performance while creating code relation models for models that include a large number of codes and coded segments.


  • You can now view and categorize up to 2500 answers to open-ended questions in the Categorize Survey Data function. The previous limit was 1500 answers.
  • Select multiple documents or codes within Document Sets and Code Sets at once.
  • While importing webpages collected with the MAXQDA Web Collector, you can now choose to import “only new webpages”.
  • Open the folder for external files directly from the MAXQDA menu entry "”External Files" to check which files are stored in the folder or to add new files.
  • While selecting which documents should be stored in the external files folder, all documents are now ordered by their location in the document system.
  • The Retrieved Segments window local search is now available even if the window is set to display segments in "Table View".
  • Use pinch-to-zoom on your trackpad to zoom in and out of PDF documents and images in the Document Browser window.
  • After searching for text within a document, all of the search results are automatically highlighted in the text.
  • Enter "*" followed by a space in a text document to start a new bullet-point list. Enter "1." followed by a space in a text document to start a new numbered list.
  • If the Multimedia Browser window is minimized, click the Multimedia Browser icon in the Document Browser to maximize the window again.
  • MAXQDA now checks the project database consistency and can rebuild a database if an inconsistency is detected.
  • Use the arrow keyboard buttons to switch between options in a message box.
  • The message box that verifies the delete action for a code with subcodes now mentions the number of subcodes in the message text.
  • The Document Browser toolbar now displays how many paragraphs there are in the current document next to the document name.
  • Ignore Japanese particles while analyzing word frequencies for Japanese-based text.


  • Fixes an issue while resizing the Document Map window.
  • Fixes an issue where the current default weight score was not added to coded segments if they were coded by using the code icons in the Overview of Coded Segments table toolbar.
  • Fixes an issue while combining the comments of two coded segments if only the second coded segment had a comment.
  • Fixes an issue while converting decimal variables to integer variables where, in some cases, the new values became negative.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying coded segments where double-clicking a node in the Crosstab did not call up the segments in the Retrieved Segments window.
  • Fixes an issue while dragging a segment of text within a memo opened in a Memo Manager window with a reduced menu tab.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting a Crosstab matrix as an image file (.png/.svg) where the subcodes in the image were reduced to one hierarchical layer. You can now export the crosstab with the full code hierarchy again.
  • Fixes an issue while including linked code information while exporting memos from the Overview of Memos table to Word. Linked codes are now listed with each memo.
  • Fixes an issue while including the sum information in Crosstab exports. If you hide the sum in the Crosstab, it is now no longer included in the exported image.
  • Fixes an issue while moving documents via drag & drop into the Code Cloud visualization window where it was not possible to drop the documents onto the appropriate field. The documents can now be selected via drag & drop again.
  • Fixes an issue while not being able to limit an Extended Lexical Search query to the content of the Retrieved Segments window. You can now limit the search to the currently-retrieved coded segments.
  • Fixes an issue while opening a Windows media video (.wmv) in the Multimedia Browser on a Mac. MAXQDA now notifies the user that this Windows-specific format can not be viewed on a Mac.
  • Fixes an issue while recoding coded segments from the Retrieved Segments window via drag & drop where the window was emptied after dropping the segment onto a code.
  • Fixes an issue while saving a copy of a project file if the most recent edits in a currently-opened memo have not yet been saved. MAXQDA now asks if the last edits should be saved before creating a copy of the project.
  • Fixes an issue where MAXQDA used an increasing amount of memory in specific projects if the activation pattern is changed while a large number of segments is displayed in the Retrieved Segments window.
  • Fixes an issue while selecting values for the characters of focus group contributions in the Crosstab for Focus Groups where the value drop-down menu only showed 0.
  • Fixes an issue while using the same calculation for code relationships as the Code Relations Browser in MAXMap`s Code-Co-occurrence template.
  • Fixes an unresponsive context menu option in the MAXDictio Dictionaries to copy categories and search items from one dictionary to another

Release 20.0.8 (2020-04-29)


  • Grayscale color scheme option for charts & diagrams so your graphs are still easy to understand after being printed in black and white.


  • Improved display of Japanese text in the Japanese interface on macOS Catalina. The characters are now smoother and easier to read.
  • Improved text search workflow in the 4-window interface: After closing and re-opening the search feature, the last search item is displayed and already selected so you can edit it right away.
  • Improved tooltip information for cluster icon tooltips in a Code Matrix Browser currently set to "Count hits per document only once" or "Binarize view". The tooltip now includes the total number of coded segments/documents as well as the frequencies for the selected setting.
  • Improved tooltip design for Document Map tooltips for clusters with more than 20 documents. The list is cut off after 20 items so you can still see the code information.
  • Improved design for drop-down menus and text fields in several places, including the Memo Manager toolbar and the List of Document Variables.
  • Improved time marker display in the Multimedia Browser. Start and end time markers are now placed to the side so they can no longer overlap when coding very short timeframes.
  • Improved recognition of special characters (e.g. different types of bullet points) while analyzing Word Frequencies in the MAXDictio module. These characters are now ignored.
  • Improved recognition of spacing between paragraphs while importing data from DOCX documents and recognition of math symbols that are embedded as vector graphics while importing documents from HTML.
  • Improved performance while automatically coding search results in very large project files and for displaying word frequency analysis results from a Word Cloud. Both actions are now much quicker.
  • Improved import of literature data from Endnote. The import now includes the "Research Notes" entries.
  • Improved handling of author and creation date information when importing codes from a code system or via teamwork import. When importing a code system, the current user and time are added to the data. When importing or merging teamwork, the original user and time information remains untouched.
  • Improved handling of variable data from a spreadsheet where multiple variable names are longer than the recognized character limit. Users are now notified to modify the variable names before importing.
  • Improved display of curved connection lines in MAXMaps when multiple lines are displayed very close to each other. Each line is now visible and easy to distinguish.
  • (COVID-19 related) Improved connection stability for users connected to a network license, especially for those using an unstable VPN connection while working from home.


  • Fixes an issue with the too-small size of the document color icon in the Document System on high-resolution monitors (Windows only).
  • Fixes an issue with paraphrase placement and page breaks while printing a document with paraphrases.
  • Fixes an issue while using the systems date & time settings in the Document Group description while importing comments from YouTube.
  • Fixes an issue while using the quick code coding option where the icon is initially inactive after opening a new document and selecting a text segment before clicking on a code.
  • Fixes an issue while using the keyboard shortcut Strg+F or cmd+F to close the local search feature in any of the four main program windows.
  • Fixes an issue while using the keyboard shortcut Strg+P or cmd+P to print a document that was currently displayed in a second Document Browser window.
  • Fixes an issue while using the context menu to insert several selected codes from the Code System into a map at once.
  • Fixes an issue while using the arrow buttons to change the paragraph proximity in the MAXMaps Code Co-Occurrence Model template.
  • Fixes an issue while using the Undo function to undo the removal of a document from a Document Map.
  • Fixes an issue while using placeholder symbols (* or ?) in lexical search queries for text data that contained specific special characters (e.g. ü or ß).
  • Fixes an issue while using an incorrect file name for a Complex Coding Query that was exported to Excel.
  • Fixes an issue while unnecessarily shortening comments that were moved into a map via drag & drop.
  • Fixes an issue while unnecessarily shortening code names in documents exported to PDF including code visualizations.
  • Fixes an issue while setting a too large font size when printing a text document from the Document Browser as a PDF on high-resolution monitors (Windows only).
  • Fixes an issue while selecting and deselecting documents in the Teamwork Export dialog which may have caused MAXQDA to freeze.
  • Fixes an issue while selecting a slower or faster playback speed in Transcription Mode where the setting did not correctly correlate to the playback speed.
  • Fixes an issue while in the Categorize Survey Data window where it was impossible to select just a partial segment of a cell.
  • Fixes an issue while replacing text content with nothing while using the find & replace function with an empty replace text field.
  • Fixes an issue while renaming a code if the corresponding code memo was being edited in an open Memo Manager window at the same time.
  • Fixes an issue while removing leading 0 characters in variable names during the import or export of variables from Excel spreadsheets where variables may not be recognized as identical.
  • Fixes an issue while processing geo information from Google Maps locations where the West information was not recognized if it included a - symbol.
  • Fixes an issue while processing date and time entries in the MM/DD/YYYY formatting while importing data from a spreadsheet.
  • Fixes an issue while not interactively refreshing the origin information for segments currently displayed in the Retrieved Segments window if the original text was switched from line numbering to paragraph numbering or vice versa.
  • Fixes an issue while not including the duration of paraphrased segments in the Excel export while exporting paraphrased segments from transcripts with timestamps.
  • Fixes an issue while not including paraphrases in a .mex Teamwork Export file (Mac only).
  • Fixes an issue while including columns in the Excel export of coded segments that were not selected in the export dialog.
  • Fixes an issue while including Paraphrase and Focus Group Speaker code frequencies in the Project Information export and in the information that is displayed at the top of Overview of Coded Segments tables.
  • Fixes an issue while importing a REFI-QDA Project file (.qdpx) where internal links and variables were not recognized correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting a REFI-QDA Project file (.qdpx) where internal links and coded segments in PDF documents were not exported correctly.
  • Fixes an issue while not being able to display a recently closed List of Maps window in MAXMaps as long as the model template builder is active.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting the result of a Similarity Analysis for Documents where table cells were highlighted by color, even if "No color highlight" was selected.
  • Fixes an issue while displaying bars for single categories next to their corresponding bars for merged categories in charts created in the Stats module (MAXQDA Analytics Pro).
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a wrong keyboard shortcut tooltip on the Copy to clipboard icon in the Subcode Statistics window.
  • Fixes an issue while not memorizing the setting to display coded text in the code color after closing and re-opening a project file.
  • Fixes an issue while cropping the side of grouped bar chart diagrams after inserting them into the Output Viewer in the Stats module (MAXQDA Analytics Pro).
  • Fixes an issue while correctly recognizing non-breaking spaces while exporting memos to Word.
  • Fixes an issue while correctly recognizing images during import of HTML files with images that were linked to from a different folder.
  • Fixes an issue where the font size in a diagram jumped to half the size after adjusting it on a high-resolution monitor (Windows only).
  • Fixes an issue while adjusting the height of the Open Coding Mode window if the memo and/or the comment areas were displayed or collapsed.
  • Fixes an issue where the coded segments in the Retrieved Segments temporarily disappeared if the content of one of the activated documents was edited at the same time.
  • Fixes an issue where using links in a Logbook may have slowed down the performance while editing the content of the Logbook.
  • Fixes an issue where creating a new map using a MAXMaps template for a document that was currently being edited in the Document Browser may have caused MAXQDA to freeze.
  • Fixes an issue where clicking on an empty space in the Multimedia Browser toolbar was recognized as Play/Pause.
  • Fixes an issue where changing the activation pattern of codes or documents deactivated the selected activation filter in a currently opened Summary Grid window.

