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MAXQDA Fotowettbewerb 2017 – Die Ergebnisse sind da!

Die Gewinnermotive des zweiten #PictureYourResearch MAXQDA Fotowettbewerbs sind nun ausgewählt!

Vielen Danke an alle, die ihre Fotos bei uns eingereicht haben. Wir waren sehr beeindruckt von den einzigartigen Motiven, die uns die Forschungsprojekte aus besonderer Perspektive nahegebracht haben. Wir sind dankbar dafür, dass Sie Ihre Erfahrungen auf diese Weise mit uns geteilt haben!  

Am Fotowettbewerb 2018 teilnehmen

Es war alles andere als einfach, aber unsere Jura hat sich für die folgenden Fotos als Gewinnermotive des MAXQDA-Fotowettbewerbs 2017 entschieden (in zufälliger Reihenfolge): 

“Colors of Dawn in Mountainous Georgia” von Temur Gugushvili

Ort: Village Kvelatubani, Shida Kartli Region, Georgia, 2012

The Rural Sociologists Club (Georgia) which functions as a multidisciplinary platform, where students are engaged in rural issues, inspires new research and initiatives. The RS Club carries out small-scale research in the sparsely populated rural areas in Georgia so as to contribute to the process of revealing emerging challenges faced by local communities. It is noteworthy that the expeditions and fieldwork are organized regularly with strong support of Tbilisi State University. Throughout the years, expeditions have been conducted to various regions of Georgia, particularly in remote areas, which are the least populated. In order to obtain in-depth information about targeted settlements, researchers of the expedition group have direct contact with local dwellers. As a result of fieldwork and various case studies, several crucial challenges have been identified; rural communities struggle to access proper roads, clean water, and public services, which are essential for the everyday lives of human beings. Besides these facts, poverty and poor economic conditions create strong additional barriers for rural populations to handle the afore-mentioned problems. The presented photo, taken in 2012 during an expedition, depicts grave socioeconomic conditions in one of many poor mountain villages in Georgia. Young people, representing the main labor and reproductive force, leave their home villages due to the lack of proper infrastructure and services, like roads, transport, internet provision, etc. Such severe situations push out population to urban areas in search of work, often outside the country. – The description of the photo was prepared by Gvantsa Salukvadze.

“Black Cowboys at Work” von Myeshia Babers

Ort: Houston, Texas, USA, 2014

“This photo is a counter narrative to negative stereotypes about black masculinity and depictions of the way black men relate to each other by representing the idea behind the phrase “my brother’s keeper”. It shows one of the many ways black men cultivate their racialized gender identities. This photo represents the manifestation of commitments made and responsibilities accepted for another man’s cultivation as a cowboy and as a human being because rodeo activities are dangerous. This speaks to my project about how black cowboys transmit cultural information about black masculinity – racialized masculinity – in the U.S. through black Western culture.” – Myeshia Babers

“Kids Polishing their Mountaineering Skills” von Asif Hussain

Ort: Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, 2016

“Hushe is the last village in Hushe Valley before one enters the wilderness of Karakoram mountain ranges. More than 80% of Hushe community is affiliated with tourism. They work as porters for expeditions and trackers to four of the highest peaks in the world (8000m) including K-2, the second highest peak. This photo depicts kids in the village polishing their mountaineering skills by climbing on various walls in the village. My research investigates the consequences of tourism on livelihood diversification strategies.” – Asif Hussain

“Youth” von Kim van Kastel

Ort: Kampala, Uganda, 2010

“This photo was taken while conducting anthropological research on the practices of international development health care projects in Kampala, Uganda. I got to know this young girl at an Islamic school where one a private health care clinic frequently organized community outreach activities and info-sessions on AIDS prevention.” – Kim van Kastel

“FGD with Female Participants” von Danstan Mukono

Ort: Kinyope village, Lindi District, Tanzania, 2017

“This picture was taken during my Ph.D. field work in 2017 titled ‘REDD+ and Social Livelihoods Discourse in: With reflections from forest-dependent communities in Lindi District’. The general idea was to capture the underlying power and knowledge underlying REDD+ regime of practices. As part of the methodology, the power of context and who interviews who is crucial. This displays the sensibility of bridging the power dynamics between the researcher and the researched. Importantly, the choice of location matters as it provides room for participants to open up, hence the presence of the large tree in the community sheltered the session.” – Danstan Mukono

Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme am MAXQDA-Fotowettbewerb 2017!  