Release 20.0.7 (2020-03-04)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Improved workflow for copying & pasting an image directly from a web browser into the Document Browser or MAXMAps
  • Improved workflow for removing selected words from a word cloud
  • Improved layout for adding connection lines to elements in MAXMaps
  • Adds a message box informing a user while opening a project file from a temporary folder
  • Fixes an issue while displaying the sum of cases in crosstabs exported to Excel
  • Fixes an issue while using the search field in the memo tree of the memo manager
  • Fixes an issue while editing a search item within the search item list of the lexical search window
  • Fixes an issue while moving the display of a PDF document in the documents browser to the side while using color codes, searching for text or clicking on coding stripes
  • Fixes an issue while displaying the zoom icons in a summary grid
  • Fixes an issue while creating unnecessary text symbols using the Esc or Ctrl+s keys in the Document Browser window
  • Fixes an issue while exporting image segments from the Retrieved Segments window to Excel
  • Fixes an issue while exporting text to PDF with coding stripes overlapping the text (Mac only)
  • Fixes an issue while using the "Save as.." feature in MAXQDA stats where the file name contains specific characters (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Czech)
  • Fixes an issue while importing transcripts from REV or TEMI in DOCX format
  • Fixes an issue while importing "Structured Text" data that includes tables within the text
  • Fixes an issue while correctly including tabs in text document exports
  • Fixes an issue while keeping the font selection dialog in front while working with a code map (Mac only)
  • Fixes an issue while refocusing dialog or memo windows in front of the program window (Mac only)
  • Fixes an issue while using arrow keys to fast forward or rewind media files (Mac only)
  • Fixes an issue while displaying the complete lengths of column header descriptions in overview tables
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a wrong column header for the comment column in the Overview of Coded Segments
  • Fixes an issue while displaying new code memos in Creative Coding that are opened from the overview of coded segments initially as blank windows
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a wrong warning message when trying to open a project that is already opened in MAXQDA
  • Fixes an issue while including non-activated top-level codes in an interactive quote matrix that is created from within the crosstab window
  • Fixes an issue while editing memo content of a memo that contains internal links caused the link anchors to move within the text
  • Fixes an issue while merging code memos if the code memos are opened while their codes are merged
  • Fixes an issue while converting projects from MAXQDA 2018 to MAXQDA 2020 related to special characters in user names
  • Fixes an issue while setting correct font sizes when copying and pasting text segments from the Retrieved Segments window
  • Fixes an issue while displaying memo windows that were previously minimized
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a redundant warning message if there was not sufficient storage space to create a project backup

Release 20.0.6 (2020-01-29)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Improved Stop list import: Import multiple Stop list files at once
  • Improved formatting for memos that are exported to Word
  • Improved sorting of codes by code system while using the Code Relations Model in MAXMaps
  • Improved alignment of elements in MAXMaps while using the “Align in circle” function
  • Fixes an issue while transforming MAXQDA 2018 projects for text documents containing specific types of hyperlinks
  • Fixes an issue while displaying all icons in the memo toolbar on small screen sizes
  • Fixes an issue with the recognition of line breaks while analyzing word frequencies
  • Fixes an issue with deleting both anchor and target of internal links when text content that was linked is deleted
  • Fixes an issue with entering new paragraphs in documents while edit mode is turned off
  • Fixes an issue with the placement of new codes while creating new codes in the “Categorize Paraphase” window
  • Fixes an issue while including non-activated top level codes in png- or svg-images exported from a crosstab
  • Fixes an issue where using “Contains” filters connected by “AND” may cause MAXQDA to freeze
  • Fixes an issue where result tables copied from the Stats output viewer to a MAXQDA memo may change font
  • Fixes an issue with window sizing on high resolution monitors

Release 20.0.5 (2020-01-16)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue while exporting data that contains special characters to Word or Excel
  • Fixes an issue while selecting activated codes during teamwork export
  • Fixes an issue while expanding collapsed codes while exporting data from crosstab, codeline or code relations browser
  • Fixes an issue while highlighting search results while opening the search results table from within a word frequencies table
  • Fixes an issue while importing data from YouTube
  • Fixes an issue while using keyboard shortcuts to forward or rewind a media file in the Multimedia Browser window
  • Fixes an issue while importing a REFI-QDA project file from Dedoose
  • Fixes an issue while recognizing spaces when converting a MAXQDA 2018 project to MAXQDA 2020 (Windows only)

Release 20.0.4 (2019-12-16)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • NEW: Interactive options for creating, merging and deleting codes in the Smart-Coding-Tool
  • Improved display of simultaneously-opened memos when editing memo types
  • Improved performance while importing large bibliographical data sets (*.RIS files)
  • Improvement while saving Category Matrix Browser settings
  • Improved performance and stability when converting MAXQDA 18 projects to MAXQDA 2020 projects
  • Several small improvements of the user interface and dialog windows
  • Fixes an erased empty spaces issue in transcripts while converting MAXQDA 2018 projects to MAXQDA 2020 projects
  • Fixes an issue while renaming folders in MAXMaps via context menu
  • Fixes an issue while deleting folders containing Maps in MAXMaps
  • Fixes an issue while displaying shadows for connecting lines in MAXMaps
  • Fixes an issue while entering a label for connecting lines in MAXMaps
  • Fixes an issue while setting the max. distance when creating a Code Co-Occurrence Model (Code Proximity)
  • Fixes an issue while quitting MAXQDA Stats that could lead to an unexpected application halt
  • Fixes an issue with missing decimal places when visualizing results from the Analysis of Variance function in MAXQDA Stats
  • Fixes an issue with coding stripe display when exporting documents
  • Fixes an issue while transcribing and using the bold format when inserting Autotext
  • Fixes an issue while displaying only subcodes in the "Compare Cases & Groups" function
  • Fixes a false error message issue when using the Smart Publisher
  • Fixes an issue while exporting line numbered documents as Word documents
  • Fixes an issue while exporting documents containing timestamps without having chosen to export timestamps
  • Fixes an issue with blank windows when re-opening certain functions of MAXQDA
  • Fixes an issue when using Mac option keys in combination with arrow keys to navigate text documents

Release 20.0.3 (2019-12-05)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Improved performance while converting project files from MAXQDA 2018 to MAXQDA 2020
  • Improved formatting of line breaks when exporting text documents to Word
  • Fixes an issue while undoing an action via keyboard shortcut when writing a memo
  • Fixes an issue while converting large project files from MAXQDA 2018 to MAXQDA 2020
  • Fixes an issue while searching for text that contains special characters in the main user interface
  • Fixes an issue while displaying coding stripes and paragraph numbers in PDF exports
  • Fixes an issue while displaying images within memos after converting a project from MAXQDA 2018 to MAXQDA 2020 (Mac only)
  • Fixes an issue while replacing single search results in the Document Browser window
  • Fixes an issue while exporting Complex Coding Query results to Excel
  • Fixes an issue while displaying memos in Retrieved Segments content exported to Excel
  • Fixes an issue while saving activated codes in a set when using the "Activate Codes by Variables" feature
  • Fixes an issue while using the binarize function in the MAXDictio Category Matrix Browser (MAXQDA Plus and Analytics Pro only)
  • Fixes an issue while displaying value labels for Crosstab diagrams in Stats (MAXQDA Analytics Pro only)

Release 20.0.2 (2019-11-25)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • NEW: Transcript exports can include timestamps
  • Fixes an issue while converting MAXQDA 2018 projects where text documents have tables inside the text
  • Fixes an issue with automatic scrolling in the Document Browser window while selecting long text passages or while transcribing
  • Fixes an issue with some characters duplicating while writing in Korean
  • Improved workflow for remembering the most recently used lemmatization languages while doing a word frequency analysis
  • Improved sidebar display management while switching between documents
  • Improved performance while importing teamwork exchange files (.mex) and while merging projects
  • Several small improvements of the user interface and dialog windows

Release 20.0.1 (2019-11-14)


  • Fixes an issue while displaying logbook data in projects transformed from MAXQDA 2018
  • Fixes an issue while displaying paragraph numbering when exporting text documents to PDF
  • Fixes an issue while disabling the input method editor (IME) for writing Japanese, Chinese, and other languagues (Windows only)
  • Fixes an issue while creating new codes via context menus that may lead to MAXQDA ending unexpectedly
  • Fixes an issue while limiting a word search to the current content of the Retrieved Segments window

MAXQDA 2020 Veröffentlicht – November 2019

MAXQDA 2020 enthält mehr als 70 neue Funktionen. Wir haben uns auf die Kernkompetenzen von MAXQDA konzentriert und aktuelle Methodenentwicklungen, Anwendungsszenarien aus der praktischen Forschung und eine intuitive Benutzbarkeit auch komplexer Funktionen in den Mittelpunkt unserer Weiterentwicklung gestellt.

Neu in MAXQDA 2020 sind u.a. diese Funktionen:

  • Memo-Sidebar und Memo-Manager
  • MAXMaps 3.0. Neue Modelle und erweiterte Funktionalität
  • Literaturimport inklusive der Artikel
  • Transkriptimport aus neuen Quellen
  • Flexible Zeilen- und Absatznummerierung
  • Dokumentenlandkarte
  • Datenarchivierung
  • Summaries und Paragraphen-Vergleiche
  • und vieles mehr

Alle neuen Funktionen von MAXQDA 2020 entdecken

18.2.5 – Oktober 2020

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Improved: If the Multimedia Browser window is currently minimized you can now click on the Multimedia Browser icon in the Document Browser to maximize the window again.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting a project with transcripts as a REFI-QDA Projekt (*.qdpx) where transcripts without a link to a media file were ignored.
  • Fixes an issue while exporting a project as a REFI-QDA Projekt (*.qdpx) created a MAXQDA 2018 project file instead (Mac only).

18.2.4 – April 2020

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Improved performance while analyzing word frequencies in projects with a very large number of documents
  • Fixes an issue while using the „Save as..“ feature in MAXQDA stats where the file name contains specific characters (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Russian)
  • Fixes an issue while displaying a redundant warning message if there was not sufficient storage space to create a project backup
  • Fixes an issue while displaying value labels for Crosstab diagrams in Stats (MAXQDA Analytics Pro only)
  • Fixes an issue while displaying coding stripes slightly offset in documents printed to landscape orientated PDFs
  • Fixes an issue while displaying unselected top-level codes if any of their subcodes are selected in the „Compare Cases & Groups“ function
  • Fixes an issue while using keyboard shortcuts to forward or rewind a media file in the Multimedia Browser window
  • Fixes an issue while importing a REFI-QDA project file from Dedoose
  • Fixes an issue while processing geo information from Google Maps locations
  • Fixes an issue while using keyboard shortcuts cmd+C or Strg+C to copy text segments from a PDF document to the clipboard
  • Fixes an issue while processing date and time variables while importing data from a spreadsheet
  • Fixes an issue while analyzing intercoder agreement for documents that contain tables inside the text

18.2.3 – Oktober 2019

Verbesserungen und Bugfixes

  • Neu: Häufigkeiten auf den Verbindungslinien der Codes in der Codelandkarte anzeigen
  • Neu: Export und Import von REFI-QDA Projekten zum Austausch von Projekten zwischen MAXQDA und anderen QDA-Programmen
  • Verbesserter Ablauf beim Erstellen automatischer Sicherungskopien
  • Verbesserter Warnhinweis beim Öffnen von Projektdateien von externen oder synchronisierten Speicherorten
  • Verbesserte Performance bei der Arbeit mit sehr großen Diktionären (MAXDictio)
  • Verbesserter Umgang mit Zeitmarken beim Löschen des Textes zwischen zwei Zeitmarken
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Ändern der Schriftart für angezeigte Codenamen auf der Codelandkarte
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Suchen nach runden Klammern sowie beim Verwenden der „Ersetzen“-Funktion
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Anklicken interner Verlinkungen in manchen PDF-Dokumenten
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Berücksichtigung von fehlenden Werten in der Summen-Spalte der Kreuztabelle
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Anwenden von Stopplistenänderungen auf eine gleichzeitig geöffnete Wortwolke
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Darstellung von Diagrammbeschriftungen (Stats)
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Größe von Diagrammen im Ausgabeviewer (Stats)
  • Behebt ein Problem mit unscharfen Beschriftungen in SVG-Exportdateien (Stats)
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Suche nach Werten in numerischen Feldern von Übersichtstabellen

18.2.2 – Oktober 2019

MacOS Catalina Unterstützung

  • Behebt ein Problem mit dem Starten von MAXQDA unter macOS Catalina
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Nutzung von Fußschaltern zum Transkribieren unter macOS Catalina
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Anzeige von PDF-Dateien unter macOS Catalina

18.2.0 – Februar 2019

  • Codelandkarte
    Codebeziehungen in Clustern visualisieren. Stellen Sie die Nähe und Überschneidungen Ihrer Codes wie auf einer Landkarte bildlich dar.
  • Teamwork Assistent
    Neue Teamwork-Funktionen erleichtern Ihnen die Zusammenarbeit am gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt in MAXQDA: Ein neuer Teamwork-Assistent führt Sie durch den Austausch von Codierungen oder Daten und hilft Ihnen ganz genau zu entscheiden, welche Daten von einem Projekt in ein anderes übertragen werden.
  • Intercoder Übereinstimmung für mehrere Dokumente
    Für alle, die im Team zunächst getrennt codieren und ihre Codierungen anschließend vergleichen: Jetzt mehrere Dokumente auf einmal analysieren und in der interaktiven Ergebnistabelle direkt entscheiden, welche Lösung übernommen wird.
  • Neue Diagramme im Statistik-Modul
    Statistische Zusammenhänge und Verteilungen schnell und mühelos verdeutlichen Visualisieren Sie Ihre Häufigkeiten und Streuung Ihrer Variablen übersichtlich in Box-Plots, Histrogrammen und gruppierten Balkendiagrammen.

Weitere Verbesserungen
  • Dokument-Export: Neuer Export erleichtert den Export von Textdokumenten inklusive der Codiertstreifen und Memos jetzt zusätzlich auch in das PDF-Format.
  • Dokument-Tooltip: Die Tooltip-Box zeigt beim Fahren mit dem Mauszeiger über einem Dokument nun zusätzlich an, wie viele Zeichen der Text umfasst.
  • Dokumentsets: Noch schneller ein neues Dokumentset erstellen durch Ziehen mehrerer Dokumente auf das Dokumentset-Icon.
  • Lexikalische Suche: Bei der Suche nach Worten in einem Satz oder Absatz wird bei einem Klick auf ein Suchergebnis in der Ergebnistabelle der gesamte Satz oder Absatz der Fundstelle im Originaldokument oder Memo hervorgehoben.
  • Vorschau verlinkter Bilder: Wenn Sie mit der Maus über einen Link fahren, der zu einem Bildausschnitt führt, erscheint eine Vorschau des Bildes.
  • Standardfarbe Codes: Codes mit der Standardfarbe Blau werden im Codesystem nun mit einer blauen Farbmarkierung gekennzeichnet.
  • Emoticode-Farben: Die Farben der Codierstreifen können Sie nun auch für Emoticodes frei verändern.
  • Videocodierungen: Ein Klick auf ein Videosegment in der Liste der Codings ruft Medienbrowserfenster auf und spielt den codierten Videoclip ab.
  • Transkription Fußpedal: Unterstützung des „Infinity USB Foot Pedal“ mit drei Tasten. Mit dem Fußpedal starten und stoppen Sie das Abspielen einer Audio- oder Videodatei. Oder springen eine festgelegte Spanne vor oder zurück.
  • Transkription Geschwindigkeit: Abspielgeschwindigkeit der Mediendatei bis auf die doppelte Geschwindigkeit hochsetzen können.
  • Multimedia-Browser Navigation: Scrollen Sie sich seitlich durch eine Mediendatei und ihre Codierungen, indem Sie beim Scrollen mit der Maus die Shift-Taste gedrückt halten.
  • Paraphrasen: Paraphrasenspalte mit der Maus schmaler oder breiter ziehen.
  • Löschen bestätigen: Optional deaktivieren Sie die automatische Nachfrage von MAXQDA bei Löschen von Elementen in den Programmeinstellungen.
  • Stats-Modul: Per Rechtsklick auf eine Spaltenüberschrift im Stats-Dateneditor können Sie direkt die Häufigkeiten für eine Variable aufrufen.
  • Wortwolke: Ändern und Hinzufügen der Sonderzeichen, die MAXQDA als Anfang oder Ende eines Wortes erkennt und abschneidet (Punkte, Fragezeichen, etc).
  • MAXMaps: Beim Erstellen automatischer Models werden Codes und Dokumente direkt aus einer neuen Seitenleiste in die Map gezogen .
  • MAXMaps: Erweitere Darstellungsoptionen für Dokumente und Codes. Die Farbe beider Elemente kann statt mit einer Farbmarkierung durch eine komplette Einzeichnung in der ausgewählten Farbe dargestellt werden.
  • MAXMaps: Neue freie Objekte per drag & drop aus dem Tab „Einfügen“ direkt in der Map platzieren.
  • Memos: Direkter Zugriff auf die Liste aller Memos oder aller freien Memos aus dem Tab „Analyse“.
  • Interaktive Segmentmatrix: Anzeige auf bis zu sechs Spalten erweitern. Beim Klick auf einen Link zu einem Originaldokument, wird das Fenster der Interaktiven Segmentmatrix automatisch minimiert.
  • PDF: Optimierte Funktionalität beim Codieren mit Hilfe von Punkten an den Selektionsgrenzen, die es auch nach einer getätigten Selektion ermöglichen, die Selektion zu verlängern oder zu verkürzen.
  • PDF: PDF-Dokumente optional mit Codierstreifen und Memos drucken.
  • PDF: PDF-Dokumente als neues einfaches Textdokument abspeichern, das nur die Textebene des PDF enthält.
  • Twitter: Ein Klick auf ein Twitter-Benutzerfoto oder auf ein „@username“-Mention öffnet die Twitter-Benutzerseite im Browser.
  • Code-Matrix-Browser: Visualisierungen, die nur aktivierte Dokumente und/oder Codes anzeigen, reagieren nun interaktiv auf Veränderungen von Aktivierungen und werden sofort entsprechend der neuen Aktivierungen oder Deaktivierungen angepasst.
  • Creative Coding: Verbesserte Navigation in großen Codesystemen durch eine neue Suche und Sortieroption.
  • Creative Coding: Beim Zusammenlegen von zwei Codes mit je einem Code-Memo fragt MAXQDA, ob beide Memos in ein Memo vereint werden oder ob das zweite Memo als freies Memo abgespeichert werden soll.
  • Übersichtstabellen: Neue Option zur schnellen Auswahl der sichtbaren Tabellenspalten.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Verschieben von Zeitmarken beim Import von Transkripten, die mit f4 oder f5 erstellt wurden
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Export von Dokumenten mit einem Dokumentnamen, indem vom lokalen Betriebssystem nicht unterstützte Sonderzeichen verwendet wurden. Diese Zeichen werden beim Export nun ersetzt.
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Anzeige der Option „Aktivieren/Deaktivieren“ im Rechtsklick-Kontextmenü für mehrere gleichzeitig selektierte Codes in der tabellarischen Ansichtsoption des Codesystems.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Beibehalten von Selektierungen im Codesystem, wenn mehrere selektierte Codes an einen anderen Ort verschoben werden.
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Darstellung der Kontur einer Paraphrase in der Paraphrasenspalte, wenn die Option „Große Schriftart“ aktiviert ist.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Speichern einer Map aus MAXMAps heraus in die Zwischenablage mit transparentem Hintergrund.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Ändern der Textbreite von Objekt-Labeln in MAXMaps
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Platzierung von Codes im Creative Coding-Fenster, die per Klicken & Ziehen mit der Maus aus dem Codesystem auf die Fläche gezogen werden.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Zusammenführen leerer Dokumentgreuppen beim Zusammenführen von Projektdateien
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Zusammenführen von Paraphrasencodes beim Zusammenführen von Projektdateien. Paraphrasencodes werden nun nicht mehr dupliziert.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Import von Twitternachrichten mit aktiviertem Zeit- und Datumsfilter.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim automatischen Aktivieren des Codefarbfilters beim Ändern einer Codefarbe im Mediabrowser-Fenster.
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Anwendung des im Transkriptionsmodus ausgewählten Rückspulintervallen beim einfachen Abspielen von Clips.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Speichern von Stopplisten, die aus einer Datei importiert wurden.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Filtern der Ansicht im Summary Grid-Fenster nach aktivierten Dokumenten und/oder Codes
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Anpassen der Größe eines Vorschaubildes einer Bild-Codierung an Veränderungen der Spaltenbreite in der Interaktiven Segmentmatrix.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Filtern der angezeigten Memos im Memo Manager nach Autor/in.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Zuordnen eines Objektes zu einer Ebene in MAXMaps.
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Erstellen von Tabellenspalten für Variablen mit fehlenden Werten in der Kreuztabelle, Typologietabelle und anderen Mixed Methods-Ansichten.

18.1.1 – Oktober 2018

  • Neu: Spracheinstellung in Wortwolken für die bessere Erkennung einzelner Worte in japanischen Texten
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Import großer Datensätze aus Excel-Tabellen mit dem Survey-Daten-Import
  • Verbesserte Performance bei der Erstellung von Dokument-Portraits für Dokumente mit sehr vielen überlappenden Codings
  • Verbesserte Erkennung von Zeitmarken beim Import von mit Transana erstellten Transkripten
  • Behebt ein Problem mit dem Scrollen in Übersichtstabellen mit aktiven Filtern
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Textformatierung manuell hinzugefügter Zeitmarken im Transkriptionsmodus
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Funktion der Zoom-Icons zum im Summary-Grid
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Positionierung von Fenstern und Systemdialogen bei der Arbeit auf hochauflösenden Bildschirmen (Windows)
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Nutzung von MAXQDA durch verschiedene System-Benutzer (Mac)

18.1.0 – August 2018

  • Import von YouTube
    Import aller Kommentare, die zu einem YouTube-Video abgegeben wurden und/oder des kompletten Transkriptes mit Video-Untertiteln.
  • Wortwolke 2.0
    Neue Designs und moderne Illustrationen für Worthäufigkeiten mit unzähligen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten
  • Codewolke
    Visualisierung der am häufigsten vergebenen Codes als Wortwolke der Codenamen
  • Video- & Audio-Codierungen als Clips exportieren
    Abspeichern von Markierungen oder Codierungen aus Mediendateien als jeweils eigene Clips
  • Direkt aus der Liste der Codings neu codieren
    Codierte Segmente, die in der Liste der Codings angezeigt werden, ohne Umweg über das Originaldokument mit einem weiteren Code versehen
  • Minutengenaue Suche nach Tweets: Beim Import von Twitternachrichten das Zeitfenster für die Suche minutengenau festlegen
  • Mehrfachselektion: In den Baumstrukturen der Liste der Dokumente / Liste der Codes mehrere Dokumente/Codes auswählen und gemeinsam verschieben
  • Suchen und Ersetzen: Einfache Fehlerkorrektur oder Anonymisierung von Daten durch die klassische „Suchen & Ersetzen“-Funktion
  • Side-by-Side-Display: Ergebnispräsentation als interaktive Segmentmatrix (vorher als direkter Export zu Excel)
  • Suche mit “Regulären Ausdrücken”: Feinere Suchoptionen durch Einbindung regulärer Ausdrücke
  • Interaktive MAXDictio-Ergebnisse: Mehrere Zeilen in der Ergebnistabelle zusammenschieben, um Wörter gemeinsam zu zählen
  • MAXMAps in Zwischenablage: Aktuelle Ansicht in die Zwischenablage kopieren für den schnellen Transfer in Berichte und Präsentationen
  • Codeline aggregieren: Beim Einklappen von Obercodes werden die Codierungen der Subcodes aggregiert dargestellt
  • Dokumentenvergleichsdiagramm auf Fensterbreite: Visualisierung auf Fensterbreite anpassen, um alle Codierungen auf einmal zu sehen
  • Codesystem QDA-XML Exchange Standard: Das QDA-XML-Format erlaubt den Austausch des Codesystems zwischen MAXQDA und anderen QDA-Programmen
  • Dateimanagement: Dokumente auch nachträglich aus einer Projektdatei auslagern und externe Dateien nachträglich in ein Projekt einbetten
  • Smart Coding Tool: Rückgängig machen und Wiederherstellen für Änderungen im Smart Coding Tool-Fenster, Codes nach Häufigkeit innerhalb der angezeigten Dokumente sortieren, codierte Segmente kopieren und verschieben, Tastenkürzel zum Codieren mit einem neuen Code, Informationsanzeige für die Anzahl sichtbarer codierter Segmente und Dokumente.
  • Import von Transkripten im SRT-Dateiformat (z.B. YouTube-Untertitel)
  • Optionale Anzeige aller Codes bei der Kategorisierung von Paraphrasen
  • Optionale Vereinheitlichung der Schriftarten in der interaktiven Segmentmatrix und in Summary-Tabellen
  • Schnell-Farbwahl beim Editieren von Text und für MAXMaps-Elemente
  • Neue Beispielprojekte: Japanisch und Chinesisch
  • Option zum Ignorieren der Textformatierung beim Einfügen von Text im Dokument-Browser, in Memos und im Logbuch
  • Stats: Variablen umwandeln in die Variablentypen Ganzzahl, Fließkomma sowie Datei/Uhrzeit
  • Codieren von Textsegmenten direkt aus dem Vorschaubereich der Liste der Codings
  • Audio- oder Videodatei direkt aus der Liste der Dokumente heraus im Multimedia-Browser öffnen
  • Beim Codieren von Text werden Leerzeichen direkt vor und hinter dem Textsegment ignoriert
  • Verbesserte Erkennung von Variablen beim Survey-Import
  • Verbesserte Schriftartenauswahl in allen Texteditoren (Dokument-Browser, Memos, etc.)
  • Suchoption „Wortbeginn“, „Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten“ und „Ganzes Wort“ für alle Textsuchen
  • Zoom-Funktion zur größeren oder kleineren Darstellung des Textes in Summary-Tabellen
  • Größerer Memo-Tooltip zeigt mehr Inhalt beim Verweilen mit dem Mauszeiger auf einem Memo-Icon
  • Bei der Suche nach Memos, die von einer bestimmten Person erstellt wurden, können mehrere Personen ausgewählt werden
  • Kopieren von Häufigkeitstabellen und Diagramme in die Zwischenablage
  • Anwendung der numerischen Sortierung beim Sortieren von Dokumenten/Codes, die mit einer Nummer benannt wurden
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Erkennung von Codefarben beim Export von Maps in das EMF-Format
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Export sehr großer Maps aus MAXMAps
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Kopieren von Daten aus dem Ausgabeviewer in Stats zu Word (Mac)
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Auflistung aller vergebener Codes für Audio- und Videocodings in der Liste der Codings
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Verschieben von Memos im Dokumentbrowser auf Retina- und hochauflösenden Bildschirmen
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Erkennung von Doppelpunkten beim Import Chinesischer Texte
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der sofortigen Aktualisierung der Anzeige der Codierstreifenlänge beim Ändern einer Bild-Codierungen
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Drehen eines Objektes mit Geolink in MAXMAps
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Darstellung des Prozentzeichen-Symbols in Säulendiagrammen