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„Honorable Mentions“ 

“Polyamory” von Stefan F. Ossmann

Ort: Augarten, Wien, Österreich, 2016

„I am writing a PhD on polyamory, to be more precise, on similarities and differences between self perception and media representation of people in multiple emotional and sexual relationships in German-speaking countries.“ – Stefan F. Ossmann

Lesen Sie mehr zu diesem Projekt.

“Cleaning Rabaa” von Jannis Grimm

Ort: Rabaa Al-Adawiya Platz, Kairo, Ägypten, 2015

„The photo depicts a garbage man who I talked to in September 2015, during my field work in Cairo, Egypt. While talking to me, he was cleaning Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, in the neighborhood of Nasr City. Two years before this picture was taken, the army and security forces had orchestrated a massacre against demonstrators on this same square. It cost over 1000 people their lives and is remembered by Human Rights defenders as one of the largest mass killings of peaceful demonstrators in modern history. As my research deals with the dynamics of mobilization and repression in post-revolutionary Egypt, I was aware of the square\’s history. In fact, it had been the reason why I visited Midan Rabaa al-Adawiya. For the garbage man, however, the square was just a work place like any other. Today little remains on the square to commemorate the violence of 2013. The square has been remodelled and stripped of its brutal history. The garbage man had barely ever heard of the massacres. His unfazed work on the square, for me, became a powerful image for the clean(s)ing of history from unwanted episodes in authoritarian contexts.“ – Jannis Grimm.

Lesen Sie mehr zu diesem Projekt.

“Stillstand” (English: “Standstill”) von Matthias Wagner

Ort: Peschiera del Garda, Italien, 2017

„Ich habe im Rahmen meiner Bachelorarbeit die Mobilität von heute und der Zukunft im Zusammenhang mit Gamification untersucht und finde dieses alte heruntergekommen Fahrzeug passend zur aktuellen Veränderung unserer Mobilität.“ – Matthias Wagner

“Field Experience – Android Data Collection” von Caleb Effiong

Ort: Kuje Gemeinderat, Abuja, Nigeria, 2016

„Technological innovation is imperative to improved research performance. A study on “Rational and Relevance of Front Line Health Workers on Maternal New born and Child Health Care” was being made more effective with the use of an android device for data collection. This form of data collection eliminates completely the paper pen/pencil procedure and the data collected are forwarded to the server afterwards.  The study on “Rational and Relevance of Front Line Health Workers on Maternal New born and Child Health Care” was centered on Front Line Health Workers (FLHWs) which consist of the Nurses, Midwives, Community Health Officers (CHOs), Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs) and Junior Health Extension Workers (JCHEWs). The study was set to investigate the knowledge and performance of Front Line Health Workers (FLHWs) on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) care and determine the issues influencing their performance at sampled health facilities. Also the instrument captured, questions bothering on immunization, facility inventory and mapping, mortality during child birth, health status of new-born and children under the age of five years. The picture was taken while having an interview with a Community Health Extension Worker (CHEW) in the research area ( Kuje Area Council) and responses where captured with an android device.“ – Caleb Effiong

“Island Struggles” von Vincent Schubert Malbas

Ort: Samal Insel, Davao del Norte, Mindanao, Philippinen, 2016

„Doctors cross oceans on a daily basis to see patients in an isolated hospital on a small island off the coast of war-torn Mindanao in the Philippines. In 2016 I went to the only government hospital in Samal Island to get a glimpse of the daily struggles of the hospital staff to provide the most basic service delivery. The surgeon, obstretician and anesthesiologist will be coming from the mainland and will have to transfer by boat or ferry. The problem is that ferries only have certain schedules and they don\’t cross the sea at night. Trauma surgeries and cesarian sections are therefore among the most challenging emergency cases in their hospital. Despite these daily struggles, the island maintains its idyllic vibe.“ – Vincent Schubert Malbas

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