18.0.8 – Mai 2018

  • Aktualisierter Twitterimport: Tweets mit mehr als 140 Zeichen werden in voller Länge importiert
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Import mancher MP3-Dateien, u.a. aus MAXApp (Windows)
  • Behebt ein Problem mit abgeschnittenen Grafiken beim Export von MAXMaps im EMF-Format (Windows)
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Anzeige von Memos für seitenübergreifende Codierungen in PDF-Dokumenten im Fenster „Liste der Codings“
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der manuellen Umsortierung von Variablen in der Variablenliste von MAXStats
  • Behebt ein Problem mit der Anzeige der „Übersicht Codings“ während der Benutzung von Creative Coding
  • Behebt ein Problem mit dem Import codierter Segmente in MAXMaps, bei der Verwendung der „Codings importieren“-Option im Rechtsklick-Kontextmenü

18.0.7 – März 2018

  • Behebt Darstellungsprobleme von Logbook-Inhalten

18.0.6 – März 2018

  • Behebt Darstellungsprobleme von Farbcodierungen (Mac)
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Nutzung von Pfeiltasten zur Navigation von Mediendateien im Multimedia Browser (Mac)
  • Behebt ein Problem, das zu einem Crash führen konnte, beim Editieren von Links im Dokumentbrowser (Windows)

18.0.4 – Februar 2018

  • Behebt Probleme beim Verwenden des Mediabrowsers und Transkriptionsmodus
  • Behebt Darstellungsprobleme im SCT unter Retina (Mac)
  • Behebt Darstellungsprobleme im SummaryGrid unter High-Resolution (Windws)
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der lex. Suche mit Platzhaltern, das zu einem Absturz führen konnte
  • Behebt ein Problem im CRB, das zu einem Absturz führen konnte
  • Verbessert das Handling von Wörtern in der Stop- bzw. Goliste
  • Neu: Dialoge zur Dokument- und Codeauswahl via Variablen zeigen die Anzahl der zutreffenden Dokumente/Codes an

18.0.3 – Januar 2018

  • Verbesserte Performance beim Transkribieren von Mediendateien
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Retrieval und Export von Bildcodierungen in sehr großen PDF-Dokumenten
  • Löst ein Problem beim Erstellen von Memos in Dokumenten ohne Textselektion
  • Löst ein Problem bei der Darstellung in der Tabelle Übersicht Codings mit Tooltipvariablen
  • Löst ein Problem beim der mehrfachen Verwenden von Undo und Redo in MAXMaps
  • MAXDictio: Löst ein Problem beim Autocodieren von Sätzen in großen PDFs

18.0.2 – Dezember 2017

  • Optimierte Bedienung und verbesserte Performance im Smart-Coding-Tool
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Öffnen sehr großer Projektdateien
  • Löst ein Problem mit der vollständigen Übernahme des Logbuchs aus manchen MAXQDA12-Projekten
  • Löst ein Problem mit der Anzeige von Bild-Codierungen aus sehr großen PDF-Dateien in der Liste der Codings
  • Löst ein Problem mit der Fensteranordnung nach dem Aus- und Eindockens eines der vier Fenster

18.0.1 – Dezember 2017

  • Löst ein Problem beim Drucken von Textdokumenten auf MAC
  • Löst ein Problem bezüglich der Fensterdarstellung im Multimedia-Browser

18.0.0 MAXQDA 2018 veröffentlicht (für Windows und Mac) – Dezember 2017

Mehr als 60 neue Funktionen, darunter sieben innovative Analysetools, die Ihnen völlig neue Optionen bei der Auswertung bieten. Auch viele bestehende Funktionen wurden komplett überarbeitet, um Sie in Ihrer Forschung noch besser zu unterstützen. Wir vertrauen darauf, dass Sie auch in MAXQDA 2018 wieder eine wertvolle Unterstützung Ihrer Arbeit finden werden.

Neu in MAXQDA 2018 sind u.a. diese Funktionen:

  • Ribbon-Menüs mit Beschriftung und kurzen Beschreibungen für alle Funktionen
  • Paraphrasieren
  • Smart Coding Tool
  • Analyse von Code-Kombinationen auf bis zu 6 Ebenen
  • Survey-Antworten kategorisieren
  • Codeabdeckung
  • Professionelle Transkription
  • Globales Undo
  • und vieles mehr
12.3.6 – September 2018
  • Behebung einiger kleinerer Probleme
12.3.5 – Februar 2018
  • Löst ein Problem beim Import von Word-Dokumenten (Mac)
  • Löst ein Problem bei der Darstellung des SummaryGrid auf High-Resolution-Monitoren (Windows)
12.3.3 – Dezember 2017
  • Löst ein Problem beim Export sehr großer Maps aus MAXMaps als Bilddatei
  • Löst ein Problem beim Import von Webseiten mit besonderem Layout aus dem MAXQDA Webcollector
  • Löst ein Problem beim Export von Worthäufigkeitstabellen in MAXDictio mit geänderterten Anzeigeoptionen
  • Löst ein Problem beim Kopieren und Einfügen von Codes mit Subcodes auf die korrekte Ebene des Codesystems
  • Löst ein Problem beim Zuweisen fehlender Werte beim Import von Variablen aus Tabellen mit leeren Zellen
  • Löst ein Problem beim Export einer Segmentmatrix aus dem Code-Matrix-Browser als .xls/.xlsx-Datei
12.3.1 – Februar 2017
  • Lexikalische Suche ab sofort mit Lemmatisierung: In der lexikalischen Suche können verschiedene Formen eines Wortes gemeinsam gezählt werden (treffen, traf, trifft).
  • MAXMaps: Summarytext eines Codings als Coding-Label in die Map einfügen
  • Interaktive Ergebnistabelle für Häufigkeiten von Wortkombinationen: Wortkombinationen per Drag & Drop aufeinanderziehen, um sie zusammen zu zählen.
  • Interaktive Ergebnistabellen für Worthäufikeiten und Wortkombinationen behalten zusammenschobene Zeilen bei einer Aktualisierung der Tabelle bei
  • Neues Dokument aus Markierung erstellen: Drag & Drop eines markierten Segments in die Liste der Dokumente erstellt ein neues Dokument mit dem Segment als Inhalt (Text, PDF, Bild)
  • Allgemeine Performance beim Verwenden von Projekten mit sehr vielen Dokumenten und Codes verbessert
  • Löst ein Probleme beim Öffnen von Memos per Doppelklick auf hochauflösenden Monitoren
  • Löst ein Problem beim Hinzufügen neuer MAXDictio-Diktionärskategorien bei der Nutzung spezifischer Zeichensätzen (bspw. japanische)
  • Löst ein Problem beim Aufrufen des Wordtree für seltene Arten von PDF-Dokumenten
  • Löst ein Problem beim Öffnen von Geolinks aus MAXMaps heraus
  • Löst ein Problem bei der Anzeige von Segmenten rotierter Bilder in der Liste der Segmente
  • Löst ein Problem beim Autocodieren mit Diktionärs-Kategorien
  • Löst ein Problem beim Übertragen von Dokumentlinks während des Zusammenführens von Projekten
  • Löst ein Problem bei der Nutzung von Tastenkürzel für Fett, Kursiv und Unterstrichen im Edit-Modus (Windows)
12.3 – Januar 2017

Dieses Update bringt viele Erweiterungen der MAXDictio-Funktionalität mit sich, unseres Moduls für die quantitative Textanalyse. MAXDictio ist Bestandteil von MAXQDA Plus und MAXQDA Analytics Pro.

Neue Funktionen in MAXDictio:

  • Wortkombinationen: Wortkombinationen aus bis zu fünf Wörtern suchen und analysieren
  • Go-Listen: Go-Listen-Manager, globale Go-Listen lassen sich projektübergreifend nutzen
  • Kategorien-Matrix-Browser: Visualieren von Wortkategoriehäufigkeiten in einer Matrixansicht
  • Keyword-In-Context: Anzeigen von Suchbegriffen in strukturierter Tabelle mit Kontextinformation (vorhergehender und nachfolgender Text)
  • Interaktiver Wordtree: Text Dateien lassen sich als Baumstruktur anzeigen, mit einer Übersicht häufig genutzter Begriffe
  • Sprachoptionen: Worterkennung auch für Japanisch
  • Interaktive Worthäufigkeits-Tabellen: Zusammenschieben von Wörtern bei Worthäufigkeiten zwecks Zählen
  • Überarbeiteter Diktionär: Verwalten globaler Diktionäre und Erstellen von Diktionärs-Kategorien mittels des Code-Systems
  • Überarbeitete Stopplisten-Verwaltung: Globale Stopp-Listen lassen sich projektübergreifend nutzen

Weitere Verbesserungen und Bugfixes

  • Beim Export von codierten Segmenten aus Texten, die Zeitmarken enthalten, kann der „Zeitumfang“ mit ausgeben werden
  • Beim Export von Visual Tools oder Mixed Methods als Bild oder Tabelle werden zuvor getätigte Änderungen der Spaltenreihenfolge berücksichtigt
  • Fokusgruppen: Import von Variablen für Fokusgruppen-Teilnehmende
  • Die Gewichtung mehrerer codierten Segmente auf einmal editieren
  • Der Multimedia Browser öffnet sich an der zuletzt betrachteten Stelle in der Mediendatei
  • Import von Daten aus SurveyMonkey („Pro Plan“-Account von SurveyMonkey notwendig)
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Import von Fokusgruppen-Transkripten, die Bildern enthalten
  • Verbesserte Darstellung von Übersichtstabellen auf hochauflösenden Bildschirmen (Windows)
  • Verbesserte Darstellung von Codierungen mit bestimmten Textumbrüchen
  • Verbesserte Erkennung von Schriftarten und Bildern in Tabellen bei der Arbeit mit dem gleichen Projekt auf Windows und Mac
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Retrieval für Fokusgruppen-Teilnehmer
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Import von Dokumenten aus Tabellen
  • Verbesserte Performance für die Verwendung der Undo-Funktion für Codierungen
  • Löst ein Problem bei der Darstellung von absoluten und relativen Werten in Diagrammen (Mac)
  • Löst ein Problem beim Kopieren von Inhalten mit Bildern aus dem Stats-Ausgabeviewer zu Word
  • Löst ein Problem bei der Aktivierung via Dokumentvariablen nach Erstelldatum
  • Löst ein Problem beim Import des Projekt-Memos in MAXApp-Projekten
12.2.1 – Oktober 2016
  • Collect web pages with browser-addon „MAXQDA Web Collector“ (Google Chrome)
  • Import online survey results directly from SurveyMonkey
  • Visual tool „Codeline“ for audio/video and PDF documents
  • Automatic coding of speakers with preprocessor import
  • Copying and exporting results from Stats Output Viewer
  • Lexical search for „(“ and „)“
  • Special characters in file names when importing SPSS files
  • Identical variable labels when importing SPSS files
12.2 – September 2016

Add statistical power to your analysis – Introducing the new MAXQDA Analytics Pro!

This update includes a free demo of the statistical features of the new Stats module of MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Your „Stats“ demo will end automatically on December 31st, 2016.

NEW: These are the new statistical features of MAXQDA Analytics Pro:

  • Interactive connection with MAXQDA projects data
  • Import dataset from SPSS, Excel, etc.
  • Interactive results table
  • Frequency tables
  • Descriptive statistics: Mean, standard deviation, variance, median, quartiles, minimum, maximum, range, sum, standard error, 95% confidence interval for the mean
  • Crosstabs: absolute and relative frequencies, row and column percentages, expected frequencies, residuals, standardized residuals, adjusted standardized residuals; Chi-square, Phi, Cramer’s V, contingency coefficient C
  • One-way analysis of variance: with output descriptive statistics and Levene test of homogeneity of variance
  • Correlation: Pearson and Spearman correlation
  • Scale: Cronbach’s Alpha

Other improvements…

  • Better recognition of sentences for autocoding of search results
  • Vertical lines in Codeline
  • New interface language: Portuguese (Brasilian)
  • Codeline that does not fill max. window width
  • MAXQDA settings.ini file that may prevent MAXQDA from starting
  • Overview of codes that contains focus group variables
  • Export of last row in Typology table
  • Highlighting multipage segments in PDF documents
12.1.4 – Juni 2016
  • Verbindung zu Twitter beim Import von Tweets in ein MAXQDA-Projekt
  • Abspeichern einer Creative Coding-Map als normale MAXMap
12.1.3 für Windows – April 2016
  • Signierung von Bibliotheksdatei kann Programmstart behindern
  • Öffnen eines MAXQDA-Projektes per Doppelklick
  • Start des Smart Publishers
12.1.3 für Mac – April 2016
  • Signierung von Bibliotheksdatei kann Programmstart behindern
  • Export und Import von Exceldateien
  • Anzeige einer Meldung zum temporären Dateiordner
12.1.1 – April 2016

  • Bessere Performance beim Code-Matrix-Browser für Fokusgruppen-Teilnehmende
  • Bessere Performance beim Editieren von Transkripten mit großer Anzahl von Zeitmarken
  • Anzeige des Fokugruppen-Symbols im Code-Relations-Browser
  • Formatieren von Listen in Memos und Textdokumenten
  • Seitenlayout beim Drucken von Textdokumenten
  • Import von Projekten aus MAXQDA 2007 und MAXQDA 11
  • Zeilenumbruch beim Export zu HTML
  • Menüeinträge bei der Aktivierung von Fokusgruppen-Teilnehmenden anhand der Anzahl von Sprechbeiträgen
12.1.0 – Februar, 2016

Joint Displays

  • Side-by-side-Display von Resultaten (Codings):
    Gegenüberstellung von Resultaten einer qualitativen und einer quantitativen Studie in einer Tabelle mit codierten Segmenten, sortiert nach Themen
  • Side-by-side-Display von Resultaten (Summarys):
    Gegenüberstellung von Resultaten einer qualitativen und einer quantitativen Studie in einer Tabelle mit Summarys sortiert nach Themen
  • Qualitative Themen für quantitative Gruppen (Codings):
    Gegenüberstellung von qualitativen Daten (codierten Segmenten) für Gruppen von Dokumenten, die durch quantitative Daten gebildet werden, sortiert nach Themen
  • Qualitative Themen für quantitative Gruppen (Summarys):
    Gegenüberstellung von qualitativen Daten (Summarys) für Gruppen von Dokumenten, die durch quantitative Daten gebildet werden, sortiert nach Themen
  • Statistik für qualitative Gruppen:
    Gegenüberstellung von Typen einer Typologie hinsichtlich statistischer Kennwerte wie Mittelwert, Standardabweichung und relativer Anteile. Die einzelnen Typen werden aufgrund einer vorgenommenen Codierung im Datenmaterial gebildet.

Visual Tools: Neue Funktionen für die Codeline

  • Umschalten zwischen Berechnung der Länge von Codes anhand der Anzahl von Paragraphen oder der Anzahl von Zeichen
  • Codeline auf Fensterbreite begrenzen. Perfekt für die Nutzung in Publikationen oder Präsentationen
  • Slider zum Anpassen der Spaltenbreite
  • Neue Filteroption: Nur codierte Segmente mit bestimmter Gewichtung anzeigen

Visual Tools Export und Interaktivität

  • Neues Kamera-Icon macht einen Screenshot des sichtbaren Bereichts und kopiert ihn in die Zwischenablage
  • Neues Excel-Icon exportiert das Dokumentenvergleichsdiagramm oder die Codeline in eine Exceltabelle
  • Durch Klick auf einen Code im „Codesystem“ wird der Code in MAXMaps hervorgehoben

MAXDictio: Lemmatisierung und Worthäufigkeitsanalyse für Dokumentgruppen

  • MAXDictio ab sofort mit Lemmatisierung! In der Analyse von Worthäufigkeiten werden verschiedene Formen eines Wortes gemeinsam gezählt (treffen, traf, trifft). Für diese Sprachen verfügbar: Bulgarisch, Katalanisch, Tschechisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Ungarisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Schwedisch, Ukrainisch
  • Neue Filteroption: Analyse von Worthäufigkeiten nach Dokumentgruppe

Lexikalische Suche: Neue Vorschau der Suchergebnisse und erweiterte Suchoptionen

  • Überarbeitetes Dialogfenster für die „Erweiterte lexikalische Suche“ mit neuen Suchoptionen, z.B. die Suche nach einer Kombination von Worten über mehrere Sätze, Seiten oder Tabellen-Zellen hinweg – für Texte, PDFs und Tabellen
  • Neue „Vorschau“-Spalte in der Tabelle der Suchergebnisse für eine schnellere Bewertung der Qualität von Fundstellen
  • Neue „Kontext“-Spalte in der Tabelle der Suchergebnisse informiert darüber, in welcher Entfernung voneinander die gesuchten Begriffe im Dokument auftauchen (z.B. 1 Absatz oder 2 Sätze)
  • Klick auf ein Suchergebnis von Begriffen in Memos, hebt die Fundstelle im Memo farblich hervor

Creative Coding

  • Abspeichern von Creative Coding-Map als reguläre MAXMap zu Dokumentationszwecken
  • Neue Codefarben werden ausgewählten Codes sofort zugewiesen


  • Direkt aus dem Vorschaufenster von tabellarischen Übersichten codieren per drag & drop, wie in Dokumenten
  • Eine Codierung mit selektiertem Text erweitern per Rechtsklick auf den Codierstreifen und Auswahl von „Codierung erweitern mit markiertem Segment“
  • Einfachere Selektion von Text in PDF-Dokumenten

Fokusgruppen: Aktivierung von Teilnehmenden anhand von Aktivität

  • Fokusgruppen-Teilnehmende anhand ihres Namens, Anzahl von Sprachbeiträgen, Länge von Beiträgen aktivieren.

Dokumentvariablen: SPSS-Kompatibilität

  • Import und Export von Dokumentvariablen von und zu SPSS-Dateien (*.sav) für einen direkten Austausch mit Statistiksoftware

Weitere Neuerungen

  • Export der „Liste der Codings“ inklusive Memo Typ Labels
  • Neue Benachrichtigung bei erfolglosem Import von DOC/X-Dokumenten in MAXQDA unter Windows
  • Doppelklick zum Löschen einer Bedingung im „Aktivieren via Variablen“-Dialogfenster
  • Start von MAXQDA von einem anderen Benutzeraccount nach der Installation von MAXQDA 12.0.3 auf einem Mac
  • Verlinkung von Mediendateien mit sehr langem Dateipfad
  • Entpacken gebündelter externer Dateien
  • Der Länge von Medien-Clips im Export der „Liste der Codings“
  • Ändern des Dateipfades beim Export der „Liste der Codings“
  • Berücksichtigung geänderter Einstellungen bei der Aktualisierung einer mit MAXDictio erstellten Worthäufigkeitstabelle
  • Transfer von Projekten mit einer großen Anzahl von Codesets von MAXQDA 11 zu MAXQDA 12
  • Transfer von Geo-Links beim Zusammenführen von Projekten
12.0.3 für Windows – Januar 2016
  • Codesystem: Standardfarbe für neue Codes auswählen
  • Fokusgruppenimport für bereits im Projekt vorhandene Dokumente – Personen automatisch identifizieren und codieren
  • PDF-Wörtersuche: Jetzt auch in PDF-Dokumenten ganze Sätze automatisch codieren oder exportieren
  • Creative Coding: Auswahl von Codes der obersten Ebene mit einem maximum von zwei Untercodes
  • Twitternachrichten inklusive der Anzahl von Likes eines Tweets importieren
  • Summary-Tabellen: Spalte in Dokumentvariable transformieren
  • Summary-Tabellen: Reihen und Spalten tauschen
  • Dokumentvariablen: Export als SPSS Syntax-Datei
  • Dokumentvariablen: Dokumenten-Icon in eigener Spalte
  • Import Word DOC/X inklusive im Text vorhandener Bilder
  • Beim Import großer PDF-Dateien/Bildern alle Dateien auf einmal im Ordner für externe Dateien abspeichern
  • Einfachere Anordnung von Codefavoriten
  • Segment-Matrix: RTF-Export erhält die Formatierung der Originaldokumente
  • Übersichtstabellen: Aktuelle Sortierung einer Spalte wird bei der Eingabe neuer Inhalte beibehalten
  • Import von MAXApp-Projekte als .zip-Datei
  • Code-Relations-Browser: Aufruf von codierten Segmenten per Doppelklick auch für zusammengeklappte Knotenpunkte
  • Import von Worddateien bei der Nutzung portabler MAXQDA-Lizenzen (vom USB-Stick)
  • Verbindung zum Activation Server bei der Aktivierung einer MAXQDA-Lizenz
  • Codieren mit Tastenkürzeln im Multimedia Browser
  • Export von Code-Kommentaren und Code-Aliase mit dem Smart Publisher
  • Erweiterte Lexikalische Suche in Memos
  • Auswahl angezeigter Spalten in der tabellarischen Ansicht der Dokumentvariablen
  • Aktivierung von Untercodes per Farbauswahl
  • Öffnen von MAXQDA 11-Projekten mit besonderen Inhalten in MAXQDA 12
  • Erreichen des Limits von Tweets beim Import von Twitterdaten
  • Tastenkürzel cmd+alt+W zum Erstellen eines neuen Codes
  • Import von Dokumenten aus Excel-Tabellen mit Zellen, die Anführungszeichen beinhalten
12.0.3 für Mac – Januar 2016
  • Codesystem: Standardfarbe für neue Codes auswählen
  • Fokusgruppenimport für bereits im Projekt vorhandene Dokumente – Personen automatisch identifizieren und codieren
  • PDF-Wörtersuche: Jetzt auch in PDF-Dokumenten ganze Sätze automatisch codieren oder exportieren
  • Creative Coding: Auswahl von Codes der obersten Ebene mit einem maximum von zwei Untercodes
  • Twitternachrichten inklusive der Anzahl von Likes eines Tweets importieren
  • Summary-Tabellen: Spalte in Dokumentvariable transformieren
  • Summary-Tabellen: Reihen und Spalten tauschen
  • Dokumentvariablen: Export als SPSS Syntax-Datei
  • Dokumentvariablen: Dokumenten-Icon in eigener Spalte
  • Import Word DOC/X inklusive im Text vorhandener Bilder
  • Beim Import großer PDF-Dateien/Bildern alle Dateien auf einmal im Ordner für externe Dateien abspeichern
  • Einfachere Anordnung von Codefavoriten
  • Segment-Matrix: RTF-Export erhält die Formatierung der Originaldokumente
  • Übersichtstabellen: Aktuelle Sortierung einer Spalte wird bei der Eingabe neuer Inhalte beibehalten
  • Import von MAXApp-Projekte als .zip-Datei
  • Code-Relations-Browser: Aufruf von codierten Segmenten per Doppelklick auch für zusammengeklappte Knotenpunkte
  • Verbindung zum Activation Server bei der Aktivierung einer MAXQDA-Lizenz
  • Codieren mit Tastenkürzeln im Multimedia Browser
  • Export von Code-Kommentaren und Code-Aliase mit dem Smart Publisher
  • Erweiterte Lexikalische Suche in Memos
  • Auswahl angezeigter Spalten in der tabellarischen Ansicht der Dokumentvariablen
  • Aktivierung von Untercodes per Farbauswahl
  • Öffnen von MAXQDA 11-Projekten mit besonderen Inhalten in MAXQDA 12
  • Erreichen des Limits von Tweets beim Import von Twitterdaten
  • Tastenkürzel cmd+alt+W zum Erstellen eines neuen Codes
  • Import von Dokumenten aus Excel-Tabellen mit Zellen, die Anführungszeichen beinhalten
12.0.2 – November 2015
  • Code System: Die Sortierung der Codes im Code-Systems nach Häufigkeit berücksichtigt ab sofort auch eingeklappte Subcodes
  • Summary Grid: Durch Zusammenklappen eines Codes werden alle codierten Segmente des Codes und seiner Subcodes angezeigt
  • Intercoderübereinstimmung: Kappa-Berechnung auch für den Vergleich einzelner Codes
  • MAXMaps: Optimierung der Schriftgröße für neue Objekte und Modelle
  • Farbcodieren: schnellere Anzeige farbiger Passagen in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Aktualisierung der Anzeige von Codehäufigkeiten in der Statusleiste bei der Nutzung der Liste der Codings in Tabellenansicht
  • Hervorhebung von codierten Segmenten nach Klick auf den Codierstreifen
  • Automatische Erkennung von Variablentypen beim Variablenimport
  • Anzeige von Sonderzeichen beim Export von Text zum Codebuch oder als Textdokument
  • Speichern von Dokumenten als externe Dokumente beim Import
  • Statistik für Subcodes für eingeklappte Subcodes
12.0.1 für Windows – Oktober 2015
  • Farb-Codieren jetzt auch in PDF-Dokumenten möglich
  • Neue Ansichtsoption in den Einstellungen: Große Schrift
  • MAXQDA 12-Projekte, die zuletzt auf einem Mac bearbeitet wurden, öffnen schneller unter Windows
  • Große Projekte lassen sich schneller schließen
  • Schnellerer (Survey-) Import von Dokumenten aus Tabellen
  • Bessere Performance unter OS X 10.11 El Capitan
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Import von Word-Dokumenten
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Nutzung der Benutzeroberfläche in verschiedenen Sprachen
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der gleichzeitigen (Silent) Installation von MAXQDA auf allen Geräten eines PC-Raums
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Umwandeln von Code Alias-Namen und dem Logbuch aus einem MAXQDA 11-Projekt
12.0.1 für Mac – Oktober 2015
  • Farb-Codieren jetzt auch in PDF-Dokumenten möglich
  • MAXQDA 12-Projekte, die zuletzt auf einem Windows Computer bearbeitet wurden, öffnen schneller unter Mac OS X
  • Große Projekte lassen sich schneller schließen
  • Schnellerer (Survey-) Import von Dokumenten aus Tabellen
  • Bessere Performance unter OS X 10.11 El Capitan
  • Behebt ein Problem bei der Nutzung der Benutzeroberfläche in verschiedenen Sprachen
  • Behebt ein Problem beim Umwandeln des Logbuchs aus einem MAXQDA 11-Projekt
12.0.0 – 01. September 2015

MAXQDA 12 ist da!.

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen MAXQDA 12 zu präsentieren. Herausragende Funktionalität, Stabilität, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Ästhetik – waren und sind unsere “BIG 4″ Prinzipien bei der Entwicklung von MAXQDA. Auch MAXQDA 12 wurde vor dem Hintergrund Ihrer Forschungserfahrungen entwickelt und hebt Ihre Forschung mit diesen innovativen neuen Funktionen auf eine neue Ebene. Die Highlights sind die Zusammenlegung der Mac und Windows-Version in eine Software, die neue Oberfläche, Fokusgruppenimport, Twitterverbindung, Creative Coding und vieles mehr.

  • 100% MAXQDA für Windows und Mac. MAXQDA 12 ist die erste state-of-the-art QDA-Software, die für den universellen Einsatz auf Windows und Mac OS X entwickelt wurde.
  • Fokusgruppen-Analyse. Automatischen Erkennung und Codierung aller Teilnehmenden.
  • Twitter-Import. Direkte Verbindung und Suche nach Twitternachrichten
  • Zweiter Dokument-Browser. Zwei Dokumente gleichzeitig betrachten.
  • Creative Coding
  • Ähnlichkeitsanalysen für Dokumente
  • MAXQDA Analytics Pro mit dem Stats-Modul
  • und vieles mehr…

MAXQDA 11 für Windows

11.1.2 – November 2015
  • MAXQDA Reader kann jetzt Projektbestandteile als XML-Datei exportieren
  • Vereinzelt auftretende Schwierigkeiten beim Öffnen von MAXQDA 12 Exchange-Dateien behoben
  • Vereinzelt auftretende Schwierigkeiten beim DOC/X-Import bei portablen Installationen behoben
11.1.1 B – Oktober 2015
  • MAXQDA Exchange Dateien von MAXQDA 12 öffnen könnenAlle neuen Funktionen von MAXQDA 12 kennenlernen
  • Übernahme von Summarys beim Zusammenführen von Projekten
  • Verbesserungen beim Setzen von Zeitmarken in Transkripten
  • Verbesserungen beim Import von DOC/X-Dokumenten mit vielen Bildern
  • Verbesserungen beim Import von Codevariablen
  • Verbesserugnen beim Import von Dokumenten aus Excel-Tabelle, wenn in Zellen Paragraphen enthalten sind
  • Verbesserungen beim Erstellen eines Smart Publisher Reports
11.1.0 – März 2015
  • Verbesserungen im Media Player und beim Transkribieren
    • Für die meisten Standardformate werden keine Codec-Packs mehr benötigt
    • Schnelleres Importieren von Videodateien, Vorschaubilder werden erst nach Wunsch des Users erzeugt
    • Verbessertes Selektieren von Videoclips
    • Automatische Leerzeile nach Drücken von “Enter” beim Transkribieren
  • Optimierungen für Dokument-Portraits von PDF-Dateien
  • Segment-Matrix: Reihenfolge der Codings in Zellen entspricht Reihenfolge im Dokument
  • Zu viele Memos in der Liste der Codings bei bestimmten PDF-Dokumenten
  • Keine Codingtexte bei MEX-Import von Mac-Dateien
  • Smart Publisher kann XML mit bestimmten Sonderzeichen nicht lesen
11.0.11 – Dezember 2014
  • Neu: Portugiesisches Beispielprojekt
  • Optimierte Sortierreihenfolge in der Liste der Codings
  • Unter seltenen Umständen Absturz beim Anlegen einer neuen Map unter
    Windows 8
  • Anzeige von Code-Überschneidungen in Mediendateien mit Zeitangaben in der Herkunftsangabe
11.0.10 – Oktober 2014
  • Anzeige von Memos in PDF-Dokumenten in der “Liste der Codings”
  • Paragraphenzählung im Dokument-Browser bei Texten mit Tabellen identisch zu Vorgängerversionen
  • Verbesserung bei der Lizenzverwaltung
  • Code-Matrix-Browser: Korrektur der Spaltenbeschriftungen beim Export einer Matrix mit Dokumentgruppen und Dokumentsets
  • Ausschluss von versteckten Hyperlink-Informationen bei Worthäufigkeiten
11.0.9 – Juli 2014
  • Projekte frei zwischen Mac und Windows austauschen: MAXQDA für Mac-Projekte als MAXQDA Exchange-Datei importieren
  • Verbesserte Anordnung von Autoren in Bibliographischen Dokumenten
  • Behebt einen Bug für Überschneidungen von Codierungen in Tabellen
11.0.8 – April 2014
  • Zulassen auch nicht-chronologischer Zeitmarken beim Import von f4-Transkripten
  • Unterstützung zusätzlicher Medienformate: 3GPP, M4V, M4A
  • Fortschrittsanzeige beim Import von MAXApp-Projekten
  • Keine Überlappung von Codierstreifen in PDF-Dokumenten
11.0.7 – März 2014
  • Schnellere Anzeige der Treffer nach Doppelklick im Code-Relations-Browser
  • Optimierung des Ablaufs für Lizenzverlängerungen
11.0.6 – Februar 2014
  • Optimierter Export der MAXQDA Exchange Datei
11.0.5 – Januar 2014
  • Optimierter Export der MAXQDA Exchange Datei
  • Verbesserung des Admin Systems beim Änderun von Benutzernamen
  • Korrigierte Paragraphennummerierung bei speziellen Excel-Exporten
11.0.4 – Dezember 2013
  • Diverse Menüoptimierungen
11.0.3 – November 2013
  • Erhöhte Performance beim Öffnen von Projekten mit vielen Dokumenten
  • Code-Relations-Browser und komplexe Retrieval-Option „Überschneidung“ jetzt auch für Bilder möglich
  • Multi-Media-Browser öffnet sich bei Doppelklick auf Dokumenten mit Videodateien nur noch bei eingeschaltetem Media-Player
  • Die Option „Retrievalfunktion zurücksetzen“ ändert die Codierstreifen-Anzeige nicht
  • Neuer Speicherort für die MAXQDA-Beispielprojekte: „Gemeinsame Dokumente > MAXQDA11_Examples“
  • „Aktivierung via Variablen“ anhand von Dokumentgruppennamen möglich
  • Einstellbarer zeitlicher Abstand und Größe der Vorschaubilder für Video-Dateien
  • Verbesserte Farbmischung bei der Anzeige codierter Textstellen in Farbe für überschneidende Codierungen
  • Verbesserung bei der Zeitmarkensetzung während der Transkription
  • Verbesserung beim Export von Memos aus der „Liste der Codings“
  • Export von Media-Codierungen zu Excel und HTML inklusive Anfangs- und Endzeiten
11.0.2 – April 2013
  • Aktualisierte Hilfedateien und Beispielprojekte
  • Optimierte Performance beim Verschieben von Dokumenten in der “Liste der Dokumente” und von Codes in der “Liste der Codes”
  • Optimierte Paragraphennummerierung bei der Funktion “Absatz nach x Zeichen einfügen”
  • Verbessertes Management von ausgelösten Fenstern
  • Optimierte Fenstergrößen für Netbooks
  • Mehrere Bugfixes
11.0.1 – Januar 2013
  • Korrektur eines Anzeigeproblems in den Begleittexten
MAXQDA 11 veröffentlicht – Dezember 2012

MAXQDA 11 enthält viele Highlights, wie das emoticode®-Verfahren, Multimedia-Funktionalität, neue Grafiken, den SmartPublisher und viele mehr. Insgesamt wurden in MAXQDA 11 mehr als 50 zum Teil elementare Funktionen hinzugefügt.



MAXQDA 11 für Mac

11.2.5 – November 2015
  • bei der Nutzung einer portablen MAXQDA Lizenz auf einem USB-Stick unter “El Capitan” (Mac OS X 10.11)
  • beim Setzen des Standardgewichts für neue Codierungen nach einem MAXQDA-Neustart
  • Hervorhebung von codierten Segmenten nach Klick auf den Codierstreifen
  • Entfernen von Links zu Audio- und Videodateien im Eigenschaftenfenster eines Dokumentes
11.2.4 – Oktober 2015
  • Bessere Performance unter OS X 10.11 El Capitan
11.2.3 – September 2015
  • Lesen von MAXQDA Exchangedateien (*.MEX), die mit dem neuen MAXQDA 12 erstellt wurden
  • Vorbereitung auf das neue Mac-Betriebssystem OS X 10.11 “El Capitan”, das Ende September veröffentlicht wird
  • “Statistik für Dokumentvariablen” auf aktivierte Dokumente beschränken
  • MAXDictio: optimierter Transfer von Begriffen aus der Worthäufigkeitstabelle in eine Diktionärskategorie (per Doppelklick)
  • Große Projektdateien schneller schliessen
  • Lösung eines Problems beim Import von strukturierten Dokumenten mit dem Preprozessor
  • Lösung eines Problems beim Öffnen von MAXQDA aus dem Installationsdialogfenster (.dmg) heraus
  • Lösung eines Problems bei dem sich MAXQDA beim Scrollen im Fenster “Liste der Coding” in seltenen Fällen beendete
  • Lösung eines Problems beim Einfügen der automatischen Zeilennummerierung in Textdokumenten
11.2.2 – Juli 2015
  • Leere Zellen im Code Matrix Browser Export enthalten den Wert “0”
  • Beim Anzeigen von Bildsegmenten in der Liste der Codings wird der Zoomfaktor des Bilddokumentes verwendet
  • Einfachere Verlängerung zeitbefristeter Lizenzen dank eines eigenen Menüeintrags im “Hilfe”-Menü
  • Das Schließen des Code-Relations-Browser setzt Aktivierungen zurück auf “Einfaches Retrieval”
  • Beim Codierungen von sich überlappende codierten Segmente aus der List der Codings mit einem neuen Code werden nun die äußersten Segmentgrenzen verwendet
  • Die Tabellenansicht der Liste der Codings speichert zuletzt verwendete Ansichtsoptionen (Spaltenauswahl und -breite)
  • Lösung eines Problems mit Lesezeichen in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Lösung eines Problems mit der Darstellung von codierten Segmenten im Summary Grid
  • Lösung eines Problems mit dem Scrollen im Memo-Textfeld
  • Lösung eines Problems mit flackernden Mauszeigern während der Wiedergabe von Audio oder- Videodateien
11.2.1 – März 2015
  • Codierte Bildsegmente in gedrehten PDF-Dokumenten
  • Import von Dokumenten aus Tabelle, optimierte Reihenfolge im Fenster “Dokumentensystem”, Option “Leere Zellen ignorieren”, Sonderzeichen in Dateinamen
  • Anzeige im Summary Grid auf aktivierte Codes einschränken
  • Text per Kontextmenü in ein Dokument einfügen
  • Anzeige von Suchergebnissen in MAXDictio nach dem Zählen von Diktionärsbegriffen
11.2.0 – Februar 2015

Das Release 11.2.0 beinhaltet große Performance-Verbesserungen und optimiert die Handhabung von PDF-Dokumenten.

Wenn eine Projektdatei zum ersten Mal mit MAXQDA für Mac 11.2.0 geöffnet wird, optimiert MAXQDA die Datenbank des Projektes für die Benutzung mit dieser Version. Je nach Größe des Projektes und der Anzahl von PDF-Dokumenten im Projekt kann dieser Vorgang einige Minuten in Anspruch nehmen.

Beim gemeinsamen Bearbeiten von Projekten in einem Team, ist es wichtig, dass alle Teammitglieder ihre MAXQDA-Versionen auf 11.2.0 updaten. Wir empfehlen Ihnen bereits optimierte Projektdateien nicht mehr mit älteren Versionen von MAXQDA für Mac zu bearbeiten, auch wenn der Austausch von Projekten über den Export als MAXQDA-Exchangedatei (.mex) weiterhin möglich ist.

  • Neue Ansichtsoption: Größere Schrift für MAXQDA-Benutzeroberfläche
  • Neuer Export: Professionelle Berichte mit dem Smart Publisher erstellen
  • Einfaches Zitieren: Codierungen inklusive Herkunftsangaben in die Zwischenablage kopieren
  • Lizenzumzug: Lizenz auf einem Mac OS X deaktivieren, um sie auf einen andern Mac OS X zu transferieren
  • Fenstermanagement: Jedes der vier Fenster auslösen und auf einen zweiten Monitor verschieben
  • Dokumente: Beim erneuten Öffnen eines Projektes auch Dokumente in Tabs wiederherstellen
  • Neues Medienformat: Import von Dateien im .m4a-, .aac- oder .avchd-Format
  • Verbesserungen und neue Funktionen für MAXMaps:
    • Eigenschaften für mehrere Elemente auf einmal verändern
    • Übersichtlicheres Eigenschaften-Dialogfenster
    • Alle aktivierten Codes eines Dokumentes importieren
    • Label eines Elements per Doppelklick auf den Namen editieren
    • Code-Co-Occurernce-Model kann auf aktivierte Dokumente beschränkt werden
    • Häufigkeiten von Subcodes im Code-Subcode-Segments Model, Code-Co-Occurrence Moden und beim Import von Subcodes werden durch unterschiedliche Dicke der Verbindungslinien dargestellt
    • One-Case-Model mit neuer Auswahlmöglichkeit welche Memos importiert werden
    • Code-Memo eines Codes importieren
  • Schnellere Lexikalische Suche, insbesondere bei der Suche in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Schnellere Anzeige von Textcodierungen aus PDF-Dokumenten im Fenster Liste der Codings
  • Schnelleres automatisches Codieren von Suchergebnissen der Lexikalischen Suche
  • Codes einfacher verschieben beim Ausdifferenzieren eines Codes: Codierte Segments aus der Liste der Codings oder der Übersicht Codings auf einen anderen Code ziehen, um sie zu verschieben. Zum Kopieren hält man ab sofort beim Ziehen die Alt-Taste gedrückt.
  • Transkriptionsverbesserungen : beim Start einer neuen Transkription werden automatisch die Transkriptionsoptionen eingeblendet, verbesserte Lesbarkeit durch größere Abstände zwischen Paragraphen
  • Im Hilfe-Menü neue Liste aller Tastenkürzel
  • Schnellerer Import von Videodateien, da die Erstellung von Vorschaubilder für Videos ab sofort optional ist. Vorschaubilder werden per Klick auf den entsprechenden Button im Multimedia-Browser erstellt.
  • Visualisierung von Worthäufigkeiten mit der Wortwolke für alle im Projekt enthaltenen Dokumente
  • Neue PDF-Engine: Verbesserte Handhabung von PDF-Dokumenten, insbesondere bei seltenen Schriftarten
  • Bei der Arbeit mit PDF-Dokumenten jetzt Seitennummern-Anzeige in der Symbolleiste des Dokumentenbrowsers
  • Optimierung beim Drucken von PDF-Dokumenten inklusive Codierstreifen
  • Lösung eines Problems beim schnellen Wechsel zwischen MAXQDA-Projekten
  • Lösung eines Problems mit dem Code-Matrix-Browser für Dokumentgruppen und -sets
11.1.5 – Dezember 2014
  • Inhalte in Memos mit der Tastenkombination Strg+V einfügen
  • PDF-Dokumente mit Trackpad scrollen
  • Bewegen von Memos in der Memo-Spalte von Bildern
  • Aufrufen von Bildsegmenten aus der “Übersicht Codings” Tabelle
  • Anzeige des Kontextmenüs in Memos und im Dokument-Browser
  • Speichern von Logbuch-Editierungen
11.1.4b – Dezember 2014
  • Neu: Portugiesisches Beispielprojekt
  • Optimiertes Codieren per drag & drop in PDF-Dokumenten
  • OS X 10.10 (Yosemite): Anzeigen von japanischen und chinesischen Sonderzeichen in Tooltips, Codesystem und Dokumentensystem
  • Einfrieren von MAXQDA bei der Ausgabe codierter Segmente bei spezifischen Formatierungen
  • Verbesserte Schrifteinstellungen, wie z.B. für Fett und Kursiv in der Liste der Codings
  • die Anzeige von Codehäufigkeiten wenn unmittelbar nach einem Teamworkimport oder nach einer Projektzusammenführung ein Code oder Dokument gelöscht wird
11.1.3 – Oktober 2014
  • Dokumentenportrait für codierte Textsegmente in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Dokumentenportrait für Audio- und Videodateien
  • Schnellere lexikalische Suche für PDF-Dokumente
  • Option “binarisierte Anzeige” im Code-Matrix-Browser und Code-Relations-Browser
  • Schnellere Anzeige der tabellarischen Übersicht von Links
  • Anzeige von Bildern in der Liste der Codings in höherer Qualität
  • Größere Textbox zum Einfügen von Kommentaren
  • Umbenennen von Codes während einer aktiven Suche nach Codenamen
  • Anzeige der Wellenform für Videodateien im Multimedia-Browser
  • Ausgeblendete Spalten in tabellarischen Übersichten
  • Fensterlayout nach dem Zurücksetzen der Benutzereinstellungen
  • Effekt des Zoom-Faktors auf die Anzeige von Bild-Segmenten in der Liste der Codings
11.1.2b – August 2014
  • Behebt einen Bug bei dem in Version 11.1.2. in Einzelfällen keine neuen Daten zu einem Projekt hinzugefügt werden konnten
11.1.2 – August 2014
  • Benutzeroberfläche übersetzt in: Tschechisch, Italienisch und Französisch
  • Neue Designs für Tabellenexporte
  • Schnellerer Import von Dokumenten aus Tabellen
  • Selektierte Zeilen in tabellarischen Übersichten per cmd+C kopieren
  • Segmentmatrix als RTF-, ODT- oder HTML-Datei exportieren
  • Teamworkexport und -import inklusive Summaries
  • Löst einen Bug bei der Nutzung der Tasten F4 oder F5 bei offenem Multimedia-Browser
  • Löst einen Bug beim Anfang und Ende von Multimedia-Segmenten
  • Löst einen Bug beim Editieren codierter Segmente, die im Fenster Liste der Codings angezeigt werden
  • Löst einen Bug beim Erstellen neuer Zeitmarken
  • Löst einen Bug bei der Aggregation von Subcodes in der Statistik der Subcodes
  • Löst einen Bug bei der Anordnung von Segmenten im Fenster Liste der Codings
  • Löst einen Bug bei der Anzeige von Codierstreifen in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Löst einen Bug bei der Konfigurationstabelle und der Intercoder-Übereinstimmung
  • Löst einen Bug im Farbwahlfenster in MAXMaps
11.1.1 – Juli 2014
  • Projekte frei zwischen Mac und Windows austauschen: Projekte als MAXQDA Exchange-Datei exportieren und in MAXQDA 11 für Windows importieren
  • Neue Sprache: Spanisch
  • Überschneidung und Nähe für Codierungen in Audio- und Videodateien
  • Liste der Codings zeigt Memos für alle Dokumenttypen an
  • Optimierte Tastenkürzel für häufig benutzte Funktionen
  • Alle aktivierten Codes auf einmal verschieben
  • Wort-Kombinationen aus der Berechnung von Worthäufigkeiten ausschließen
  • Liste der Codings optimiert Memos inklusive ihrem Titel
  • Behebt einen Bug bei der Neubenennung von Dokumenten und Codes
  • Korrektur der Tooltipp-Anzeige im Sync-Modus von MAXMaps
  • Kopieren und Einfügen nun auch in Memos, die in Tabs geöffnet sind
  • Verbesserte Anordnung von Autoren in Bibliographischen Dokumenten
  • Keine automatisch erzeugten Maps in MAXMaps mehr
  • Korrektur der Mauszeiger-Position in arabischen Texten
11.1.0 – Mai 2014
  • MAXDictio (in MAXQDA Plus)
  • Wortwolken für Texte
  • Alle aktivierten Dokumente auf einmal verschieben
  • Copy und paste für Memos
  • Export aller Dokumente oder aller aktivierten Dokumente gleichzeitig
  • Export von Textdokumenten mit Paragraphennummern
  • Export von Textdokumenten in das ODT oder DOC Format
  • Statistik für Subcodes für alle Code-Level
  • Erweiterte lexikalische Suche
  • Codes mit Subcodes klappen beim Codieren oder beim Verschieben von Codes automatisch auf
  • Neue Memos verwenden die zuletzt verwendeten Einstellungen für Schriftarten
  • Bessere Performance für lange Texte
  • Optimiertes Highlighting von Textsegmenten mit der Shift-Taste
  • Optimiertes Highlighting von Textsegmenten in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Memo-Export aus der tabellarischen Übersicht exportiert den gesamten Memoinhalt
  • Unterstützung von Sonderzeichen mit Accents
  • Korrekte Speicherung von Code-Variablen-Werten
  • Korrektur beim Import von Variablen und Variablenwerte
  • Korrektur eines Bugs beim Export von Textdokumenten zu Excel
11.0.5 – April 2014
  • Codieren und Transkribieren mit Tastaturkürzeln
  • Projekte von MAXApp für Android™ importieren können
  • Anspringen von Absätzen in Textdokumenten per Doppelklick auf eine Paragraphennummer
  • Memo-Positionierung in Dokumenten wird in Texten und PDFs visualisiert
  • Liste der Dokumente jetzt mit Memos exportieren
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Codieren und Bearbeiten langer Texte
  • Verbesserte Darstellung von Codierstreifen beim Drucken von Dokumenten
  • Optimierter Import von Transkripten mit Zeitmarken
  • Änderungen von Code-Farben wirken sich sofort auf die Anzeige im Dokument-Browser aus
  • Code-Matrix-Browser Export
  • Korrekte Memo-Titel in Dokument- und Code-Memos
11.0.4 – April 2014
  • Behebt einen Bug der letzten Version, der dazu führte, dass manche Memo-Inhalte nicht gespeichert wurden
11.0.4 – April 2014
  • Ein Klick auf einen Codierstreifen oder -namen fügt den Code zur Quickliste der Codes hinzu
  • Ziehen einer Dokumentgruppe in den Dokument-Brower öffnet alle Dokumente der Dokumentgruppe in Tabs
  • Verbesserte Performance beim Öffnen von Dokumenten
  • Optimierte Aktualisierung der codierten Segmente im Summary Grid
  • Anzeige aller emoticode Icons im Multimedia Browser
  • Keine leeren Tooltipps für Dokument- und Web-Links
  • Optimierung des Transfers von Windows und Mac für Projekte mit externen Dokumenten
11.0.3 – März 2014
  • Korrigiert ein Problem beim Excel-Export, der in manchen Fällen eintreten kann
11.0.2 – März 2014
  • Textdokumente in Tabellendokumente umwandeln
  • Vollbildmodus
  • Import bibliografischer Daten: Automatisches Entfernen leerer Codes
  • Überblick über mit einem Code verlinkten Memos
  • Optimierte Unterstützung von Retina Bildschirmen beim Retrieval und der Arbeit mit Bildern
  • Optimierte Zoomfunktionalität in Bildern
  • Korrektur der Farbmischung in Tabellendokumenten
  • Korrektur bei der Umwandlung von Memos in Dokumente
  • Optimierung der Textselektierung in PDF-Dokumenten
  • Export aller Einträge beim Export der codierten Segmente
11.0.1. – Februar 2014:
  • Logbuch für Notizen
  • Textfarbe in Dokumenten ändern
  • Import bibliographischer Daten
  • Import strukturierter Dokumente mit dem Preprocessor
  • Teamwork Import & Export
  • Selektierte Segmente aus dem Dokument-Browser mit gleichem Code recodieren
  • Code in (kategoriale) Dokument-Variable transformieren
  • Optimierter Support von Retina Bildschirmen
  • Bessere Handhabung beim Verschieben von Codes im Codesystem
  • Verbesserter Import von .mex-Dateien (Dateiname und Struktur)
  • Verbesserter Import von MAXApp-Projekten
  • Opimtized folder structure for portable installations
MAXQDA 11 für Mac veröffentlich – Februar 2014

MAXQDA 11 für Mac ist genauso leistungsfähig, intuitiv und flexibel im Forschungsprozess einsetzbar wie MAXQDA für Windows! Die Mac Version enthält alle elementaren MAXQDA Funktionen und Highlights wie das emoticode-Verfahren und Multimedia-Tools.


Januar 2013 (R240113)
  • Korrektur eines Anzeigeproblems in den Begleittexten
Juni 2012 (R140612)
  • Verbesserte Behandlung von Bildcodierungen innerhalb der Teamwork Funktionen
  • Anpassung von Optionsdialogen für bessere Bedienbarkeit an kleinen Bildschirmen
  • Update von MAXServer zur verbesserten Kommunikation zwischen Client-PC und Server-PC
April 2012 (R250412)
  • Interner Bugfix, der keinen Einfluss auf die Funktionen von MAXQDA hat
Februar 2012 (R250212)
  • Ganze Ordner per Drag-and-Drop als neue Dokumentengruppe inklusive der Dokumente importieren
  • Verbesserte Lizenzverwaltung
  • Automatisches Zurückspulen um zwei Sekunden beim Pausieren von Mediadateien für komfortableres Transkribieren
November 2011 (R111111)
  • Enthält eine Lösung für einen Fehler beim Aufrufen des Logbuchs.
November 2011 (R081111)
  • Codierungen aus Liste der Codings per drag&drop in anderen Code verschieben
  • Automatisch Sicherungskopien für Projektdateien
  • Transparenter Markierungsrahmen in Bildern/PDF Dateien
  • PDF Dateien: Kürzere Reaktionszeit beim Navigieren, Suchen und Codieren
  • Variablen: Doppelklick auf eine Variable in der Variablenansicht öffnet die Datenansicht positioniert an dieser Variable
  • Neue MAXReader Version
August 2011 (R180811)
  • Projektbestandteile als XML-Datei exportieren
  • Silent-Modus für die Single User- und Netzwerk-Installationen
  • Rücksetzung der MAXQDA Benutzereinstellungen über das Windows Startmenü
  • Optionale Angabe einer Einstellungsdatei beim Installationsprozess
  • Neue Sprache: Polnisch
Juli 2011 (R140711)
  • Funktionserweiterung MAXQDA Preprozessor: Die neue Funktion des Preprozessor bietet die zusätzliche Möglichkeit, auch Teile innerhalb eines Absatzes beim Import zu codieren. Außerdem ist es möglich über mehrere Absätze hinweg im Vorneherein zu Codieren.ung mitten in einem Absatz anfängt und irgendwo in einem späteren Absatz aufhört.
Juni 2011 (R200611)
  • Kontextsensitive Hilfe in allen Dialogfenstern
  • Zusätzliche Hilfeoptionen im „?“-Menü von MAXQDA
  • Farb-Liste zum schnellen Auffinden bereits verwendeter Farben
  • Fotos aus Visualisierungen im PNG-Format abspeichern
  • Direkt aus dem Vorschaufenster der Liste der Codings codieren
  • Option beim Duplizieren von Projekten mit dem Duplikat weiterzuarbeiten
  • Schnelleres Entfernen von Dokument-Links im Dokument-Browser und in der Übersicht Links
  • Schnelleres Entfernen von Memos in der Vier-Fenster-Ansicht und im Memo-Manager
  • PDF-Dokumente: Kontinuierliche Darstellung mit Scrollbarkeit über alle Seiten hinweg als Standardeinstellung
  • Zusätzliche Informationen über Anzahl und Quelle der Codings in Liste der Codings
  • Beim Mouse-Over über einer Codevisualisierung wird der Codingkommentar angezeigt
  • Liste der Codings mit Doppelklick auf den Code im Codesystem aufrufen
  • Durchgängige Anzeige der Codiergewichte
  • Externe Dateien: Hinweis auf fehlende Codecs zum Abspielen von verknüpften Media-Dateien, Hinweis auf fehlende Media-Dateien beim Einlesen von Transkriptionen
Mai 2011 (R050511)
  • Erkennung neues Zeitmarkenformat (bspw. #00:00:03-8#) in den Transkriptionsdateien
April 2011 (R180411)
  • Import von Atlas.ti-Projekten (.xml)
März 2011 (R090311)
  • Drag-and-drop Codieren aus der Übersicht der Codings
  • Einzelne Suchergebnisse von der Autocodierung ausschließen
  • Edit-Mode schaltet sich ab sobald eine Codierung vorgenommen wird
  • Import von PNG-Bildern
  • Spalten- und Zeilensumme in der Kreuztabelle
  • Externe Dateien: Hinweis auf den Speicherort beim Import von externe Dateien und die Option, sie stattdessen in das Projekt einzubetten
  • Externe Dateien: Auflistung aller externen Dateien eines Projekts
  • Externe Dateien: Nachträgliches Einbetten externer Dateien
  • Import von NVivo-Projekten (.nvp)
  • Neue Sprache: Thailändisch
Januar 2011 (R140111)
  • PDF-Funktionalität: Navigation mit Bookmarks, Kontinuierliche Darstellung und Scrollbarkeit, Seitenübergreifendes Codieren
  • Wortwolke: Wortlänge min. 3 Zeichen, Zusätzliche Option Häufigkeitswörterliste
  • Segmentmatrix aus dem Code-Matrix-Browser erstellen
  • Suchfunktion in allen vier Fenstern
  • Dokument-Portrait für PDF-Dokumente
Dezember 2010 (R061210)
  • Durchgängige Unterstützung der Formate XLS und XLSX
  • Excel-Import: Datenmatrix, Codevariablen, Dokumente mit Tabellen, Codesystem (Codes und Code-Memos)
  • Excel-Export: Datenmatrix, Codevariablen, Übersicht Codes, Übersicht Codings, Übersicht Memos, Übersicht Variablen, Übersicht Zeitmarken, Worthäufigkeiten, Code-Matrix-Browser, Code-Relations-Browser, Kreuztabelle, Typologie-Tabelle, Suchergebnisse, Liste der Codings, Liste der Dokumente, Liste der Codes, Dokument Browser, Matrix der Code-Häufigkeiten, Alle Dokumente
  • Kontextsensitive Hilfe in MAXMaps
  • Semi-automatische Sicherungs- und Einspielfunktion für Lizenzdateien
September 2010 (R010910)
  • Neue Mixed Methods-Funktionen: Segment-Matrix, Typologie-Tabelle, Kreuztabelle
  • MAXMaps: Export von externen Grafiken
  • MAXMaps: Rückgängig-Funktion
  • MAXMaps: Codieren von Textstellen via Drag-and-drop zu Codes in einer Map
  • MAXMaps: Visualisierung von vorhandenen Textlinks
  • MAXDictio: volle Unterstützung für PDF-Dokumente
  • Schnellerer Listenaufbau: Liste der Codings, Code-Matrix-Browser, Übersichtstabellen
  • Viele zusätzliche Tastenkürzel
  • Verbesserte Abwärtskompatibilität von Projekten
  • Integrierung eines Lizenztransfers und Verbesserung der Lizenzrückgabe
  • Bilder: Einlesen von Bild-Dateien in höchster Qualität
  • Bilder: Vollständige Codierbarkeit von PDF-Dokumenten. Nicht-Textstellen werden als Bilder behandelt.
  • Bilder: Visualisierung der Bild-Segmente in Liste der Codings und Übersicht Codings.
  • Bilder: Zusätzliche Spalten in der Übersicht Codings: Text-/Bild-Segment, Fläche des codierten Bildteils bzw. Zeichenzahl der Textstelle, Abdeckungsgrad
  • Bilder: Export/Druck: Liste der Codings und Übersicht der Codings als RTF mit Bild-Segmenten
  • Externe Dateien: Festlegbare Größe, ab der Dateien nicht in Projekte eingebettet werden
  • Externe Dateien: Option alle externen Dateien zu bündeln/Bündel importieren
März 2010 (R110310) – Veröffentlichung MAXQDA10